I would like to thank the community for the privilege to help lead this town. There are so many people that took personal time, effort and funds to make this possible. You all did it without asking and with pride. I feel that this is the true strength of this town. People helping people for the greater benefit of the community and individuals that live here. Thank you.
We have a lot of hard work ahead of us. There will be many rough spots but I know that if we stay professional and continue to care for our neighbors we will all get though. I will be asking the council to make some difficult and complicated decisions. No matter what the outcome we must all remember that we work for the greater good of this community.
I challenge this community to come together. I challenge this community to stay positive. I challenge you not to hold a grudge. I wish that things would change overnight but I know different. I hope that with effort and positive attitude we can become a model town that others could only hope to imitate. It will not be because of me… It will be because of you. It WILL NOT be easy, but we CAN do it.
Thank you.
Jose Lizarraga
Citizen, Town of Quartzsite
From the Publisher of Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper - Quartzsite news, events and entertainment published 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, Sept. thru May.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Jose Lizarraga new Quartzsite mayor
NEW Totals released today on Town of Quartzsite Election
Unofficial Results as of Sept. 1, 2011 are as follows:
Lizarraga gained 12 votes while Foster gained 15 votes.
Unofficial results are in. Jose Lizarraga received 289 votes. Ed Foster received 230 votes.
Jennifer Jones received 23 votes. There are 30 uncounted ballots.
For up to date results for Quartzsite's Special Mayoral Recall Election visit: |
Monday, August 29, 2011
How can Quartzsite become a Healthy Community?
not just those who complain and
holler the loudest!
holler the loudest!
What are we doing to create a healthy community?
Since Foster became mayor in May, 2010, there have been some serious changes to our council meetings and at Town Hall. These changes did not take place all at once, but were gradually added in response to situations caused be a few. These include, but are not limited to:
- We cannot speak anymore during Public Comment section of the meetings.
- Seating limits have been enforced. (We previously were able to enjoy standing)
- There is a new metal detector everyone must walk through.
- New rules are being enforced regarding the press. Previously, press was able to get great photos of speakers, by standing against the wall.
- There is a wooden half-wall separating the audience from the council.
- A new speaker system was installed outside for the overflow crowds.
- New surveillance cameras have been installed to monitor the public areas inside Town Hall.
- No photos or videos are allowed except during public meetings.
- A new town attorney with a strong personality was hired to deal with all this!
- Tens of thousands of dollars have been spent to defend the town against lawsuits (many of which have been dismissed or dropped).
- We used to be able to enjoy announcements of community events and updates during council meetings. No more, unless we get information to a council person to announce for us.
- The Town Website was hacked and thousands of emails resent, resulting in hours of extra work for staff.
- The Town had to hire another prosecutor to handle any case regarding Jennifer Jones, because she wants to call Mr. Brannan as a witness and conflicted him out.
- Citizens previously enjoyed the privilege of three opportunities to talk during council meetings. That has been taken away.
- Now there’s a No Trespassing sign behind Town Hall.
This was a gradual shift from being an open, community-minded meeting to what we have today. Because of the actions of a few, many people are suffering.
This is not what a healthy community looks like to me!
So...What is a Healthy Community?
According to the World Health Organization
(WHO Europe, 1986) the following are a set of eleven key components that together make up a healthy city:
(WHO Europe, 1986) the following are a set of eleven key components that together make up a healthy city:
- A clean, safe, high-quality physical environment (including housing quality)
- An ecosystem that is currently stable and is sustainable in the long term
- A strong, mutually supportive and nonexploitative community
- A high degree of public participation in and control over the decisions affecting one's life, health, and well-being
- The meeting of basic needs (food, water, shelter, income, safety, work) for all the city's people
- Access to a wide variety of experiences and resources with the possibility of multiple contacts, interaction, and communication
- A diverse, vital, and innovative city economy
- Encouragement of connectedness with the past, with the cultural and biological heritage, and with other groups and individuals
- A city form that is compatible with and enhances the above parameters and behaviors
- An optimum level of appropriate public health and sick care services accessible to all
- High health status (both high positive health status and low disease status)
- How does Quartzsite rate in each of the above qualities?
- What can we do better as a community to work together towards the common goal of becoming a Healthy Community?
- What are our accomplishments so far, towards that goal??
- What can we do better?
- What solutions can you bring to the table?
- When are we going to act as adults in public meetings and gatherings?
- What piece of the puzzle are you going to bring towards helping Quartzsite become a Healthy Community?
I look forward to some positive discussions. I've about had all the finger pointing and blaming I can stand! I read all those posts telling me what is inside my head, and how I think this and think that; and threaten me with potentially harmful actions. This is just nuts!
Outsiders can bring fresh eyes to a situation, if they are open to discussion of a solution. I witnessed a very focused group this weekend, with their agendas planned out. One leader called me today to ask if they made a difference. My first thought was, "if you have to ask, you know you probably didn't". But I told him, that not very many locals were there to hear their message. Many people were afraid of them. Maybe it was a misconception, but maybe the outsiders are having a misconception on what is happening in our town, too. I'm glad there were over 100 people willing to take a stand and march for what they believed. Now I ask Quartzsite residents to take a stand for what YOU believe.
It's time for us to HEAL AS A COMMUNITY! Not what one person thinks is best for another, but the whole community to release their anger and move forward in a positive way, for a Healthy Community!
Outsiders can bring fresh eyes to a situation, if they are open to discussion of a solution. I witnessed a very focused group this weekend, with their agendas planned out. One leader called me today to ask if they made a difference. My first thought was, "if you have to ask, you know you probably didn't". But I told him, that not very many locals were there to hear their message. Many people were afraid of them. Maybe it was a misconception, but maybe the outsiders are having a misconception on what is happening in our town, too. I'm glad there were over 100 people willing to take a stand and march for what they believed. Now I ask Quartzsite residents to take a stand for what YOU believe.
It's time for us to HEAL AS A COMMUNITY! Not what one person thinks is best for another, but the whole community to release their anger and move forward in a positive way, for a Healthy Community!
The people in a healthy community are safe and feel safe,
are well informed, feel that they have the power to make choices,
have lasting bonds with one another, have strong families,
and a sense of meaning in their lives.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Quartzsite Liberty Festival photos
Here are just a few photos of today's events. Tomorrow I'll get photos and video off the other camera.
Sons of Liberty riders gather for last minute directions before the march.
Oath Keepers start off their 4.5 mile march to Town Hall and back, 10am, in 102 degree temps.
By the time they returned to Vito's RV Park, it was 107 with humidity rising.
Mayor Ed Foster with others at the beginning of the march.
Marchers and media arrive at town hall
Ernest Hancock, Declare Your Independance Radio Show Live from Quartzsite!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Jennifer Harris - Jones v. Town of Quartzsite lawsuit dismissed!
This afternoon, Alex Taft, Town Manager, released the following press release:
Town of Quartzsite Press Release
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"In April of 2011 Jennifer Harris-Jones filed a complaint against the Town, Town Council Wesley Huntley, [Police Chief] Jeffrey Gilbert and [Town Manager] Alexandra Taft in Superior Court of La Paz County. Ms. Jones was represented by David J. Hossler, of Hunt, Gale, Meerchaum, Orduno & Hossler Law Firm. The Town, represented by the Risk Pool appointed attorney, Rae Richardson, filed for a motion to dismiss the complaint. Mr. Hossler contested a motion to dismiss and subsequently requested a change of Judge.
On August 23, 2011 Judge Randolph Bartlett in Mohave County Superior Court ruled to dismiss the complaint by Ms. Harris-Jones against the Town."
Town of Quartzsite Press Release
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"In April of 2011 Jennifer Harris-Jones filed a complaint against the Town, Town Council Wesley Huntley, [Police Chief] Jeffrey Gilbert and [Town Manager] Alexandra Taft in Superior Court of La Paz County. Ms. Jones was represented by David J. Hossler, of Hunt, Gale, Meerchaum, Orduno & Hossler Law Firm. The Town, represented by the Risk Pool appointed attorney, Rae Richardson, filed for a motion to dismiss the complaint. Mr. Hossler contested a motion to dismiss and subsequently requested a change of Judge.
On August 23, 2011 Judge Randolph Bartlett in Mohave County Superior Court ruled to dismiss the complaint by Ms. Harris-Jones against the Town."
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Arizona AG announces new Identity Theft programs
PHOENIX -- Attorney General Tom Horne announced that a grant for $110,000 has been awarded from the Criminal Justice Records Improvement Program (CJRIP). The primary focus of the grant will be to improve the timeliness, completeness, accuracy and accessibility of the state’s criminal justice information system, with an emphasis on criminal history information.
“This grant will bring much needed resources to the Attorney General’s Office in our efforts to work cooperatively with other law enforcement agencies statewide, and make it easier for law enforcement agencies to fight crime,” Horne said. “The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission is a great partner to work with as we develop better and more efficient communications among Arizona’s law enforcement professionals and I appreciate their support of this grant.”
This grant will make it easier for law enforcement agencies to access information about when and where criminals are arrested by addressing high disposition backlogs, and automating procedures for reporting arrests and/or disposition information to the criminal history records Central State Repository.
The grant will also fund an attorney’s position, which will be responsible for conducting an analysis of statutes, administrative rules and policies surrounding the criminal justice process. This will include booking, disposition reporting, fingerprinting, prosecution responsibilities, and court procedures, such as trial, sentencing, warrants and disposition reporting. Additional responsibilities will include reviewing and drafting memorandums of understanding between agencies that share criminal data.
PHOENIX-- The Attorney General’s Office has been awarded a $50,000 grant for expanding and improving the outreach and capacity of victim service programs to better address the rights and needs of identity theft victims. The grant was awarded by the United States Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, through the Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center, Inc. With funding from this grant, the Office of the Arizona Attorney General will create a community-based coalition dedicated to educating the public on how to safe-guard their identity, educating consumers on how to report suspected identity theft, and training law enforcement officers on how best to respond to victims of identity theft.
Horne stated: “The Arizona Attorney General’s Office will use a systems-based model to promote close cooperation among coalition members, create training materials, and improve outreach tools and victim assistance services to better serve identity theft victims.”
The Arizona Identity Theft Coalition will be composed of public and non-profit agencies from across the state. Members will be drawn from a number of different service sectors ranging from law enforcement, legal services, government agencies, veteran’s services and academic institutions.
Since 2003 Arizona has ranked either first or second nationally in reports of identity theft. Arizonans reported 6,549 incidents of identity theft last year. Horne stated, “this is an opportunity for service providers to work together, to find cohesive and effective ways of providing services to victims of identity theft.”
Quartzsite Publisher responds to letter in Desert Freedom Press
In "August 2011" Volume 1, Issue 14, of The Desert Freedom Press, there is a letter to the editor on page 4 written by Michel Halor that drew my attention. The paper has no particular date, other than "August 2011", but was uploaded to the Desert Freedom Press blog today.
The letter reads:
"I would like to clear my name from the false statements made in the May 18th, 2011 Volume 7 issue 131 of the Desert Messenger - in reference to my having a warrant and theft of stolen property.
These statements are in full, false, and I am considering this libel and defamation.
This has been a recurring issue on many occassions. I'm relaying this to you versus the DM because I hold little faith this would ever reach print or be edited truthfully. With all due respect, they need to get their facts right, this is not only embarrassing, but misinformation spreads rumors."
Michel Halor
Those are some rather strong accusations. The only reference I found to the name above was on Page 17 of Desert Messenger's May 18, 2011 issue under the Arrest Report from QPD. This report was emailed to the Desert Messenger by Linda Conley, previous clerk at Quartzsite Police Department. She is also one of the famous "Quartzsite 10", who now works for La Paz County Attorney's office.
I gotta say, that if my name mistakenly appeared under an arrest report, I sure as heck would not wait until 3 months later to complain to another paper about the situation. Jennifer Jones, of the Desert Freedom Press, should have done her due dilligence before printing such a letter (unless she was intentionally trying to shed a negative light upon the Desert Messenger)!
A notice to all readers: All errors/corrections submitted before deadline, are published in the next available edition of the Desert Messenger. Deadline dates are published (in multiple locations) in EVERY issue of the Desert Messenger!
The 2011-2012 publication schedule, along with each deadline, is available online at http://www.desertmessenger.com/. Advertisers and readers, alike, rely upon the Desert Messenger to "hit the streets" on the publication date (if not before) with reliable news, events and entertainment for Quartzsite and surrounding areas.
Every issue since May 5, 2010 is archived online at www.epageflip.net/title/6362 (under the folder icon at top of landing page). Readers may subscribe to a free service to receive emails when the current issue becomes available. Just click on the brown "subscribe" button on the right hand side of the landing page. As soon as the paper is uploaded, an email will be sent to subscribers FREE! Most times this is before the papers even reach town! Get the news first and subscribe FREE!
Desert Messenger begins our 8th year publishing local news, events and entertainment. Stay tuned for the Best of Quartzsite coming soon!
The letter reads:
"I would like to clear my name from the false statements made in the May 18th, 2011 Volume 7 issue 131 of the Desert Messenger - in reference to my having a warrant and theft of stolen property.
These statements are in full, false, and I am considering this libel and defamation.
This has been a recurring issue on many occassions. I'm relaying this to you versus the DM because I hold little faith this would ever reach print or be edited truthfully. With all due respect, they need to get their facts right, this is not only embarrassing, but misinformation spreads rumors."
Michel Halor
Those are some rather strong accusations. The only reference I found to the name above was on Page 17 of Desert Messenger's May 18, 2011 issue under the Arrest Report from QPD. This report was emailed to the Desert Messenger by Linda Conley, previous clerk at Quartzsite Police Department. She is also one of the famous "Quartzsite 10", who now works for La Paz County Attorney's office.
I gotta say, that if my name mistakenly appeared under an arrest report, I sure as heck would not wait until 3 months later to complain to another paper about the situation. Jennifer Jones, of the Desert Freedom Press, should have done her due dilligence before printing such a letter (unless she was intentionally trying to shed a negative light upon the Desert Messenger)!
A notice to all readers: All errors/corrections submitted before deadline, are published in the next available edition of the Desert Messenger. Deadline dates are published (in multiple locations) in EVERY issue of the Desert Messenger!
The 2011-2012 publication schedule, along with each deadline, is available online at http://www.desertmessenger.com/. Advertisers and readers, alike, rely upon the Desert Messenger to "hit the streets" on the publication date (if not before) with reliable news, events and entertainment for Quartzsite and surrounding areas.
Every issue since May 5, 2010 is archived online at www.epageflip.net/title/6362 (under the folder icon at top of landing page). Readers may subscribe to a free service to receive emails when the current issue becomes available. Just click on the brown "subscribe" button on the right hand side of the landing page. As soon as the paper is uploaded, an email will be sent to subscribers FREE! Most times this is before the papers even reach town! Get the news first and subscribe FREE!
Desert Messenger begins our 8th year publishing local news, events and entertainment. Stay tuned for the Best of Quartzsite coming soon!
Blythe, CA Solar Project on hold- Indigenous people's letter of thanks
On Aug. 13th a group of tribal elders gathered for ceremony on the land slated for the world's largest solar plant near Blythe, California. Within a week, Solar Trust announced the abandoning of its plans to use solar thermal technology and will switch to the less expensive and less complex photovoltaic.
For the full story, read the Desert Sun's article by K. Haufman at:
The following letter from Alfredo Acosta Figueroa, of La Cuna de Aztlan, was released today in gratitude for the support of their efforts.
Dear Defenders of Mother Earth & Sacred Sites,
We would like to thank each and every one of you for all your wonderful cooperation and great sacrifice that you did in participating with us in the Spiritual Gathering that took place on August 13, 2011 in La Cuna de Aztlan.
On the day of the event Aztec Danzantes came as far from Ventura, Los Angeles, San Diego, Escondido, Aguanga, Needles, and Palm Desert, California as well as Yuma Arizona and Tecate Baja California, Mexico. Also we would like to thank the two video producers that filmed our gathering and which videos will be seen all over the world.
During the gathering at the giant twin geoglyphs of Kokopilli & Cicimitl the Peace & Dignity Journey staffs were exchanged and bless. These geoglyphs represent the ending of a Sun and the beginning of the New Knowledge. Cicimitl is the ending which takes the spirits to their final resting place at Topock Maze (Mictlan) which its location is Magnetic North (beginning from the Mule Mountains “Calli” in the south). Kokopilli is leaving because he is hurt “koko” and he is leaving to start a new beginning.
As we all know, August 13 is one of the hottest days of the year however, on this day we had an overcast which made the event pleasant for all. We had the Creators Blessing, “He who has no name, yet has all the names,” because one of the Creators name is “Tloque-Nahuaque,” “Among all we do all for the benefit of all, like the fingers on the hand, different sizes and shapes, separate and close yet joined all together in the palm of the hand.” This is why the Creator put us on this earth, to be guardians and not destroyers.
In this letter we would also like to give historical reference to August 13, 1992 which was the first Peace & Dignity Journey here in Blythe, Ca. When the Peace and Dignity Journey runners came down following the Pacific Coast route, they entered California. They went down the coast through San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. A tributary route would pass through San Bernardino, California following Interstate-10, passing through Blythe, California and meeting with the main route again in Phoenix, Arizona.
When La Escuela de la Raza Unida Support Committee first heard that one of the Peace and Dignity stops was going to take place here in Blythe on August 13 we became very excited. As we know, this day is the most Sacred day of the year. The 13th of August, is the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month in the eighteenth month, on the 20-day solar calendar as shown on the Azteca Sun Stone Calendar. The 13th month is called “Teotleco” meaning “the Coming of the Energies, the Great Spirit.”
On August 12, the runners arrived in Desert Center, California where they were welcomed by members of the five Colorado River Reservations. Donna and Larry Charpied of the “Stop the Eagle Mountain Dump Organization,” were the hosts of the event.
The runners left the following morning on August 13, at sunrise after receiving blessings from the Elders. We were very concerned because August 13 is one of the hottest days of the year, and we did not know if the runners would be able to run the 48-mile journey to Blythe in 110 degree heat. As a precaution, we had the Blythe Ambulance following them throughout the route.
However, around 8:00 am, a heavy overcast appeared and lingered throughout the day making it pleasant for the runners to continue onto Blythe. In fact some of the runners ran all the way without relaying with others. We knew then that the creator, Ometéotl, was looking over us and had given us a special blessing. As we now know, Desert Center is one of the most Sacred Sites as recorded in the Azteca Sun Stone Calendar.
Once the runners arrived in Blythe, there was a large crowd of people awaiting their arrival at Todd Park. Representatives from all the reservations and City Mayor Tom Farrage, were there to welcome and honor them with a City of Blythe Resolution, which proclaimed August 13, 1992 as “Peace and Dignity Journey Day,” in Blythe, California.
The Run coincided without deliberate planning with this historical day, August 13th which was the date Cuauhtémoc was captured in 1521, which is the most sacred day of the year for the indigenous people.
The runner’s route that passed through Blythe reenacted the hundreds of indigenous migrations that had come and gone, for thousands of years, to and from the Colorado River, as well as the last Mexica Migration that took place in 1160 AD (as shown in the Boturini Codex). As the Mexica before them, they left the Colorado River, and took their knowledge of the Mexica Creation Story all the way to Mexico/ Tenochtitlan.
At the end of the Peace & Dignity Journey at Teotihucan on October 12, 1992, all the staffs and other scared objects were put together in bundles to later take them to Ixcateopan, Guerrero were Cuauhtémoc’s remains are located. Afterwards, they would be taken to the different indigenous gatherings as a symbol of remembrance of how our Knowledge Keepers brought with them their Bundles of Knowledge to the Valley of Anahuac from La Cuna de Aztlan on the Colorado River.
In order to allude to our Mexica Cosmic Traditional culture we explained in our flyer, the significance of the “Perseid-Meteor Shower,” which is the cosmic duality of August 13. The meteor shower emanates from a point near the border of the Perseus & Cassiopeia constellations. The meteor showers represent the coming of the energies from the 4-directions and centers.
In Mexico City the Nahua Families build pyramids called “Teotihuacan” meaning “The Coming of the Gods.” They build the pyramid of the Moon, Sun, Quetzalcoatl and the Earth Temple in honor of August 13, “Perseid-Meteor Shower.” This is why Cuauhtémoc the last Tlatoani (Spokesperson) of the Confederation of Anahuac fought despite all odds until August 13, 1521 against the Spanish invaders because it was the most important day of the year. On this day Cuauhtémoc gave his last decree that stated “Our Sun has gone from our Vision and has left us in total darkness, but we know that it will return and shine upon us again.”
On another note, during the week of August 19, 2011 two articles came out in the Riverside Enterprise and The Desert Sun Newspapers. The headings in these articles read “Solar developer will forgo $2 billion loan guarantee” and “Massive Solar Projects on hold.” In addition, the Pechanga Tribe from Temecula, California is sponsoring a State Bill by Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal (Democratic Party). According to the article, “The amended measure prohibits quarries within 2,000 yards of an Indian reservation, 5,000 yards of a Native American scared site.”
Likewise, Eldred Enas, Chairman of the Colorado River Indian Tribes will be having a special meeting with the representatives of La Cuna de Aztlan Sacred Sites Protection Circle to discuss the possibility of joining the lawsuit against the Solar Power Projects.
As we explained before, the time was measured by the Pleiades rising to its zenith every 52-years. The last time this occurred was November 14, 2003, which terminated the 5th Sun and the Era of Piscis and we are now in the 9-year transition from 2003-2012 to the beginning of the Era of Aquarius as explained in the Aztec-Mayan Sun Stone Calendar.
As you are able to see, all our struggles are coming to together. For this reason, I would highly recommend the book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” by John Perkins. In this book Perkins talks about how government officials work for the Capitalist Wall Street Companies and not for the people which is similar to what Obama, Ken Salazar, Jerry Brown and Assemblyman Manuel Perez are currently doing in destroying our scared sites for the profit of Solar Companies. So please help us contact, President Obama (202) 456-1111to stop further destruction of our sacred sites!
Thank you once again for all your support, we all know this event was a huge success and everyone who attended is motivated to continue the struggle in preserving our scared sites for future generations.
Desde la Cuna me Despido, que el Padre Sol y la Madre Tierra siempre los ampare.
Ixtli Yollotl “Your profile & heart reveals your character”
Alfredo Acosta Figueroa
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Quartzsite Town Council makes changes to Town Codes
At the Town Council meeting today, Quartzsite Council members approved ordinances that make some serious changes to the Town Procedure Policy.
---The 2011-2012 Budget was approved.
---Suspension of the Rules for amending the Procedure Policy.
---Approved Ordinance 11-10 relating to duties, responsibilities and authority of council and mayor.
---Approved Ordinance 11-11, changing the time of regular council meetings to 9:00 am instead of 7:00pm, keeping the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.
The changes in the Ordinances can be found online at http://ci.quartzsite.az.us/2011%20Packets/082311%20agd.html
Within hours of Quartzsite Town Council approving Ordinance 11-10, Mayor Ed Foster posted his letter to Attorney General Tom Horne (below) on "Supporters of Mayor Ed Foster" Facebook page.
Letter from Mayor Foster:
Dear Attorney General Horne,
In my elected capacity as Mayor of the Town of Quartzsite Arizona, I am writing to you so as to immediately inform and create a line of communication with you by virtue of your unique office as a state official. I am contacting you regarding Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 just enacted by the Common Council of Quartzsite on August 23, 2011.
I believe a commonly recognized, overarching principle which governs any statutorily incorporated town in Arizona, like Quartzsite, fundamentally lies at the core of representative government and respect for such, and therefore I wish to bring this matter to your immediate attention.
Local legislative bodies such as Town Councils and Mayors are unquestionably representatives of the people under the constitution and statutes of Arizona, and are duly elected to office with specific state constitutional and statutory duties. I believe it is clear principle, therefore, that elected officials must be free of at the point of election and during their tenure in their respective public offices to perform their statutory and state constitutionally empowered duties.
Of immediate concern for me and my constituents, is that Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 specifically interferes with my ability to perform my statutory duties, and interferes with the statutory authority of the office of Mayor (and therefore myself as Mayor of Quartzsite) set forth by A.R.S. 26-311.
Clearly, the purpose of A.R.S. 26-311 is to promote public safety in local jurisdictions. In the vein of protecting and promoting public safety in local jurisdictions across Arizona, the legislature has separated and clearly defined the statutory duties and powers of a local government, such as the Town of Quartzsite, during a period where a local emergency (pursuant to A.R.S. 26-311) may be declared by ordinance or resolution. In the case of Quartzsite, such an act would initially derive from the Common Council, by statutory authority and present local ordinance in effect under such statutory authority provided in A.R.S. 26-311.
It is clear A.R.S. 26-311 was crafted and enacted into Arizona law so as to avoid conflicts of interests or confusions at the state, county, and local jurisdictional levels, regarding in whom “authority” to “govern” is vested pursuant to the aforementioned statute. It is also of vital public interest, and therefore state interest, that the general public living in or passing through a town, (such as Quartzsite) where such a local emergency may have been declared, have a clear and irrefutable understanding of why, how, and who shall govern during such a local emergency.
Because county and local electorates do rely on state statutes to define the duties and authority of those they elect to office, it becomes a vital issue not only to a local electorate, but to the state also, when unlawful legislation at a county or local level is enacted, by ignorance or intent, squarely operating against applicable Arizona state law in a specific matter. It can lead to public confusion, which especially, neither the public nor any level of government wishes to see compounded during a time of state or local emergency.
I believe A.R.S. 26-311 is the type of “applicable statute’ referred to by the Arizona Constitution; a statute which already very clearly sets forth statewide policy regarding both the duties and authority of local elected officials (including a mayor) regarding local emergencies of the nature described in A.R.S. 26-311.
I believe after a careful review, of the attached Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 you will come to support my opinion that A.R.S. 26-311 preempts in large part almost all of Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 in a number of details which I have not covered in specificity for the sake of brevity.
In closing, I ask for your support as a state official by way of a responsive letter and any future action you deem necessary by virtue of your public office is necessary to ensure that Arizona laws are abided by in such event that the Common Council of Quartzsite (by resolution or ordinance) declares and emergency under 26-311. I further ask that you recognize and support my statutory authority and duties under 26-311 in an instance they are unlawfully usurped during a local emergency called for pursuant to A.R.S. 26-311.
Mayor Ed Foster, Quartzsite, Arizona
This is the statute that Foster claims the Council violated by passing Ordinance 11-10:
26-311. Local emergency; power of political subdivisions; state agency assistance
A. In addition to the powers granted by other provisions of the law or charter, whenever the mayor of an incorporated city or town or the chairman of the board of supervisors for the unincorporated portion of the county, shall deem that an emergency exists due to fire, conflagration, flood, earthquake, explosion, war, bombing, acts of the enemy or any other natural or man-made calamity or disaster or by reason of threats or occurrences of riots, routs, affrays or other acts of civil disobedience which endanger life or property within the city, or the unincorporated areas of the county, or portion thereof, the mayor or chairman of the board of supervisors, if authorized by ordinance or resolution, may by proclamation declare an emergency or a local emergency to exist.
B. If an emergency is declared pursuant to subsection A, the mayor or the chairman of the board of supervisors shall, during such emergency, govern by proclamation and shall have the authority to impose all necessary regulations to preserve the peace and order of the city, town, or unincorporated areas of the county, including but not limited to:
1. Imposition of curfews in all or portions of the political subdivision.
2. Ordering the closing of any business.
3. Closing to public access any public building, street, or other public place.
4. Calling upon regular or auxiliary law enforcement agencies and organizations within or without the political subdivision for assistance.
5. Notifying the constitutional officers that the county office for which they are responsible may remain open or may close for the emergency.
C. In periods of local emergency, including an emergency declared pursuant to subsection A of this section, political subdivisions have full power to provide mutual aid to any affected area in accordance with local ordinances, resolutions, emergency plans or agreements therefor.
D. State agencies may provide mutual aid, including personnel, equipment and other available resources to assist political subdivisions during a local emergency in accordance with emergency plans or at the direction of the governor.
---The 2011-2012 Budget was approved.
---Suspension of the Rules for amending the Procedure Policy.
---Approved Ordinance 11-10 relating to duties, responsibilities and authority of council and mayor.
---Approved Ordinance 11-11, changing the time of regular council meetings to 9:00 am instead of 7:00pm, keeping the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.
The changes in the Ordinances can be found online at http://ci.quartzsite.az.us/2011%20Packets/082311%20agd.html
Within hours of Quartzsite Town Council approving Ordinance 11-10, Mayor Ed Foster posted his letter to Attorney General Tom Horne (below) on "Supporters of Mayor Ed Foster" Facebook page.
Letter from Mayor Foster:
Dear Attorney General Horne,
In my elected capacity as Mayor of the Town of Quartzsite Arizona, I am writing to you so as to immediately inform and create a line of communication with you by virtue of your unique office as a state official. I am contacting you regarding Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 just enacted by the Common Council of Quartzsite on August 23, 2011.
I believe a commonly recognized, overarching principle which governs any statutorily incorporated town in Arizona, like Quartzsite, fundamentally lies at the core of representative government and respect for such, and therefore I wish to bring this matter to your immediate attention.
Local legislative bodies such as Town Councils and Mayors are unquestionably representatives of the people under the constitution and statutes of Arizona, and are duly elected to office with specific state constitutional and statutory duties. I believe it is clear principle, therefore, that elected officials must be free of at the point of election and during their tenure in their respective public offices to perform their statutory and state constitutionally empowered duties.
Of immediate concern for me and my constituents, is that Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 specifically interferes with my ability to perform my statutory duties, and interferes with the statutory authority of the office of Mayor (and therefore myself as Mayor of Quartzsite) set forth by A.R.S. 26-311.
Clearly, the purpose of A.R.S. 26-311 is to promote public safety in local jurisdictions. In the vein of protecting and promoting public safety in local jurisdictions across Arizona, the legislature has separated and clearly defined the statutory duties and powers of a local government, such as the Town of Quartzsite, during a period where a local emergency (pursuant to A.R.S. 26-311) may be declared by ordinance or resolution. In the case of Quartzsite, such an act would initially derive from the Common Council, by statutory authority and present local ordinance in effect under such statutory authority provided in A.R.S. 26-311.
It is clear A.R.S. 26-311 was crafted and enacted into Arizona law so as to avoid conflicts of interests or confusions at the state, county, and local jurisdictional levels, regarding in whom “authority” to “govern” is vested pursuant to the aforementioned statute. It is also of vital public interest, and therefore state interest, that the general public living in or passing through a town, (such as Quartzsite) where such a local emergency may have been declared, have a clear and irrefutable understanding of why, how, and who shall govern during such a local emergency.
Because county and local electorates do rely on state statutes to define the duties and authority of those they elect to office, it becomes a vital issue not only to a local electorate, but to the state also, when unlawful legislation at a county or local level is enacted, by ignorance or intent, squarely operating against applicable Arizona state law in a specific matter. It can lead to public confusion, which especially, neither the public nor any level of government wishes to see compounded during a time of state or local emergency.
I believe A.R.S. 26-311 is the type of “applicable statute’ referred to by the Arizona Constitution; a statute which already very clearly sets forth statewide policy regarding both the duties and authority of local elected officials (including a mayor) regarding local emergencies of the nature described in A.R.S. 26-311.
I believe after a careful review, of the attached Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 you will come to support my opinion that A.R.S. 26-311 preempts in large part almost all of Quartzsite Ordinance 11-10 in a number of details which I have not covered in specificity for the sake of brevity.
In closing, I ask for your support as a state official by way of a responsive letter and any future action you deem necessary by virtue of your public office is necessary to ensure that Arizona laws are abided by in such event that the Common Council of Quartzsite (by resolution or ordinance) declares and emergency under 26-311. I further ask that you recognize and support my statutory authority and duties under 26-311 in an instance they are unlawfully usurped during a local emergency called for pursuant to A.R.S. 26-311.
Mayor Ed Foster, Quartzsite, Arizona
This is the statute that Foster claims the Council violated by passing Ordinance 11-10:
26-311. Local emergency; power of political subdivisions; state agency assistance
A. In addition to the powers granted by other provisions of the law or charter, whenever the mayor of an incorporated city or town or the chairman of the board of supervisors for the unincorporated portion of the county, shall deem that an emergency exists due to fire, conflagration, flood, earthquake, explosion, war, bombing, acts of the enemy or any other natural or man-made calamity or disaster or by reason of threats or occurrences of riots, routs, affrays or other acts of civil disobedience which endanger life or property within the city, or the unincorporated areas of the county, or portion thereof, the mayor or chairman of the board of supervisors, if authorized by ordinance or resolution, may by proclamation declare an emergency or a local emergency to exist.
B. If an emergency is declared pursuant to subsection A, the mayor or the chairman of the board of supervisors shall, during such emergency, govern by proclamation and shall have the authority to impose all necessary regulations to preserve the peace and order of the city, town, or unincorporated areas of the county, including but not limited to:
1. Imposition of curfews in all or portions of the political subdivision.
2. Ordering the closing of any business.
3. Closing to public access any public building, street, or other public place.
4. Calling upon regular or auxiliary law enforcement agencies and organizations within or without the political subdivision for assistance.
5. Notifying the constitutional officers that the county office for which they are responsible may remain open or may close for the emergency.
C. In periods of local emergency, including an emergency declared pursuant to subsection A of this section, political subdivisions have full power to provide mutual aid to any affected area in accordance with local ordinances, resolutions, emergency plans or agreements therefor.
D. State agencies may provide mutual aid, including personnel, equipment and other available resources to assist political subdivisions during a local emergency in accordance with emergency plans or at the direction of the governor.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Quartzsite Town Council agenda for Tues. Aug. 23
The full packet of information is available online at
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Intermittent lane closures on Interstate 10 east of Quartzsite begin Monday
The Arizona Department of Transportation will begin to repair segments of pavement along Interstate 10 between Quartzsite and the Bouse Wash Rest Area Monday (Aug. 22) and through Wednesday (Aug. 31). Intermittent lane closures are planned during work hours which will take place between 2 a.m. and 6 p.m. each day. There will be no work on Fridays or over the weekend. Drivers should plan ahead and expect approximately 15 minute delays.
The work consists of removing and replacing pavement along segments of eastbound and westbound I-10 beginning east of Quartzsite to the Bouse Wash Rest Area. Trucks carrying loads wider than 12 feet will not be allowed to travel through the work zone during work hours.
Message boards will advise drivers of lane restrictions. To ensure safety in the work zone, the speed limit will be reduced to 45 mph. Law enforcement will be on-site to help monitor speeds and control traffic.
ADOT advises drivers to proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.
ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but there is a possibility that unscheduled closures or restrictions may occur. Weather can also affect a project schedule. To stay up-to-date with the latest highway conditions around the state, visit the ADOT Traveler Information Center at www.az511.gov or call 5-1-1.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Quartzsite Elementary School Free & Reduced-Price Meals policy
Quartzsite Elementary School District free and reduced-price meals policy
Quartzsite Elementary School District No. 4 has announced its policy for providing free and reduced-price meals for children served under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Each school and/or the central office have a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party.
The household size and income criteria will be used to determine eligibility for free and reduced-price benefits. Children from households whose income is at or below the guidelines are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Children who are members of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households, Cash Assistance (CA) units or Food Distribution Program on the Indian Reservation (FDPIR) households are automatically eligible for free meals. SNAP/CA families will be certified by the determining official via Direct Certification. Foster children who are the legal responsibility of a welfare agency or court may also be eligible for benefits regardless of the income of the household with whom they reside. Eligibility for the foster child is based on the child’s income.
Application forms are being distributed to all households with a letter informing households of the availability of free and reduced-price meals for their children. Applications also are available at the school secretary’s office in each school. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, households must fill out the application and return it to the school. The information households provide on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and verification of data. Applications may be verified at any time during the school year by school or other program officials.
For school officials to determine eligibility for free and reduced-price benefits, households receiving FDPIR only have to list their child’s name and FDPIR case number. An adult household member must sign the application. Households which do not list a FDPIR case number must list the names of all household members, the amount and source of the monthly income received by each household member, and the Social Security number of the adult household member who signs the application. If the household member signing does not have a Social Security number, he or she must indicate a Social Security number is not available. An adult household member must sign the application.
Under the provisions of the free and reduced-price policy, Renee King, food Services Manager, will review applications and determine eligibility. Parents or guardians dissatisfied with the ruling of the official may wish to discuss the decision with determining official on an informal basis. Parents wishing to make a formal appeal for a hearing on the decision may make a request either orally or in writing to Renee King, Food Services Manager, P.O. Box 130, Ehrenberg, Ariz. 85334, or call 928-923-7900.
If a household member become unemployed, or if the household size increases, the household should contact the school. Such changes may make the children of the household eligible for benefits if the household’s income falls at or below the levels.
Non-discrimination statement. This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly: “In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Quartzsite Budget Work Session Wed. Aug. 17, 9am
Quartzsite Town Council to hold work session to discuss the budget for fiscal year 2011-2012.
This is open for public discussion.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Expect delays on Hwy. 95 between Quartzsite and Yuma Wed. & Thurs.
Temporary lane closures along State Route 95
north of Yuma begin Wednesday
Expect delays between Yuma and Quartzsite
The Arizona Department of Transportation will be applying a protective layer of oil to approximately six miles of pavement along State Route 95 on Wednesday (Aug. 17) and Thursday (Aug. 18).
What to expect during work hours:
•Work is scheduled to be take place between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each day.
•Workers will close one lane temporarily while they work on a two-mile segment of the project area.
•Construction crews will be directing northbound and southbound motorists through the single open lane.
•Work crews will begin at the southern end of the project area north of Yuma and continue working northbound along SR 95.
•Motorists should plan ahead and expect delays.
•Message boards will advise drivers of lane restrictions and reduced speed limits.
ADOT advises drivers to proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.
ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but there is a possibility that unscheduled closures or restrictions may occur. Weather can also affect a project schedule. To stay up-to-date with the latest highway conditions around the state, visit the ADOT Traveler Information Center at www.az511.gov or call 5-1-1.
Bring water with you when travelling in the desert!
Quartzsite AZ,
road construction,
yuma az
Country Showdown Local Competition coming to Blythe, Calif.
Blythe, Calif.
KJMB, The Hotel and Motel Owners Association, RiverMartin Productions, and the Blythe Chamber of Commerce present the 30th Annual Texaco Country Showdow “Local” contest on Saturday, September 10th, 5:00pm at Todd Park in Blythe, Calif.
The Annual Texaco Country Showdown, is the largest Country Music Talent show in the nation. Competition begins in early spring with over 450 local talent contests throughout the United States. Winners then compete at the state level and then advance to one of the five regional levels of competition throughout the summer and fall. Five finalists compete at the National Finals, held in January at the Historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville for a Grand Prize of $100,000. The National Final’s competition is aired on nationwide television.
Solo singers, duets and bands can compete in this Nationwide Competion. For applications please contact Barbara Martin @ 760-218-5677 or email bmartin@theholtgroup.net.
Be sure and check out http://www.countryshowdown.com/ for a list of other local winners and past winners of the Texaco Country Showdown.
The Hotel and Motel Owners Association of Blythe, along with the Blythe Chamber of Commerce will coordinate a Fundraising Dinner at the same time. For more information, contact the Blythe Chamber of Commerce at 760-922-8166 or email the Chamber at blythecofc@yahoo.com.
KJMB, The Hotel and Motel Owners Association, RiverMartin Productions, and the Blythe Chamber of Commerce present the 30th Annual Texaco Country Showdow “Local” contest on Saturday, September 10th, 5:00pm at Todd Park in Blythe, Calif.
The Annual Texaco Country Showdown, is the largest Country Music Talent show in the nation. Competition begins in early spring with over 450 local talent contests throughout the United States. Winners then compete at the state level and then advance to one of the five regional levels of competition throughout the summer and fall. Five finalists compete at the National Finals, held in January at the Historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville for a Grand Prize of $100,000. The National Final’s competition is aired on nationwide television.
Solo singers, duets and bands can compete in this Nationwide Competion. For applications please contact Barbara Martin @ 760-218-5677 or email bmartin@theholtgroup.net.
Be sure and check out http://www.countryshowdown.com/ for a list of other local winners and past winners of the Texaco Country Showdown.
The Hotel and Motel Owners Association of Blythe, along with the Blythe Chamber of Commerce will coordinate a Fundraising Dinner at the same time. For more information, contact the Blythe Chamber of Commerce at 760-922-8166 or email the Chamber at blythecofc@yahoo.com.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Solar Industry Job Fair Thurs. Aug. 18th, Blythe, CA
Desert Sunlight Solar Farm announced they are holding
Job Fairs next week in California.
The Desert Sunlight Solar Farm will be a 550 megawatt photovoltaic (PV) solar farm in the Chuckawalla Valley in Riverside County, California, about six miles north of the community of Desert Center.
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011 from 3pm-6pm
There will be an information session at 3:15pm & 4:45pm
Location: Spotlight 29 Casino
Medjool Room
46200 Harrison Street
Coachella, CA 92236
Thursday, August 18th, 2011 from 4pm-5:30pm
There will be an information session at 4:15pm.
Location: Colorado River Fairgrounds
591 North Olive Lake Boulevard
Blythe, CA 92225
First Solar invites you to submit an application for the following employment opportunities:
Fork Lifts, Skid Steers, Post Driving Machinery, Heavy Equipment
General Laborers;
Janitorial Staff, Laborer-Miscellaneous Activities (Outside Work), Water Truck Drivers
Administrative Coordinator, Contract Administrator, Document Controls Coordinator
Civil Superintendents, Civil Supervisors, Structural Superintendents, Structural Supervisors, Electrical Superintendents, Electrical Supervisors
For more information, please call CLP at 714-300-0510 and reference Desert Sunlight Solar Farm.
Except for skilled electrical work, Sunlight Solar Farm will be hiring on a merit shop basis.
Quartzsite Liberty Festival planned for Aug. 27th
Quartzsite Liberty Festival is being planned by Oath Keepers, Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots, and other organizations on Saturday, August 27th. The event will include a march to Town Hall, speeches and entertainment. According to Stewart Rhoades, "This event will be an historic stand for honor, courage, and oath keeping, and will serve as an example of what MUST happen across American to restore our Republic."
"Oath Keepers considers the Quartzsite saga to be a vital pivot point on which small-town America shall awaken to the encroachment of corruption and violation of rights from Federal levels downward into our local communities and our daily lives across the nation. This muster and march shall send forth a clarion call to the American people to restore the Republic from the bottom up, starting with their local communities. The muster will support and protect the whistleblowers in seats or positions of government power, and will applaud the courage and integrity of the Quartzsite Ten in standing up to unjust use of power by no longer being willing to follow un-Constitutional, and therefore unlawful, orders. Oath Keepers across America, our supporters, cooperating groups, friends, concerned citizens, are invited and requested to march with us in Quartzsite."
The Oath Keepers released a press release with the following information.
Oath Keepers will muster, along with the Sons of Liberty Riders, the Sons of Liberty, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots, the Campaign For Liberty, and numerous other patriot/Constitutionalist groups, in support of the Quartzsite Ten - the ten officers of the Quartzsite, Arizona, Police Department who have blown the whistle and leveled allegations of corruption against the Chief of Police of Quartzsite in written documents. See http://oathkeepers.org/oath/2011/07/12/quartzsite-police-officers-association-letter-regarding-police-chief-jeff-gilbert/.
The Quartzsite Liberty Festival will also support the concerned citizenry of Quartzsite, local activists such as grass-roots journalist Jennifer 'Jade' Jones, and the town Mayor, the Honorable Ed Foster (a Marine veteran), who have stood up for the free speech rights of the citizens. This non-partisan Festival will include a banner and flag march, and we are expecting thousands of marchers. The "Quartzsite Liberty Festival" is slated for August 26, 27, 2011, in Quartzsite, Arizona.
Friday, August 26, 2011:
Folks who plan on staying at Vito's RV park are welcome to start arriving there any time after noon on the 26th. To reserve a camping spot, call Vito at (928) 916-0556
Informal meet and greet at 7pm at Vitos, on the 26th.
Saturday, August 27, 2011:
Muster 8:30 a.m. at Vito's RV Park (see below)
March starts at 10:00 a.m. Be early to line up please.
10am: March to town hall.
At Town Hall: Twenty-minute ceremony to honor the Quartzsite Ten, Jennifer Jade Jones, and Mayor Ed Foster
11:00 am: March back to Vito's RV Park.
1:00 - 4:00 pm: Speeches at Vito's, w/Live broadcast from Ernest Hancock
4:00 pm: Barbeque and cook out dinner (Bring food, pot-luck style. Something to throw on the grill, chips, side dishes, bread, sodas and other drinks, etc.)
After dinner, bands will play (including Jordan Page) into the evening, and we will have fun 'til?
Arizona Oath Keepers - Contact Mike Frye: mrteapartyfrye@gmail.com phone -- 623-521-3612
Oath Keepers Board of Directors - Contact Elias Alias
eliasalias@gmail.com phone -- 406-285-6597
Press/Media contact Elias Alias -- 406-285-6597
Sons of Liberty Riders - Wendy Schops - webpage:
Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots - webpage:
Vito's RV Park & Rice Ranch RV Park -- Tent and sleeping bag camping (full service facility) $7/night
(928) 916-0556
This press release updated often at:
"Oath Keepers considers the Quartzsite saga to be a vital pivot point on which small-town America shall awaken to the encroachment of corruption and violation of rights from Federal levels downward into our local communities and our daily lives across the nation. This muster and march shall send forth a clarion call to the American people to restore the Republic from the bottom up, starting with their local communities. The muster will support and protect the whistleblowers in seats or positions of government power, and will applaud the courage and integrity of the Quartzsite Ten in standing up to unjust use of power by no longer being willing to follow un-Constitutional, and therefore unlawful, orders. Oath Keepers across America, our supporters, cooperating groups, friends, concerned citizens, are invited and requested to march with us in Quartzsite."
The Oath Keepers released a press release with the following information.
Oath Keepers will muster, along with the Sons of Liberty Riders, the Sons of Liberty, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots, the Campaign For Liberty, and numerous other patriot/Constitutionalist groups, in support of the Quartzsite Ten - the ten officers of the Quartzsite, Arizona, Police Department who have blown the whistle and leveled allegations of corruption against the Chief of Police of Quartzsite in written documents. See http://oathkeepers.org/oath/2011/07/12/quartzsite-police-officers-association-letter-regarding-police-chief-jeff-gilbert/.
The Quartzsite Liberty Festival will also support the concerned citizenry of Quartzsite, local activists such as grass-roots journalist Jennifer 'Jade' Jones, and the town Mayor, the Honorable Ed Foster (a Marine veteran), who have stood up for the free speech rights of the citizens. This non-partisan Festival will include a banner and flag march, and we are expecting thousands of marchers. The "Quartzsite Liberty Festival" is slated for August 26, 27, 2011, in Quartzsite, Arizona.
Friday, August 26, 2011:
Folks who plan on staying at Vito's RV park are welcome to start arriving there any time after noon on the 26th. To reserve a camping spot, call Vito at (928) 916-0556
Informal meet and greet at 7pm at Vitos, on the 26th.
Saturday, August 27, 2011:
Muster 8:30 a.m. at Vito's RV Park (see below)
March starts at 10:00 a.m. Be early to line up please.
10am: March to town hall.
At Town Hall: Twenty-minute ceremony to honor the Quartzsite Ten, Jennifer Jade Jones, and Mayor Ed Foster
11:00 am: March back to Vito's RV Park.
1:00 - 4:00 pm: Speeches at Vito's, w/Live broadcast from Ernest Hancock
4:00 pm: Barbeque and cook out dinner (Bring food, pot-luck style. Something to throw on the grill, chips, side dishes, bread, sodas and other drinks, etc.)
After dinner, bands will play (including Jordan Page) into the evening, and we will have fun 'til?
Arizona Oath Keepers - Contact Mike Frye: mrteapartyfrye@gmail.com phone -- 623-521-3612
Oath Keepers Board of Directors - Contact Elias Alias
eliasalias@gmail.com phone -- 406-285-6597
Press/Media contact Elias Alias -- 406-285-6597
Sons of Liberty Riders - Wendy Schops - webpage:
Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots - webpage:
Vito's RV Park & Rice Ranch RV Park -- Tent and sleeping bag camping (full service facility) $7/night
(928) 916-0556
This press release updated often at:
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Quartzsite Police Chief responds to Oathkeepers, Phoenix Tea Party, Sons of Liberty
Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert released the following letter to the Oathkeepers, Greater Phoenix Tea Party, and Sons of Liberty:
"In response to recent published propaganda:
Recently, Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster and a few of his followers reported to the local, state, national and world news that I had imposed “martial law” on the Town of Quartzsite and that I had “ousted” him from office. In addition to this, he stated that the Town was under a “state of emergency”. Statements were made that there were more than 50 police in tactical gear controlling the Town.
I am sorry if it disappoints you, or any who might like to believe such outlandish propaganda, but none of these things occurred. They were all lies.
Mayor Foster was and still is the Mayor of Quartzsite. The Town of Quartzsite was never under martial law. While there was an emergency council meeting held, the Town was not and is not under a state of emergency as Mayor Foster has stated. The only time we have ever had 50 police in town is the day we had an officer shot in the line of duty.
His call to the media was an attempt to create hysteria and mayhem for the Town of Quartzsite and to stir the emotions of hate and discontent for local government.
Mayor Ed Foster and his group have made every attempt to shut done the government operation of the Town by soliciting people to inundate our phone lines, email and website. To date we have received hundreds of emails and phone calls, most of which have contained hate messages and threats, to include death threats.
These actions of Mayor Ed Foster and his group, is what I referred to as "domestic terrorism" in a recent coffee with cops gathering, and I stand by that statement.
However, I did not call the Oath Keepers, the Tea Party, the Sons of Liberty Riders or other groups “terrorist”. I am sure that most of the followers of these groups are civil law abiding citizens who would not participate in this type of activity or condone it.
I am certain that the “Quartzsite Liberty Festival” planned for August 27th and 28th will be a peaceful event and we welcome any visitors that are planning on attending.
But as we know all too well in this country, we often have lone individuals and sometimes groups that take a cause, any cause, and bring violence along with them. I hope and pray that none of the hate and discontent that has been spread leads to any level of violence, but I can't exclude the possibility that this kind of thing could occur.
I am sorry that these groups have been lied to and have been provided false information that has led to many negative comments about the Town of Quartzsite and myself.
The continued use of these libelous statements to the public and the followers of these organizations do nothing but take away the credibility of your views, beliefs and cause.
I would expect that any of these organizations would only want the truth as well.
Jeff Gilbert
Chief of Police
Quartzsite Police Department"
"In response to recent published propaganda:
Recently, Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster and a few of his followers reported to the local, state, national and world news that I had imposed “martial law” on the Town of Quartzsite and that I had “ousted” him from office. In addition to this, he stated that the Town was under a “state of emergency”. Statements were made that there were more than 50 police in tactical gear controlling the Town.
I am sorry if it disappoints you, or any who might like to believe such outlandish propaganda, but none of these things occurred. They were all lies.
Mayor Foster was and still is the Mayor of Quartzsite. The Town of Quartzsite was never under martial law. While there was an emergency council meeting held, the Town was not and is not under a state of emergency as Mayor Foster has stated. The only time we have ever had 50 police in town is the day we had an officer shot in the line of duty.
His call to the media was an attempt to create hysteria and mayhem for the Town of Quartzsite and to stir the emotions of hate and discontent for local government.
Mayor Ed Foster and his group have made every attempt to shut done the government operation of the Town by soliciting people to inundate our phone lines, email and website. To date we have received hundreds of emails and phone calls, most of which have contained hate messages and threats, to include death threats.
These actions of Mayor Ed Foster and his group, is what I referred to as "domestic terrorism" in a recent coffee with cops gathering, and I stand by that statement.
However, I did not call the Oath Keepers, the Tea Party, the Sons of Liberty Riders or other groups “terrorist”. I am sure that most of the followers of these groups are civil law abiding citizens who would not participate in this type of activity or condone it.
I am certain that the “Quartzsite Liberty Festival” planned for August 27th and 28th will be a peaceful event and we welcome any visitors that are planning on attending.
But as we know all too well in this country, we often have lone individuals and sometimes groups that take a cause, any cause, and bring violence along with them. I hope and pray that none of the hate and discontent that has been spread leads to any level of violence, but I can't exclude the possibility that this kind of thing could occur.
I am sorry that these groups have been lied to and have been provided false information that has led to many negative comments about the Town of Quartzsite and myself.
The continued use of these libelous statements to the public and the followers of these organizations do nothing but take away the credibility of your views, beliefs and cause.
I would expect that any of these organizations would only want the truth as well.
Jeff Gilbert
Chief of Police
Quartzsite Police Department"
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Quartzsite Senior Center weighs in on "us vs. them"
Letter to editor from Wayne Wilson,
President, Quartzsite Senior Center:
The Quartzsite Senior Citizens Center (QSC/Senior Center) was organized for educational, recreational and entertainment purposes, for enrichment of the lives of the senior citizens of the community. QSC strives to maintain a congenial and stress-free atmosphere by disallowing offensive behavior and confrontational discussions.
During the short time I've been involved with the Senior Center that all seemed to be working pretty well. Until this past spring. A result of the unrest in Quartzsite is that some QSC members stated in March and April 2011 that they would not come to the Senior Center anymore as long as The Desert Freedom Press remained available there. This concern was discussed at some length at the April 2011 QSC Board Meeting where it was decided that individuals have the choice of reading or not reading any publication available at the Senior Center. (The Desert Messenger has been available for quite awhile, as well as the Quartzsite Crier News.)
The "us vs them" situation in Quartzsite is serious enough without using who-reads-what criteria to add to it. I miss the members no longer coming to the Senior Center and invite them to return to socialize and have fun with all of us again. I don't care what publications they read or ignore. I only care about our members and the pleasure of their presence.
Wayne Wilson
Quartzsite Senior Center President
President, Quartzsite Senior Center:
The Quartzsite Senior Citizens Center (QSC/Senior Center) was organized for educational, recreational and entertainment purposes, for enrichment of the lives of the senior citizens of the community. QSC strives to maintain a congenial and stress-free atmosphere by disallowing offensive behavior and confrontational discussions.
During the short time I've been involved with the Senior Center that all seemed to be working pretty well. Until this past spring. A result of the unrest in Quartzsite is that some QSC members stated in March and April 2011 that they would not come to the Senior Center anymore as long as The Desert Freedom Press remained available there. This concern was discussed at some length at the April 2011 QSC Board Meeting where it was decided that individuals have the choice of reading or not reading any publication available at the Senior Center. (The Desert Messenger has been available for quite awhile, as well as the Quartzsite Crier News.)
The "us vs them" situation in Quartzsite is serious enough without using who-reads-what criteria to add to it. I miss the members no longer coming to the Senior Center and invite them to return to socialize and have fun with all of us again. I don't care what publications they read or ignore. I only care about our members and the pleasure of their presence.
Wayne Wilson
Quartzsite Senior Center President
New iPhone app released by Arizona's Rep. Raul Grijalva
Grijalva Announces Release of iPhone App Allowing Constituents to Track News, Legislation, Public Events, Press Coverage and More

Tucson, Ariz. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, today announced the release of his new iPhone app, which allows constituents and interested groups to follow legislative updates, public events, press coverage and other activities in his office. The app is free to download at http://bit.ly/nZL2p1.
“Connecting with people is what good government should really be about, and this is an important way to connect,” Grijalva said. “Anyone who wants to know more about what’s going on, both for Southern Arizona and for progressives around the country, now has another free tool at her disposal. I believe making more information available to voters and interested citizens is a valuable public service, and that’s what we’re hoping to do with this announcement.”
The app was developed by iConstituent, a government internet services provider.
iPhone app,
Quartzsite AZ,
raul Grijalva
Monday, August 8, 2011
Quartzsite Coffee with Cops clarification
Quartzsite, AZ- Chief Jeff Gilbert held his monthly Coffee with Cops Wed. August 3rd in the meeting room of the Library. Due to a scheduling conflict, the meeting was moved from the normal location into the smaller meeting room. It appears the Greater Phoenix Tea Party and the Oath Keepers are upset about some incorrect information given based on "two confirmed eye witnesses". I am the person who asked what Chief Gilbert thought of a group's event on Facebook called, "Occupy and Liberate Quartzsite Arizona". I personally take offense to a group using that terminology. I am sure you would too, if a group of strangers decided to come into your hometown and "occupy and liberate" it! Come on folks, it's time to act like adults and stop pointing fingers to create drama! While listening to the audio of the meeting, here are my notes to clarify the situation: |
At Coffee with Cops on Wed. Aug. 3rd, the first 20 + minutes of the hour-long meeting, the discussion centered on recent power outages. Police Chief Jeff Gilbert talked about the two new cooling centers in town, about taking care of neighbors and how to deal with pets during power outages during the heat of the summer, how APS was so supportive.
Mrs. Jennifer Jones asked Chief, regarding an injunction filed by officers, if he knew he was going to be represented by the town attorney or the attorney of the insurance pool. Chief Gilbert’s reply was, “I don’t know”. He then explained the recent occurrences regarding the injunction.
About 22 minutes into the meeting, I asked Chief Gilbert how he felt about a new event posted online called, “Occupy and Liberate Quartzsite”; how he felt about outsiders coming in an attempting to occupy Quartzsite. His reply was that "a few weeks ago, there has been a lot of propaganda being put out there to the media. It has attracted the media. He explained how Mrs. Jones and Mayor Ed Foster had gone to the media with their stories. “They have appealed to the anti-government and radical types. Statements such as the town’s under martial law, officers suppressing the citizens, that the mayor had been kicked out of office, officers in riot gear, are flat out lies. Pure propaganda and it has attracted a lot of attention. That information is still continuing to filter out there. They were flat out lies. We all know that wasn’t the case.”
Chief Gilbert said he was still receiving numerous hate mails threats, phone messages, with some death threats. A woman in the audience asked, “Why is that not a federal crime? Isn’t that domestic terrorism?”
His answer was, “It could be. I have talked to the FBI and the Attorney General and anyone that will listen. What has happened over the past several weeks, I certainly consider this to be domestic terrorism. They are trying to create the fear and scare amongst the people. Our website was shut down, our emails were shut down. Their efforts are to shut down the government of Quartzsite.”
Chief continued to discuss the emergency meeting of June 10th, “the council set in motion increasing the security measures for everyone in this town because of all the threats and hate mail we have received.”
After a man tried to bring back the discussion to the event I mentioned, Chief Gilbert said, “From my understanding, there’s 3 groups planning on coming in on the 27th, Oathkeepers, Tea Party and another one. Hopefully they’re a peaceful group. But a lot of these people participating in the comments are advocating violence. It’s a difficult situation that we’re going through.” After Jones questioned where I found the information, I read it verbatim from the event posted on “Supporters of Mayor Ed Foster” Facebook page.
When Jennifer Jones asked if Chief denies he ran her husband 263 times over the past two and half years, Chief’s response was, “How many times?” Jones said, “263 times”. Chief Gilbert replied, “Oh, yes, I deny that!” and the crowd broke out in laughter.
The audience was reminded that the whole Jackson Lewis investigation report is available in the library. He explained the DPS investigation "is ongoing and is narrowly scoped investigation on NCIC and everything is computer generated. The truth will be told."
Chief Gilbert expressed he was sad about the situation with the officers. "The two officers who have returned to work are regretful." He asked the community to have confidence in the department. “If there’s a rebuilding we have to do, we will do that.”
There was discussion about a new gun store and indoor shooting range being planned near the Police Station. Jones asked if Chief considered those who frequent the new gun store terrorists. Chief said, “I hope not!” Chief said, "you don’t have to own a gun to be a terrorist."
One woman reminded Chief about what he said last year about how police never get invited to “Little Johnny’s” birthday party, unless it’s a domestic violence call. There was a discussion about how important it is to tell an officer thank you. Other attendees shared personal stories about how they appreciate the local police officers.
Chief Gilbert assured the audience “we’ll be ready” when asked about the upcoming season and the snowbirds arriving.
On Thursday, Aug. 4th, Oathkeepers announced the Quartzsite Liberty Festival will take place in Quartzsite on Saturday, August 27th. The groups involved are the Oathkeepers, Greater Phoenix Tea Party, Sons of Liberty, and others.
Information on the upcoming "Quartzsite Liberty Festival" can be found below:
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