Ed Foster won the election by only 27 votes. However, the agenda for Tuesday night's council meeting puts in question this statement. Item number 2 under new business: "Discussion and possible approval of Resolution No. 10-12; certifying the facts requiring a recount of the vote for the Town of Quartzsite held on May 18, 2010, and authorizing the Town Attorney to file a petition in Superior Court for a recount of the votes and declaring an emergency to exist."

Many local folks have expressed their outrage to me. Anyone who knows me, is aware that I am just a human being trying to help others in a positive way. I can understand their concerns and frustrations. I strongly believe that our society thrives when there are many different opinions. It is how we express ourselves that concerns me. Yelling at me won't get you very far....sharing your opinion in a clear, calm way is a good way of communicating with respect.
Papers have been drawn to recall our newly elected council members, less than 24 hours after the swearing in ceremony on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. People were upset that the sitting council voted to change the mayor's duties. I heard many times, that the council is not listening to the people. Well, the people put them all there! The people actually voted who they want to serve on that council. This is the first time since October, 2008 (when then Mayor Chuck Busby died in office) that there is a fully elected council.
Every decision made by the council will most likely upset someone! They have a job to do and it is my personal opinion to just let them do it. It's very difficult to work at your peak performance when there are constant threats and unrest surrounding you. Every person working at Town Hall is a human being, just doing the best they can. Every council member is a human being also. They all have families, friends, passions, hobbies, hopes and goals.
Let us be supportive of each other, expressing ourselves with respect and compassion.