The Quartzsite Centennial group was originally started by the GFWC Woman’s club and now has become a Town of Quartzsite Event. The magnitude of this event needs the complete support of our community, so the Woman’s Club asked the Council to reinstate the Town’s Committee. The newly formed Centennial Committee met for the first time on Wed. April 28, 2010 and have been very busy since.
The statewide year-long celebration is from February 14, 2011 through February 14, 2012. Many local events will coordinate with already established events. The kickoff event will begin with the ATV Parade on Feb. 12, 2011 in cooperation of Willpower, Inc. Every organization, business and individual can participate in small or large ways, however when we join forces together, the program as a whole, will be phenomenal.
Quartzsite will get a head start with fundraising beginning this summer into the fall. On October 23, Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) in cooperation with other organizations will host their 2nd Annual Rockin' in Quartzsite - A Celebration of the Arts! Centennial Souvenirs will be available for purchase at this event and others during the season.
Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) recently joined forces with Funding Factory to provide recycling services for ink jet cartridges and cell phones. Just drop off your ink jet or laser cartridges, and old cell phones in the boxes and we'll take care of the details. For the first year of the project, the funds raised will support the Centennial Committee. Stay tuned for locations in Quartzsite. If your business is interested in being a drop off location, please contact Rain at 541-218-2560.