Freeze Warning In Effect from midnight MST /11 pm pst/ tonight to 5 pm MST /4 pm pst/ Sunday.

through Tuesday morning.
The National Weather Service in Phoenix has issued a Freeze Warning, which is in effect from midnight MST /11 pm pst/ tonight to 5 pm MST /4 pm pst/ Sunday. The Freeze Watch is now in effect from Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning.
- Affected area: the greater Phoenix area including all outlying suburbs, Wickenburg, Gila Bend, Quartzsite, Buckeye, Casa Grande and Coolidge.
- Temperature: around 30 in the urban areas, low to mid 20s in the outlying areas. Similar temperatures are expected Sunday night and Monday night but there is still some uncertainty if clouds move into the area.
- Impacts: Extended freezing temperatures could cause damage to plants, irrigation pipes, and water lines going into homes.
Recommended actions
A Freeze Warning means Sub-freezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will destroy or damage crops and other sensitive vegetation.
A Freeze Watch means Sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could destroy or damage crops and other sensitive vegetation.
Excerpted from ready.govBefore:
- Rock salt or more environmentally safe products to melt ice on walkways. Visit the Environmental Protection Agency for a complete list of recommended products.
- Sand to improve traction.
- Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.
- Sufficient heating fuel. You may become isolated in your home and regular fuel sources may be cut off. Store a good supply of dry, seasoned wood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove.
- Adequate clothing and blankets to keep you warm.