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From the Publisher of Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper - Quartzsite news, events and entertainment published 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, Sept. thru May.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Telemarketing scams target seniors nationwide
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Quartzsite Town Council plans special meeting Mon. Jan. 28 at 2pm
Quartzsite Town Council will hold a special meeting
MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2013 at 2:00 pm
Three items on the agenda are regarding the Planning and Zoning Commission.
1. Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission serve at the pleasure of the Council.
At the Discretion of the council, terminate all current appointments to the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Mark Orgeron, Council Member
2. Discussion and Interview of applicants to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mark Orgeron, Council Member
3. Discussion and possible appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Mark Orgeron, Council Member
4. Executive Session:
• An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(A)(3) for discussion or consultation for legal advice with Special Counsel for the Town regarding an employment contract with Police Chief Jeff Gilbert dated February 8, 2011.
• An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(A)(4) for discussion or consultation with Special Counsel for the Town in order to consider its position and instruct Special Counsel regarding the Town's position regarding an employment contract with Police Chief Jeff Gilbert dated February 8, 2011.
The online agenda does not have the time posted nor is it signed by the Town Clerk. Discussions held at the Jan. 22nd Council meeting infer the council wants to "release" the whole volunteer Planning & Zoning Board and start all over, but current members may reapply. Interim Town Manger and the council agreed the meeting to discuss P & Z would be held Wed. Jan. 30th.
However, Desert Messenger confirmed that five of the seven board members did not receive phone calls from Town Hall notifying them of the change to the Monday meeting until late Friday afternoon. Calls were placed from Town Hall between 3:41 pm - 4:13 pm Friday. There are only seven Volunteer Interest Forms posted online for the seven P & Z seats available. The Volunteer Interest Forms for the current five board members were NOT included.
Can the council include the currently seated Commissions in Monday's discussion if their Interest Forms were excluded from the council packet?
It was also confirmed that at least one council member was not notified the council packet was ready until about 4:15 pm Friday afternoon.
TOWN OF QUARTZSITE Planning and Zoning Commission Membership Roster
Last Council Approved Last Council Approved Term Status
Term Start Term End
Bearcat, Starr August 2010 August 2013 Current
Bowman, Barbara August 2010 August 2013 Current
Kiss, Violet November 2009 March 2012 Term Exp
Kuehl, Dennis November 2012 January 2015 Current
Murphy, James June 2007 June 2010 Term Exp
Ross, Doug October 2010 October 2013 Current
Wall, Dennis February 2012 None Current
For the full agenda visit: http://ci.quartzsite.az.us/Support%20Docs/Council_NTS_AGD/2013/012813%20Special%20Meeting%20Agenda.pdf
Quartzsite loses Bob Nickerson, publisher of Quartzsite Crier

Bob came to Quartzsite very little, but soon began working at local businesses on W. Main St., including Kittie's Ice Cream and Addicted to Deals.
Bob also served as the caretaker at Quartzsite Senior Center and enjoyed cooked many meals for the elders. He had an unusual flair with flavors, much to the delight of the seniors. He also helped in the remodeling of the Senior Center kitchen.
Bob and I talked about options for his Bible Word Search Puzzle, as it would not be a perfect fit for the Desert Messenger. He soon decided to publish the free "Quartzsite Crier", which was full of funny cartoons, jokes, sayings, and of course, his famous Word Search Puzzle. He was so excited when he received his business license, and then published the "Quartzsite Crier" the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month. Advertisers supported his project of sharing his sense of humor with folks around town. He published Quartzsite Crier for over two years before his health began to decline.
His latest endeavor was the free publication "Quartzsite Funny Bone" which came out just last month, with the support of Norm Simpson, owner of Mountain Quail Cafe, as publisher.
Bob studied very hard and became a licensed Minister. He started "The Voice in the Wilderness Ministry". He was a staunch supporter of "Giving a Hand Up" not "a hand out". As his health declined, Bob would often call his friends and just say how much he appreciated their friendship. He knew his time was short and lived life fully.
Bob's Facebook page reads, I "am an ordained Minister, Have an Open Air Ministry, "The Voice in the Wilderness" dedicated to serving God and helping those in need with housing, food and other daily needs, utilizing funds or products donated to my ministry. If unable to personally help, will refer them to someone who can. I will not rest until those coming to me, asking for help, are helped. Didn't JESUS say: "So you've done unto the least of me, you've done unto me also."
His favorite quote was, "Laughter is the best medicine!"
Rest in Peace, Bob. Services are pending.
Shanana Rain Golden-Bear
Publisher/Editor Desert Messenger
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Prescribed burn at Sandy Cove, Cibola, south of Quartzsite
Prescribed Burn at
Hippy Hole/Sandy Cove
Yuma, Ariz. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to burn brush piles in the Sandy Cove area (also
known as Hippy Hole) located along the east side of the Colorado River in La
Paz County, Arizona. The site is located
immediately east of the Colorado River, two miles west of the community of
Cibola, Arizona. Burning may
begin as early as Friday, January 25, 2013, and will continue until all of the
piles have been burned. The start date and time for the burning operation depends
on weather and may be delayed until appropriate conditions occur. The prescribed burning of the piles will be
conducted over a 1-4 day period.
There are a total of 9 piles of
brush that will be burned in a 14-acre area south of Sandy Cove.
The piles are expected to burn down quickly. Smoke should disperse out of the area in a
short period of time. Residents should
expect some light smoke in the area during the burn operation.
For public safety reasons, La Paz
County mechanically cleared vegetation in the Sandy Cove area and placed the
vegetation in brush piles last spring.
The brush piles include tamarisk, arrowweed, cottonwood, and
This prescribed burn is a joint venture with BLM, La Paz
County, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The BLM manages more than 245
million acres of public land – the most of any Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of
Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of
sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, recreational and other activities on BLM-managed land
contributed more than $130 billion to the U.S. economy and supported more than
600,000 American jobs. The
Bureau is also one of a handful of agencies that collects more revenue than it
spends. In FY 2012, nearly $5.7 billion
was generated on lands managed by the BLM, which operates on a $1.1 billion
budget. The BLM's multiple-use mission
is to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands for the use and
enjoyment of present and future generations.
The Bureau accomplishes this by managing such activities as outdoor
recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production, and
by conserving natural, historical, cultural, and other resources on public
Colorado River,
Hippy Hole,
La Paz County,
Quartzsite blog,
Sandy Cove
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Schedule for Desert Bloom Off Road Rally in Quartzsite Feb. 14-17, 2013
2013 Desert Bloom Rally comes to Quartzsite
FEB. 14-17, 2013
The 2013 Desert Bloom Rally is rapidly approaching and we could not be more excited about this event. Entries are rolling in almost every day and the manufacturers midway is filling up. Trails have been mapped and pre-run and we have come up with everything from rock climbs to sand dunes and all are a blast! February 14th will be here before we know it and if you have not signed up or if you have not told a friend, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT!!!
We have slightly altered the format. There will only be one
ride offered a day. If we have too many vehicles for each ride, we will split
up into groups with staggered start times. This will allow us to support our
drivers and riders much better and ensure a safer event.
We have been fine tuning the schedule of events and it will
be fun and action packed from the get go. Here is what to expect:
Wdnesday the 13th
• 8:00 AM – Registration Opens
• 4:00 PM – Registration Closes
Thursday the 14th
• 8:00 AM – Registration Opens
• 8:00 AM – Breakfast
• 8:00 AM – Performance Pavilion Opens
• 9:00 AM - Brenda Ride Leaves
• 2:00 PM – Brenda Ride Returns (estimated)
• 4:00 PM – Performance Pavilion Closes
• 4:00 PM – Registration Closes
• 7:00 PM – Drive-In Movie (Inside Performance Pavilion)
Friday the 15th
• 8:00 AM – Registration Opens
• 8:00 AM – Breakfast
• 8:00 AM – Performance Pavilion Opens
• 9:00 AM – Colorado River Ride Leaves
• 2:00 PM – Colorado River Ride Returns (estimated)
• 4:00 PM – Performance Pavilion Closes
• 4:00 PM – Registration Closes
• 6:00 PM – Dinner Cruise (Inside Performance Pavilion)
Saturday the 16th
• 8:00 AM – Registration Opens
• 8:00 AM – Breakfast
• 8:00 AM – Performance Pavilion Opens
• 9:00 AM – Side x Side Performance Bouse Ride Leaves
• 3:30 PM – Side x Side Performance Bouse Ride Returns
• 4:00 PM – Performance Pavilion Closes
• 4:00 PM – Registration Closes
• 6:00 PM – BBQ
• 7:00 PM - Raffle
Sunday the 17th
• 8:00 AM – Registration Opens
• 8:00 AM – Breakfast
• 9:00 AM – Patton Ride Leaves
• 9:00 AM – Hogback Ride Leaves
• 2:00 PM – Patton Ride Returns (estimated)
• 2:30 PM – Hogback Ride Returns
For more information visit http://five2productions.com
Rumor control in Quartzsite - Successful Desert Gardens Show!
Information from Desert Gardens Holdings, LLC - General
It has been brought to my attention that based on the
improvements to the Show Grounds vendor space rental fee would be raised and
that the Gems, Rocks and Minerals Show are not going well. The facts are as follows:
The property improvements were completed to
provide better facilities for the vendors, visitors and to enhance the
appearance of Desert Gardens and the Community.
I do not intend to increase the space rental
fees during the season.
The current vendor space rental fee is $440.00 per
month plus electricity during prime time and $225.00 per month before and after
the show.
A contract option is being added – the space
rental fee for a 5 month period (November 1st – the last day in
February) will be $1500.00 ($300.00 per month) plus electricity. Those who accept this option will be locked
in for two additional seasons. Also, the
last week of October will be for set-up at no charge to the vendor.
According to the many vendors I have spoken
with, the show is going quite well, they are making sales and they are very
Should there be any questions regarding Desert Gardens
please contact me at 623-606-0053.
Dennis Kuehl
Monday, January 21, 2013
Quartzsite resident Tom Cunningham honored at Veteran's concert
Quartzsite First Assembly of God held their annual Veteran's Tribute
with Linda Lanier Friday night, Jan. 19, 2013.
Quartzsite resident Tom Cunningham
was honored with the receipt of the American flag.
Color Guard conducted the Flag Folding Ceremony as
Pastor Bruce Swart read the Air Force Script of the meaning of the twelve folds.
Tom spoke to the audience with tears of gratitude and praise for his God.
Tom and his wife, JoAnn, are very active in the community,
volunteering for the church and other organizations.
Below: Tom's brother, Carl, lost his life while serving in Vietnam War
The annual tribute to Veterans and Active/Past Members of
Military, Police, Fire, Paramedics was an emotional event
as Linda Lanier shared her passion for the
brave men and women who serve our nation
with moving songs and stories.
The evening ended with veterans being thanked for their service by attendees
with lots of hugs and handshakes. The church members provided service and flag pins to the veterans.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Quartzsite Elementary School Awards Nights for both schools planned
Quartzsite School District is celebrating National School Choice Week (Jan. 27 to Feb. 2, 2013) in Quartzsite and Ehrenberg with several activities and events planned through February 1.
Quartzsite Elementary School, Quartzsite, AZ
Awards Night, January 23, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Grail Theater's Presentation "Oliver Twist", in the Ehrenberg School Gym, January 24, 12:45-1:45 p.m.
Donuts and Coffee for Parents, January 29, 8:15-9:15 a.m.
We are letting parents know that we appreciate their support and choosing Quartzsite Elementary School as the BEST choice for their child in Quartzsite, Arizona
Ehrenberg Elementary School, Ehrenberg, AZ
Awards Night, January 22, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Grail Theater's Presentation "Oliver Twist", in the Ehrenberg School Gym, January 24, 12:45-1:45 p.m.
Rootbeer Floats for students, January 25
Shredded Beef Barbacoa Dinner, January 25, 5:00-7:00 p.m. ($7.00)
Donuts and Coffee for Parents, February 1, 8:15-9:15 a.m.
We are letting parents know that we appreciate their support and choosing Ehrenberg Elementary School as the BEST choice for their child in Ehrenberg, Arizona
Friday, January 18, 2013
AT&T service down in Quartzsite areas & new phone # for Desert Messenger
It happens every year! The influx of thousands of Snowbirds overload the AT&T tower in Quartzsite, Arizona. However, AT&T recently received approval to install a new cell tower in town.
AT&T Customer Service Rep said, "It appears a tower is severely degraded. They are aware of the problem and issued a 'ticket' for a tech to come out."
I then asked to be transferred to a technician and Amber was awesome! After explaining the situation in Quartzsite with the huge influx of people, she suggested I spread the word about a new APP called, "Mark the Spot". AT&T's Mark the Spot is an application that provides customers a means to provide feedback on their network experience directly to AT&T. AT&T Customers can download the app and then let ATT know of technical issues right from their phone.
Customers should call ATT from another phone to report the outage: 800-947-5096. It was suggested the more folks who report the outages, the faster AT&T might get around to installing the new tower planned at 4-corners (corner of Hwy. 95 and Main Street).
Mark the Spot is available for IPhone and Android
Another issue: Amber reminded me that smart phones owners need to completely turn their phones off 2-3 times a week, as AT&T sends updates and phones need to "reboot" in order to accept the updates.
Amber said service is expected to be restored in Quartzsite around 10:30am Saturday, however, "please give us two or three days just in case..." Customers can call AT&T and ask for a credit on their bill for the inconvenience.
I'm sure glad I picked up a new phone from Verizon, and their service is fine in Quartzsite tonight!
Folks needing to reach Desert Messenger can call the new local number
of 928-916-4235.
I had not planned on changing numbers in January, but here we are! (the former phone will also work, once service is restored to Quartzsite!)
Shanana Rain Golden-Bear
Desert Messenger
PO Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85346
Quartzsite Welcomes Snowbirds 2013
Quartzsite, Arizona welcomes Snowbirds back
for another great winter!
The weather is warming just in time for all the shows opening!
Vendors are lining the streets, shows and swap meets, displaying their wares.
RVers are filling the RV Parks and BLM lands.
Restaurants had their busiest night of the season last night!
RV Rallies are having their gatherings in the Sonoran Desert!
RV dealers are ready with specials this year!
Tyson Wells Sell-a-rama opened today and runs thru JAN. 27th.
Hundreds of volunteers are gearing up for the largest Rock Show of its Kind:
The QIA Pow Wow begins WED. JAN. 23 - SUN. JAN. 27
The Big Tent opens SAT. JAN. 19 and runs thru SUN. JAN. 27
For a full listing of shows, events, music jams, restaurants, and more...
visit www.VisitQuartzsite.com
Drive careful out there, folks! There's plenty of time to see it all!
Have fun and come see us again!
Check us out on Facebook: LIKE www.facebook.com/DesertMessengerNews
Follow @QuartzsiteRain on Twitter
Confusion in Quartzsite? Really?
Quartzsite, AZ - Evidently, once again, there is confusion between the two free papers in Quartzsite, Arizona.
After receiving multiple phone calls and complaints about a certain cartoon published in Jennifer Jones' tabloid, Desert Freedom Press, I felt it necessary to clarify the situation.
Desert Messenger is not affiliated in any way with the tabloid Desert Freedom Press (AKA DFP). Desert Messenger is proud to maintain a Quartzsite business license. DFP does not, and has not since she began publishing over two years ago.
Jones publishes Richard Abbey's self-described "poorly drawn cartoons" in her tabloid. The recent uproar and complaints surround the latest cartoon Jones published on Page 5 of the Jan. 5, 2013 issue, which depicts a hamster holding a shotgun surrounded by dead birds on the ground.
The headline reads, "HAMster" welcomes "snow birds" to Quartzfest
Amateur Radio Operators are fondly called HAMs. There is a Ham gathering in Quartzsite this week, called "Quartzfest" with already over 200 check ins for the 11 day event, however over 600 attended last year's famous event.
According to Jacob C. Herman on www.VoiceNation.com:
To learn more visit http://www.voicenation.com/resources/article-library/all-about-ham-radios.shtml
Local Hams are well known for helping our local Quartzsite Police Officers during parades and other events and are well respected within the community. Amateur Radio Operators go through rigorous training and are licensed by the FCC.
Jones is famous for her support of our constitutional right of "Freedom of Speech." However, Freedom of speech does not include the right to incite actions that would harm others (e.g. shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. (Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919)
If anyone else finds this cartoon offensive, I suggest you express your "Freedom of Speech" directly to the publisher, Jennifer Jones, at thedesertfreedompress@yahoo.com or call 928-785-6318. If no response, you can visit her at her Dog Grooming business located at Hassler's RV Park on Main Street, Quartzsite.
Abbey is not so publicly accessible. However if you'd like to directly complain and express your right to free speech to the cartoonist, he is on Facebook at http://facebook.com/richard.abbey1
Needless to say, Jones DOES NOT speak for the majority of Quartzsite residents or snowbirds!
To learn more about Quartzfest 2013 events happening now, visit http://quartzfest.org/.
Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear,
Desert Messenger, now in our 9th Year in Quartzsite!
After receiving multiple phone calls and complaints about a certain cartoon published in Jennifer Jones' tabloid, Desert Freedom Press, I felt it necessary to clarify the situation.
Desert Messenger is not affiliated in any way with the tabloid Desert Freedom Press (AKA DFP). Desert Messenger is proud to maintain a Quartzsite business license. DFP does not, and has not since she began publishing over two years ago.
The headline reads, "HAMster" welcomes "snow birds" to Quartzfest
Amateur Radio Operators are fondly called HAMs. There is a Ham gathering in Quartzsite this week, called "Quartzfest" with already over 200 check ins for the 11 day event, however over 600 attended last year's famous event.
According to Jacob C. Herman on www.VoiceNation.com:
"Ham radios are also known as amateur radios, and they are becoming more popular among those who need a powerful communication device as well as computer hobbyists. They enable people to communicate with other amateur radio users in their countries and around the world. In fact, they are the most powerful wireless communication tools that are available to ordinary people, and they can even help connect users with astronauts in space.
Those who use ham radios are called “hams”, and there are presently millions of regular hams around the world. People from all walks of life use ham radios, ranging from movie stars and politicians to missionaries and students. They make use of different types of radio communication devices to participate in ham radio communication. While ham radios are mostly used for personal communication, there are communities of hams who use their radios to provide important information in their localities, such as emergency and disaster alerts. Ham radios offer a great way for users to make friends with people around the world." To learn more visit http://www.voicenation.com/resources/article-library/all-about-ham-radios.shtml
Local Hams are well known for helping our local Quartzsite Police Officers during parades and other events and are well respected within the community. Amateur Radio Operators go through rigorous training and are licensed by the FCC.
Jones is famous for her support of our constitutional right of "Freedom of Speech." However, Freedom of speech does not include the right to incite actions that would harm others (e.g. shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. (Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919)
If anyone else finds this cartoon offensive, I suggest you express your "Freedom of Speech" directly to the publisher, Jennifer Jones, at thedesertfreedompress@yahoo.com or call 928-785-6318. If no response, you can visit her at her Dog Grooming business located at Hassler's RV Park on Main Street, Quartzsite.
Abbey is not so publicly accessible. However if you'd like to directly complain and express your right to free speech to the cartoonist, he is on Facebook at http://facebook.com/
Needless to say, Jones DOES NOT speak for the majority of Quartzsite residents or snowbirds!
To learn more about Quartzfest 2013 events happening now, visit http://quartzfest.org/.
Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear,
Desert Messenger, now in our 9th Year in Quartzsite!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
HARD FREEZE warning Quartzsite, Bouse thru Monday!
Hard Freeze Warning In Effect Until 5 pm MST Monday.
Freeze Warning In Effect from 5 pm Monday to 9 am MST Tuesday.
The National Weather Service in Phoenix has issued a Hard Freeze Warning, which is in effect until 5 pm MST Monday. A Freeze Warning is also in effect from 5 pm Monday to 9 am MST Tuesday.
- Affected area: Quartzite And Bouse.
- Temperature: minimum temperatures generally in the lower 20s.
- Impacts: destruction of garden plants and vegetables, damage to landscaping plants and citrus trees, added hardship for homeless people and pets left outdoors, damage to exposed plumbing pipes.
• The Humane Society of Southern Arizona suggests that pet owners should either bring their animals indoors or make sure they have shelter with warm blankets to shield them from the cold.
• Pets need a place to sleep that is off the floor or ground and away from drafts.
• Dogs sensitive to the cold due to age, illness or breed should be taken outdoors only long enough to relieve themselves. Puppies do not tolerate the cold well.
• Dogs that spend a lot of time engaged in outdoor activities should be fed more, especially protein, to keep fur thick.
• Cats can freeze outside and should be kept indoors.
• Sometimes cats sleep under the hoods of cars, where it is warmer. When the motor is started, the cat can be injured or killed in the fan belt. Before starting the engine, bang loudly on the hood to give a hiding cat a chance to escape.
Homeowners are advised to cover exposed pipes with insulation or towels to prevent them from freezing and bursting.
It is also best to drain pipes or leave a tap dripping in the fixture farthest from the water heater, which allows water to run through the pipes during the night.
• Seal all areas that allow cold outside air to get in where pipes are located.
• Water pipes in attics may also need to be insulated.
• If your water pipe has frozen, be patient. There is no quick remedy. Pipes will need to gradually warm up. You can use a hair dryer on the frozen section to begin the warming process. Wave the warm air back and forth on the pipe.
• Do not pour hot water over a frozen pipe, or use open-flame torches.
• If there is a burst or water is already leaking from plumbing, turn off the water at the main supply valve.
• Nursery workers suggest that outdoor plants need to be protected from the harsh weather by covering them with blankets or nylon frost cloths. Do not cover plants with plastic.
• Plants should be well-watered for protection because the water insulates the entire plant.
• Styrofoam cups over the tips of cacti will stop frost damage on the new growth.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Yuma Hospital changes visitor guidelines during flu season
Yuma Regional Medical Center Changes
Visitor Guidelines
During Flu Season
(January 11, 2013 – Yuma , AZ ) Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC) is experiencing high patient volumes, which is normal during this time of year because of Yuma ’s winter visitor population and it being peak flu season. However, to protect patients, families and staff from unnecessary exposure to the flu virus, YRMC is changing its guidelines for those who visit patients during flu season. Effective immediately, people under the age of 18 will not be permitted in patient care and waiting areas during flu season. You may be asked for identification. An exception will be made for anyone under 18 who is the parent of a patient or person receiving services. YRMC is also asking people over the age of 18 who are experiencing the following symptoms not to visit patients:
- Fever
- Cough
- Aches/pains
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- Chills
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Feel as if you might have the flu
“Flu” refers to illness caused by a number of different influenza viruses. It can cause a range of symptoms and effects, from mild to severe. Most healthy people recover from the flu without problems, but certain people are at greater risk for serious complications. This includes older people, young children, pregnant women and people with certain health conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), and persons who live in facilities like nursing homes.
The best way to prevent the flu from spreading is to practice good hand hygiene; wash your hands with clean, running water and apply soap. Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds and then rinse well under running water and dry with a clean towel or air dry them. If you already have the flu, the best prevention is to stay home.
Due to YRMC’s high patient volumes, the newly developed third floor of the tower was opened yesterday, a day ahead of schedule. This provides an additional 36 patient beds, and will alleviate patient overflow.
Freeze warning for Quartzsite and southern Arizona
Freeze Warning In Effect from midnight MST /11 pm pst/ tonight to 5 pm MST /4 pm pst/ Sunday.

through Tuesday morning.
The National Weather Service in Phoenix has issued a Freeze Warning, which is in effect from midnight MST /11 pm pst/ tonight to 5 pm MST /4 pm pst/ Sunday. The Freeze Watch is now in effect from Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning.
- Affected area: the greater Phoenix area including all outlying suburbs, Wickenburg, Gila Bend, Quartzsite, Buckeye, Casa Grande and Coolidge.
- Temperature: around 30 in the urban areas, low to mid 20s in the outlying areas. Similar temperatures are expected Sunday night and Monday night but there is still some uncertainty if clouds move into the area.
- Impacts: Extended freezing temperatures could cause damage to plants, irrigation pipes, and water lines going into homes.
Recommended actions
A Freeze Warning means Sub-freezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will destroy or damage crops and other sensitive vegetation.
A Freeze Watch means Sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could destroy or damage crops and other sensitive vegetation.
Excerpted from ready.govBefore:
- Rock salt or more environmentally safe products to melt ice on walkways. Visit the Environmental Protection Agency for a complete list of recommended products.
- Sand to improve traction.
- Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.
- Sufficient heating fuel. You may become isolated in your home and regular fuel sources may be cut off. Store a good supply of dry, seasoned wood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove.
- Adequate clothing and blankets to keep you warm.
What is a Freeze Warning?
A Freeze Warning is issued when significant, widespread freezing temperatures are expected. Minimum shelter temperature is forecast to be 32�F or less during the locally defined growing season. Source: nws.noaa.govWednesday, January 9, 2013
Arizona AG Horne issues consumer warning
Horne Issues Consumer Warning About New Mortgage Ploy
PHOENIX (Wednesday, January 09, 2013) -- Arizona homeowners should be on the lookout for a mailing that appears to be a legal document, but may be a ploy against mortgage consumers, Attorney General Tom Horne said today.
The mailing comes in an envelope that appears to be an official legal or government document, but there is no company name or return address on the envelope or the letter itself. A call to the toll-free number in the letter reveals the company as Fresh Start, based in New York.
The letter informs homeowners that they may be eligible to join a national lawsuit or make a potential legal claim against a mortgage lender. The pitch from Fresh Start is that the homeowner must first pay $2,700 for the company to do “research” and then another $2,500 to retain a lawyer. Such up-front fees are a violation of federal regulations and Arizona consumer fraud laws.
“This is the latest in a seemingly endless series of illegal or possibly illegal ploys related to Arizona’s mortgage crisis,” Horne said. “Fresh Start claims to offer so-called audit services as a precursor to directing consumers to obtain legal assistance for mortgage holders who may have been victimized in the mortgage crisis. But they first require as much as $5,200 up front from a homeowner. This is a blatant violation of Arizona law.”Horne added, “The irony in this case is the consumer who brought this to the attention of my office has not been victimized in the mortgage crisis, but Fresh Start indicated he may be eligible for relief anyway and should pay the initial up-front fee for ‘research’. Consumers need to be wary of this and other similar ploys.”
A copy of the letter is online here: https://www.azag.gov/sites/default/files/Mortgage-Ploy-Letter.pdf
Attorney General Tom Horne,
news Quartzsite Blog,
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