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Desert Messenger, Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper
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From the Publisher of Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper - Quartzsite news, events and entertainment published 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, Sept. thru May.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Quartzsite Town Attorney Martin Brannan assigns cases to special prosecutor
Quartzsite, Arizona - In a press release issued this afternoon, Quartzsite Town Attorney, Martin Brannan announced cases involving five Quartzsite residents have been assigned to a special prosecutor.
The Press Release states:
"Despite reports to the contrary, the so-called Quartzsite Bagger is not the Quartzsite Town Attorney or any other elected or appointed officer of the Town of Quartzsite. The opinions expressed on do not represent the views of any elected or appointed officer of the Town of Quartzsite. No elected or appointed officer of the Town of Quartzsite profits in any way from the sale of merchandise by Cafe Press related to the “Quartzsite Bagger” blog.
"Notwithstanding this reality, in order for the Town Attorney and other town officers to concentrate on the business of the town without the distraction this “controversy” appears to have been designed to create, the cases involving self-styled activists Ed Foster, Jennifer Jones, Michael Roth, Dana Stadler and Doug Gilford are being assigned to a special prosecutor."
The Press Release states:
"Despite reports to the contrary, the so-called Quartzsite Bagger is not the Quartzsite Town Attorney or any other elected or appointed officer of the Town of Quartzsite. The opinions expressed on do not represent the views of any elected or appointed officer of the Town of Quartzsite. No elected or appointed officer of the Town of Quartzsite profits in any way from the sale of merchandise by Cafe Press related to the “Quartzsite Bagger” blog.
"Notwithstanding this reality, in order for the Town Attorney and other town officers to concentrate on the business of the town without the distraction this “controversy” appears to have been designed to create, the cases involving self-styled activists Ed Foster, Jennifer Jones, Michael Roth, Dana Stadler and Doug Gilford are being assigned to a special prosecutor."
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Quartzsite Town Attorney answers Jennifer Jones' accusations
Just released this afternoon, Quartzsite Town Attorney
Martin Brannan gets up close and personal.
Press Release
Dec. 22, 2011
Martin Brannan
Quartzsite Town Attorney
PO Box 2812
Quartzsite, AZ 85346-2812
I was just notified by a reporter from KSWT television in Yuma that Jennifer Jones has issued a “press”
release making generally silly accusations about her request that I be investigated by the FBI and the
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) for threatening her and others. Assuming that the FBI and
DPS even find grounds to believe that there is criminal conduct requiring and investigation, which I
highly doubt, I know that I have engaged in no illegal conduct. There is one accusation that Ms. Jones
made which I do want to address, however, because I believe it is of great importance.
Ms. Jones alleged to the KSWT reporter that I am mentally unbalanced. I want to address this accusation
in the hopes that it will help others who are stigmatized by such outrageous allegations.
I am a veteran of the first gulf war (1990-1991). I received an Air Medal for my role in piloting medium
lift helicopters during combat operations in support of the 18th Airborne Corps. Shortly after returning
from the conflict, I began having migraine headaches and experiencing difficulties which fall under the
diagnostic heading of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I receive services from the Veteran’s
administration and have a service-connected disability for, along with several physical ailments, PTSD. I
continue to suffer from occasional depression, anxiety and troubled sleep. I take medication for my
condition which makes dealing with this disorder easier, but I do have symptoms and suffer from a
condition designated by mental health professionals as a mental illness.
I admit this freely and without reservation because, like thousands of other Americans who have served
this country against an armed enemy, I am not ashamed of the scars I earned ensuring that people like
Jennifer Jones have the freedoms that Americans enjoy. While Ms. Jones uses her freedom of speech to
ridicule people who bear the mental scars of combat like myself and Council Member Joe Winslow, she
rails against anyone who dares to exercise their free-speech rights to ridicule her and her “service” to her
fellow human beings.
The last US Combat troops have finally left Iraq and many more are still serving in Afghanistan. Some
of them will soon be returning to the United States and to civilian life. Some of them may return to this
community. All of them will have been impacted by their combat service. Some of them, like me, will
have a service-connected disability as a result of their service. All of them, like me, will nevertheless be
capable of really serving their communities both in spite of and, more importantly, because of the
personal price they paid to secure your freedoms.
How you treat these brave men and women who suffer scars that you cannot see will be up to you. You
can honor their service and their sacrifice and help them to adjust to civilian life.
You can also ridicule them and make scurrilous claims that they are mentally unstable like Ms. Jones
does. Like Ms. Jones you can even claim that you are a “patriot” in doing so. That, too is your right; a
right that these brave men and women and Joe Winslow and I all sacrificed a part of their own wellbeing
to ensure.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
AG finds Quartzsite Town Council Violated Open Meeting Law
Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne finds Quartzsite
Open Meeting Law Violations
PHOENIX (Tuesday, December 13, 2011) -- Attorney General Tom Horne has found evidence that the Quartzsite Town Council has violated Arizona’s Open Meeting Laws (A.R.S. §§ 38-431 et. seq.) in connection with the conduct of Town Council meetings and dealings with a member of the public.
In a letter to the Quartzsite Town Attorney, Horne notes that on June 28, 2011, while addressing the Council, Quartzsite resident Jennifer Jones was removed from the meeting by a vote of the council. She had turned her back on the council and was addressing the audience, which the council reasonably could object to. Public bodies can eject members of the public for disruptive conduct, but they must first give a warning, which the council failed to do.
The second violation occurred on July 10, 2011 in which the Council convened an emergency meeting on at the Town Hall to discuss disruptions during previous meetings. The Council locked the doors to the meeting room and did not allow any member of the public to attend its meeting. Excluding the public from this meeting violated the Open Meeting Law.
In the third and related violation, the Attorney General notes that the Council did not fully comply with the posting requirements for emergency meetings. As of December 9, 2011, the minutes of the emergency meeting were not posted on the Town website.
The final violation involves the failure to comply with posting requirements for Notices and Minutes.
The Council did not post minutes for the July 10, 2011 emergency meeting. In addition, the Council failed to post minutes for a number of its meetings labeled as “work sessions.”
As a remedy, Horne is recommending that:
1. The Council will discuss the concerns listed in this letter with its legal counsel in open session during a properly noticed public meeting.
2. Each member of the Council and staff will participate in a training session with counsel from the League of Arizona Cities and Towns regarding the requirements of the Open Meeting Laws.
3. The Council will be subject to oversight by the Attorney General’s Office for a period of twelve months.
Attorney General Tom Horne,
Quartzsite AZ
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Quartzsite Police Dept. to conduct holiday details
DUI Saturation Detail
The Quartzsite Police Department (QPD) in conjunction with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety will be conducting traffic enforcement details over the Christmas Holidays. They will be enforcing speed, seat belt, aggressive driving and DUI laws.
QPD will also be conducting a DUI saturation detail on New Year’s Eve. They will be conducting high visibility details to keep impaired drivers off the road to keep the roads safe for the public.
The penalties for DUI can include loss of your drivers license, expensive fines, jail time, increased insurance rates, possible loss of life or injury and having your name published in the local paper.
QPD asks that if you drink, please be responsible. Don’t drink and drive, make sure to have a designated driver and wear your seatbelt at all times.
Quartzsite AZ,
Quartzsite Police Department
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Best of Quartzsite winners 2011
Okay folks, here are the winners in the first ever Best of Quartzsite! The ballots were published in the Desert Messenger both issues in November, 2011.
When all the negative publicity of Quartzsite dominated the media during the summer, I felt it was time to celebrate what we do right in Quartzsite! I’ve taken alot of heat from folks not understanding the power of celebrating the good in our lives. I really don’t believe good old fashioned competition is bad for the economy or our community. As I sat with the piles of ballots and the huge list of categories I created, I wondered how crazy I was to attempt this! But, your responses were so overwhelming, I had to get ‘er done! Winners get bragging rights, and everyone who received just one vote is listed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write in your favorites. Congratulations to everyone! Quartzsite Rocks!!!
Best Alternative Energy: Solar & Sun won overwhelmingly with Solar Panels, Coal, and Discount Solar coming in close behind.
Best BBQ: Jerky Store & More on Hwy. 95 was the only one to receive votes, other than “slim pickin’s”!
Best Biscuits and Gravy: This was a very popular contest for who had the best in town. Main St. Eatery came out on top, followed by Mostly Wood Gift Shop & Restaurant, Sweet Darlene’s, La Casa del Rancho and the QIA.
Best Breakfasts: Once again the Eatery beat out the pack. Sweet Darlene’s came in a close second, followed by the following ties: Bad Boy’s Café, La Casa del Rancho, Mt. Quail Café.
Best Burgers: this was surprising, as Burger King barely beat out the Eatery, with Carl’s Jr. and McDonald’s.
Best Cell Phone Coverage: Verizon was the huge winner in Quartzsite! No other service was mentioned.
Best Coffee: The Eatery came out piping hot, with Scenic Road’s Kona Coffee in 2nd place. Followed by La Casa del Rancho, Sweet Darlene’s, Love’s and McDonald’s.
Best Dinner: The Eatery barely beat out La Casa del Rancho with Sweet Darlene’s, Grub Stake Grill, followed by Sizzler in Blythe.
Best Food Vendor: The General Store got the most votes, followed by Pig N a Poke at the Main Event, Jack’s Indian Taco at Main Event, Bad Boys, The Eatery, and Rockin’ Robins.
Best Friday Night Fish: There were a lot of votes in this category. It seems folks in Quartzsite love their Friday Night Fish Fry. Sweet Darlene’s was the huge favorite with The Eatery coming in close behind. The Grub Stake and Yacht Club fared well, also, as well as the VFW.
Best Desert Golf Course: Quartzsite Golf Course scored a hole in one with the most votes, with Greasewood coming in not far behind. District Club also was mentioned.
Best Ice Cream, Pies, Dessert: Dorothy & Toto’s Ice Cream & Kettle Corn was the favorite (they just opened in their new building next to D&B Leather!) Grandma’s Pies, Sweet Darlene’s & Quartzsite Bakery tied close behind. Vendors at Rice Ranch, DQ, and McDonald’s were also mentioned.
Best Indian Taco: Joan’s Fry Bread edged out Pig in a Poke and Jacks at Main Event. There’s evidently a good Indian Taco at the Potpourri held in Parker.
Best Jerky: The Jerky Store & More on Hwy. 95 received the most votes, followed by Daniel’s Jerky on W. Main.
Best Antiques: Burt & Billie’s edged out Vendors at QIA, Vendors at Sell-a-Rama, Vendors at Hi Alley & Jim Shiew.
Best Place for New/Used Books: Readers Oasis overwhelmingly received the most votes. Other entries included the Quartzsite Library, Main St. Laundromat, and
Best Place to Buy Rocks: T-Rocks rocked this category, followed by QIA Pow Wow, GFWC annual yard sale, Hi Alley Swap Meet, Rocks in my Head at Rice Ranch, PNQ’s Rock Auction, Hardie’s Beads & Jewelry, and Gem Shop.
Best Place to Buy RV Batteries: RV Lifestyles got the most votes! Discount Solar and Solar Bill’s came in close behind.
Best Place to buy something cool you don’t really need: Addicted to Deals came in first among the long list: GFWC annual yard sale, Gambler’s, yard sales, K&K Kitchen, Hardies, Costco, & Family Dollar.
Best Prime Rib: The Eatery beat out Mt. Quail and VFW.
Best RV Repair Service: RV Lifestyles and their friendly staff received the most votes, followed by Running Lizard, Mark Fuller, Coat’s RV and “my retired husband”!
Best Sandwiches: Jerky Store & More beat out The Eatery by just a few votes! Following them were Silly Al’s, Subway, and Patty’s.
Best Spaghetti garnished lots of votes. The winner is The Eatery, with Celia’s Rainbow Garden’s Spaghetti feed coming in close behind! Sweet Darlene’s, La Casa del Rancho, Yacht Club also received votes with one for “my wife’s”!
Best Storage: Paradise RV Storage came in first over Rose RV and Betty Hunter Storage.
Best time to visit Qtz. PO: “Summer” was the overwhelmingly popular answer, which included votes for July and August. Then there were the times of 2:30-4pm, 3-3:30pm and the one that made me smile was “after 4pm”!
Best use of Rock Yard Art: Celia’s Rainbow Gardens received the most votes here! Coyote Pass RV Park’s new water feature was also mentioned, along with Swanson’s old place on Desert Ave., and La Posa South.
Favorite area at Celia’s Gardens: The Veterans Area/Soldier Village received the most votes. The trails, the kid’s handprints brick wall, Rock Club area, and the center were also mentioned as beautiful places to visit.
Favorite ATV Trail: Dripping Springs, followed by Old Yuma Rd., Communication Hill, Railroad Pass-Bouse, and Stone Cabin trails were also mentioned.
Favorite Auto Repair: Best Auto barely came out ahead of Everett’s Towing, closely followed by American Tire, Taylor’s in Blythe, and “my retired husband”!
Favorite Bartender: Dianne of Yacht Club brought in the most votes, followed by Carol of Beer Belly’s, Diane at Silly Al’s Pizza, Terry at Yacht Club, Grubstake, and “myself” actually received two votes!
Favorite BLM Volunteer: Alice at La Posa South edged out Ellen at Tyson Wash, the folks at Plamosa Rd., and Lyle.
Favorite Charity event: Celia’s Rainbow Gardens’ Spaghetti Feed dominated the category followed by PNQ’s Rock Auction and GFWC Fashion Show.
Favorite Cook: Bud at the Eatery beat his co-workers, Janet & LaMont, but Abel at Times Three, came in a close second to Bud. Bob Nickerson was also mentioned for his cinnamon rolls.
Favorite Dog Groomer: Hollywood Pets edged out Cindy’s Pet Service. Marie(before she died) and Jade were also mentioned.
Favorite Electrician: Running Lizard edged out Dennis McGuiness, Denny Davey of Tews RV, Jim, John Prutch, Countrywide Bob Amos, J&S Electric of Parker.
Favorite Gas Station brought in the most votes of any category! Who would have guessed? Chevron took the most votes, followed closely by Pilot, Loves, Shell, ARCO & Mobil.
Favorite Honey Wagon: The Honeysuckles received the most votes, with Old Blue and La Posa South Petunia following closely behind…tee hee…
Favorite Desert Landmark: Halsey Williams Mill on Q Mountain came if first, with mentions of Aviation Tower (n of town), Dripping Springs, Scotty Dog (s of town), Dome Rock, Jack Cruikshandk cabin, Main St. landmark near Tyson Wash Bridge, Q Mountain, Palm Canyon, Sleeping Indian and Saguaro Cactus.
Favorite Live Performance: Paul Winer’s QIA performance received the most votes. The New Christy Minstrels at QIA, The Eatery’s Dinner Club Event, and Rock Club Variety Show at QIA also garnished votes.
Favorite Music Jam: La Posa South’s Tuesday Jam was the favorite, with Scenic Road RV singing a close second, followed by Arizona Sun RV , Holiday Palms RV, and QIA Desert Music.
Favorite Karaoke: Silly Al’s Pizza received the most votes! The Yacht Club and Taco Mio were right behind along with QIA.
Favorite Plumber: Long time resident, Dennis Dole received the most votes! Denny Davy and Running Lizard followed close behind.
Favorite QES staff member: Debbie Peterson edged out Linda Ward for the wonderful work with our elementary school children!
Favorite RV Park: This category had the most nominees. Tews RV Park beat the pack, just edging out Sunsetters RV. Scenic Road and JR’s closely followed, with other mentions of Mt. View, Cactus Patch, Quail Run, Cloud’s Trailer Park, Mt. Quail I & II, Al’s RV Park, Winter Haven, Tyson RV Park, La Posa North, and La Posa South.
Favorite Scholars’ staff member: Principle Steve McClenning brought in the most votes, followed by Julie Anderson.
Favorite Street Name: No Name Street clearly was the most favorite! Other names receiving votes were Hummingbird, Riggles, Quail Trail, Lollipop Lane, Cowell, and Moon Mountain Rd.
Favorite Waitperson: Michelle Lukkasson of The Eatery received top honors. Karen Day of Mt. Quail/Q-Town tied with Sandy of Sweet Darlene’s, followed by Diane of Yacht Club, Joanie Qualls of Times Three, Carol of Beer Belly’s, Callie of Palo Verde, Cindy of La Casa del Rancho, and Dianne of Sweet Darlene’s.
Favorite Youth Activity: Movies at First Assembly of God edged out the Boy Scouts, 4-H, Summer crafts at AWC and Football.
Friendliest Propane Service: goes to RV Pit Stop edged out the Jerky Store & More/Desert Propane. Patty’s RV, Suburban Propane, and A&B Propane also received votes.
Hardest working Medical Professional: Frances of La Paz Medical Clinic edged out Doctors O & P, Dr. Sumar, the nurse, and Dr. Hadlock, (veterinarian).
Hardest working Town employee: Town Manager, Alex Taft dominated the category. QPD Chief of Police Jeff Gilbert came in a close second, followed by Mayor Jose Lizarraga (not an actual employee), Debbie Dupree of Public Works, Julie Pieper at Town Hall, QPD Officer Rick Patterson, and Rick Smith “the tree waterer”.
Most community minded business person: Michelle and Jerry Lukkasson received the most votes. Also receiving votes were Sherri & Rick Garlow of Quartzsite General Store, Shanana Rain Golden-Bear, and Steven Bennett.
Most Dedicated Community Volunteer: Carol Kelley edged out Marilyn McFate, closely followed by Joanne Winer, Sandee Wall, Michelle Lukkasson, Shanana Rain Golden-Bear, Mary Huntley, and Monica Timberlake.
Marilyn McFate deserves a big shout out for being the only one to fill out every category on the ballot! Whoo hooo! You rock, Marilyn!
When all the negative publicity of Quartzsite dominated the media during the summer, I felt it was time to celebrate what we do right in Quartzsite! I’ve taken alot of heat from folks not understanding the power of celebrating the good in our lives. I really don’t believe good old fashioned competition is bad for the economy or our community. As I sat with the piles of ballots and the huge list of categories I created, I wondered how crazy I was to attempt this! But, your responses were so overwhelming, I had to get ‘er done! Winners get bragging rights, and everyone who received just one vote is listed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write in your favorites. Congratulations to everyone! Quartzsite Rocks!!!
Best Alternative Energy: Solar & Sun won overwhelmingly with Solar Panels, Coal, and Discount Solar coming in close behind.
Best BBQ: Jerky Store & More on Hwy. 95 was the only one to receive votes, other than “slim pickin’s”!
Best Biscuits and Gravy: This was a very popular contest for who had the best in town. Main St. Eatery came out on top, followed by Mostly Wood Gift Shop & Restaurant, Sweet Darlene’s, La Casa del Rancho and the QIA.
Best Breakfasts: Once again the Eatery beat out the pack. Sweet Darlene’s came in a close second, followed by the following ties: Bad Boy’s Café, La Casa del Rancho, Mt. Quail Café.
Best Burgers: this was surprising, as Burger King barely beat out the Eatery, with Carl’s Jr. and McDonald’s.
Best Cell Phone Coverage: Verizon was the huge winner in Quartzsite! No other service was mentioned.
Best Coffee: The Eatery came out piping hot, with Scenic Road’s Kona Coffee in 2nd place. Followed by La Casa del Rancho, Sweet Darlene’s, Love’s and McDonald’s.
Best Dinner: The Eatery barely beat out La Casa del Rancho with Sweet Darlene’s, Grub Stake Grill, followed by Sizzler in Blythe.
Best Food Vendor: The General Store got the most votes, followed by Pig N a Poke at the Main Event, Jack’s Indian Taco at Main Event, Bad Boys, The Eatery, and Rockin’ Robins.
Best Friday Night Fish: There were a lot of votes in this category. It seems folks in Quartzsite love their Friday Night Fish Fry. Sweet Darlene’s was the huge favorite with The Eatery coming in close behind. The Grub Stake and Yacht Club fared well, also, as well as the VFW.
Best Desert Golf Course: Quartzsite Golf Course scored a hole in one with the most votes, with Greasewood coming in not far behind. District Club also was mentioned.
Best Ice Cream, Pies, Dessert: Dorothy & Toto’s Ice Cream & Kettle Corn was the favorite (they just opened in their new building next to D&B Leather!) Grandma’s Pies, Sweet Darlene’s & Quartzsite Bakery tied close behind. Vendors at Rice Ranch, DQ, and McDonald’s were also mentioned.
Best Indian Taco: Joan’s Fry Bread edged out Pig in a Poke and Jacks at Main Event. There’s evidently a good Indian Taco at the Potpourri held in Parker.
Best Jerky: The Jerky Store & More on Hwy. 95 received the most votes, followed by Daniel’s Jerky on W. Main.
Best Antiques: Burt & Billie’s edged out Vendors at QIA, Vendors at Sell-a-Rama, Vendors at Hi Alley & Jim Shiew.
Best Place for New/Used Books: Readers Oasis overwhelmingly received the most votes. Other entries included the Quartzsite Library, Main St. Laundromat, and
Best Place to Buy Rocks: T-Rocks rocked this category, followed by QIA Pow Wow, GFWC annual yard sale, Hi Alley Swap Meet, Rocks in my Head at Rice Ranch, PNQ’s Rock Auction, Hardie’s Beads & Jewelry, and Gem Shop.
Best Place to Buy RV Batteries: RV Lifestyles got the most votes! Discount Solar and Solar Bill’s came in close behind.
Best Place to buy something cool you don’t really need: Addicted to Deals came in first among the long list: GFWC annual yard sale, Gambler’s, yard sales, K&K Kitchen, Hardies, Costco, & Family Dollar.
Best Prime Rib: The Eatery beat out Mt. Quail and VFW.
Best RV Repair Service: RV Lifestyles and their friendly staff received the most votes, followed by Running Lizard, Mark Fuller, Coat’s RV and “my retired husband”!
Best Sandwiches: Jerky Store & More beat out The Eatery by just a few votes! Following them were Silly Al’s, Subway, and Patty’s.
Best Spaghetti garnished lots of votes. The winner is The Eatery, with Celia’s Rainbow Garden’s Spaghetti feed coming in close behind! Sweet Darlene’s, La Casa del Rancho, Yacht Club also received votes with one for “my wife’s”!
Best Storage: Paradise RV Storage came in first over Rose RV and Betty Hunter Storage.
Best time to visit Qtz. PO: “Summer” was the overwhelmingly popular answer, which included votes for July and August. Then there were the times of 2:30-4pm, 3-3:30pm and the one that made me smile was “after 4pm”!
Best use of Rock Yard Art: Celia’s Rainbow Gardens received the most votes here! Coyote Pass RV Park’s new water feature was also mentioned, along with Swanson’s old place on Desert Ave., and La Posa South.
Favorite area at Celia’s Gardens: The Veterans Area/Soldier Village received the most votes. The trails, the kid’s handprints brick wall, Rock Club area, and the center were also mentioned as beautiful places to visit.
Favorite ATV Trail: Dripping Springs, followed by Old Yuma Rd., Communication Hill, Railroad Pass-Bouse, and Stone Cabin trails were also mentioned.
Favorite Auto Repair: Best Auto barely came out ahead of Everett’s Towing, closely followed by American Tire, Taylor’s in Blythe, and “my retired husband”!
Favorite Bartender: Dianne of Yacht Club brought in the most votes, followed by Carol of Beer Belly’s, Diane at Silly Al’s Pizza, Terry at Yacht Club, Grubstake, and “myself” actually received two votes!
Favorite BLM Volunteer: Alice at La Posa South edged out Ellen at Tyson Wash, the folks at Plamosa Rd., and Lyle.
Favorite Charity event: Celia’s Rainbow Gardens’ Spaghetti Feed dominated the category followed by PNQ’s Rock Auction and GFWC Fashion Show.
Favorite Cook: Bud at the Eatery beat his co-workers, Janet & LaMont, but Abel at Times Three, came in a close second to Bud. Bob Nickerson was also mentioned for his cinnamon rolls.
Favorite Dog Groomer: Hollywood Pets edged out Cindy’s Pet Service. Marie(before she died) and Jade were also mentioned.
Favorite Electrician: Running Lizard edged out Dennis McGuiness, Denny Davey of Tews RV, Jim, John Prutch, Countrywide Bob Amos, J&S Electric of Parker.
Favorite Gas Station brought in the most votes of any category! Who would have guessed? Chevron took the most votes, followed closely by Pilot, Loves, Shell, ARCO & Mobil.
Favorite Honey Wagon: The Honeysuckles received the most votes, with Old Blue and La Posa South Petunia following closely behind…tee hee…
Favorite Desert Landmark: Halsey Williams Mill on Q Mountain came if first, with mentions of Aviation Tower (n of town), Dripping Springs, Scotty Dog (s of town), Dome Rock, Jack Cruikshandk cabin, Main St. landmark near Tyson Wash Bridge, Q Mountain, Palm Canyon, Sleeping Indian and Saguaro Cactus.
Favorite Live Performance: Paul Winer’s QIA performance received the most votes. The New Christy Minstrels at QIA, The Eatery’s Dinner Club Event, and Rock Club Variety Show at QIA also garnished votes.
Favorite Music Jam: La Posa South’s Tuesday Jam was the favorite, with Scenic Road RV singing a close second, followed by Arizona Sun RV , Holiday Palms RV, and QIA Desert Music.
Favorite Karaoke: Silly Al’s Pizza received the most votes! The Yacht Club and Taco Mio were right behind along with QIA.
Favorite Plumber: Long time resident, Dennis Dole received the most votes! Denny Davy and Running Lizard followed close behind.
Favorite QES staff member: Debbie Peterson edged out Linda Ward for the wonderful work with our elementary school children!
Favorite RV Park: This category had the most nominees. Tews RV Park beat the pack, just edging out Sunsetters RV. Scenic Road and JR’s closely followed, with other mentions of Mt. View, Cactus Patch, Quail Run, Cloud’s Trailer Park, Mt. Quail I & II, Al’s RV Park, Winter Haven, Tyson RV Park, La Posa North, and La Posa South.
Favorite Scholars’ staff member: Principle Steve McClenning brought in the most votes, followed by Julie Anderson.
Favorite Street Name: No Name Street clearly was the most favorite! Other names receiving votes were Hummingbird, Riggles, Quail Trail, Lollipop Lane, Cowell, and Moon Mountain Rd.
Favorite Waitperson: Michelle Lukkasson of The Eatery received top honors. Karen Day of Mt. Quail/Q-Town tied with Sandy of Sweet Darlene’s, followed by Diane of Yacht Club, Joanie Qualls of Times Three, Carol of Beer Belly’s, Callie of Palo Verde, Cindy of La Casa del Rancho, and Dianne of Sweet Darlene’s.
Favorite Youth Activity: Movies at First Assembly of God edged out the Boy Scouts, 4-H, Summer crafts at AWC and Football.
Friendliest Propane Service: goes to RV Pit Stop edged out the Jerky Store & More/Desert Propane. Patty’s RV, Suburban Propane, and A&B Propane also received votes.
Hardest working Medical Professional: Frances of La Paz Medical Clinic edged out Doctors O & P, Dr. Sumar, the nurse, and Dr. Hadlock, (veterinarian).
Hardest working Town employee: Town Manager, Alex Taft dominated the category. QPD Chief of Police Jeff Gilbert came in a close second, followed by Mayor Jose Lizarraga (not an actual employee), Debbie Dupree of Public Works, Julie Pieper at Town Hall, QPD Officer Rick Patterson, and Rick Smith “the tree waterer”.
Most community minded business person: Michelle and Jerry Lukkasson received the most votes. Also receiving votes were Sherri & Rick Garlow of Quartzsite General Store, Shanana Rain Golden-Bear, and Steven Bennett.
Most Dedicated Community Volunteer: Carol Kelley edged out Marilyn McFate, closely followed by Joanne Winer, Sandee Wall, Michelle Lukkasson, Shanana Rain Golden-Bear, Mary Huntley, and Monica Timberlake.
Marilyn McFate deserves a big shout out for being the only one to fill out every category on the ballot! Whoo hooo! You rock, Marilyn!
Congratulations to all the Best of Quartzsite Winners and everyone mentioned.
Everyone is a winner!
Celebrate with gratitude the wonderful people who make Quartzsite what it is today!
Quartzsite Rocks!
Cold weather snap means campers in Quartzsite need blankets
Quartzsite, AZ- With night temperatures dipping below freezing the past few nights, people camping out in the desert are in dire need of blankets. This morning, Carol Kelley, director of the Food Bank and Salvation Army asked for a call to go out for blankets, comforters, and old sleeping bags.
Please drop off any extra blankets you may have ASAP to the Food Bank which is open until noon, or at Salvation Army, open until 1pm.
Or call Carol at 928-785-7187 and she'll find someone to help pick or deliver. Thank you in advance!
Please drop off any extra blankets you may have ASAP to the Food Bank which is open until noon, or at Salvation Army, open until 1pm.
Or call Carol at 928-785-7187 and she'll find someone to help pick or deliver. Thank you in advance!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wind Advisory for Quartzsite Thursday!
High winds, blowing dust could affect
driving in southwest Arizona
Reduced visibility, possible dust storms could slow traffic
PHOENIX — The National Weather Service has issued a wind advisory for Thursday (Dec. 1) that could impact drivers traveling in southwest Arizona.
Strong sustained northern winds from 25 to 35 mph, including wind gusts up to 40 mph, are predicted to reach Yuma and La Paz counties.
The Arizona Department of Transportation urges motorists traveling on Interstate 10, Interstate 8 and US 95/State Route 95 to use extra caution due to possible difficult driving conditions as strong winds over desert areas can result in sudden periods of limited or zero visibility due to blowing dust.
Motorists play in important role in safety when operating their vehicles during a dust storm. ADOT and the Department of Public Safety recommend the following driving tips when encountering a low visibility dust storm.
▪ Check traffic immediately around your vehicle (front, back and to the side) and begin slowing down.
▪ Look for a safe place to pull completely off the paved portion of the roadway.
▪ Stop the vehicle in a position ensuring it is a safe distance from the main roadway and not near where any vehicles may travel.
▪ Turn off all vehicle lights.
▪ Set your emergency brake and take the foot off the brake.
▪ Stay in the vehicle with your seatbelts intact and wait for the storm to pass.
ADOT, along with DPS, will continue to work as a public safety team to support Arizona’s highways and drivers and will closely monitor conditions on the highways while maintaining driver safety.
Drivers planning trips tomorrow are urged to monitor travel conditions by calling 5-1-1 within Arizona, 1.888.411.ROAD outside the state, or via the Web at Because weather conditions can quickly evolve, drivers are encouraged to regularly check in with ADOT’s Traveler Information Service. Motorists should delay or detour travel plans if necessary.
high winds,
La Paz County,
Quartzsite AZ,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
EnviroMission engages Terracon for solar tower north of Quartzsite
EnviroMission Engages Terracon to Provide Initial Geotechnical Engineering Services for
Solar Tower Project north of Quartzsite
OLATHE, Kan. --- Terracon has been engaged by EnviroMission to provide initial geotechnical
engineering analysis, geo-seismic analysis and geotechnical consulting services for the Solar
Tower power station development in Arizona.
Terracon’s reports will inform and support Solar Tower front end engineering and design (FEED).
EnviroMission plans to build a major infrastructure power station that will use air heated by the
sun to drive turbines to generate enough renewable energy to power 150,000 homes in Arizona
and California. The iconic design will have a vast greenhouse with a tall central tower structure
that will be almost twice as tall as the Empire State Building. The proposed Solar Tower will offset 1 million metric tons of greenhouse gases per year and will abate the use of up to 1 billion gallons of potable water annually.
“Terracon is pleased to be a part of this ambitious and forward-thinking project from the ground
up,” said David Gaboury, P.E., Terracon President and CEO. “The solar tower technology should
offer significant advantages and produce clean, renewable power. We are proud to be a part of
EnviroMission’s vision.”
The following Terracon expertise is available to EnviroMission for future geotechnical engineering
services and reports:
• Subsurface Exploration and Testing
• Geophysical Testing
• Geotechnical and Materials Laboratory Testing
• Foundation Analysis and Design for Shallow and Deep Foundations
• In-situ Testing and Performance Monitoring
• Dynamic Analysis and Evaluation
• Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement
• Pavement Evaluation and Design, Subgrade Evaluation and Material Evaluation
The preliminary geotechnical engineering report prepared by Terracon in October 2011 will
provide the basis for a further geotechnical engineering study planned for first quarter 2012 and
the final geotechnical engineering report for final design and construction.
“Terracon’s reports will contribute to important geotechnical analysis that will go to the heart of all
site-specific Solar Tower engineering and design decisions,” said Roger Davey, EnviroMission
chief executive. “EnviroMission engaged Terracon to bring the highest standard of geotechnical
survey and due diligence to ensure every engineering and design decision made by
EnviroMission’s executive project engineers is supported by technically accurate site data and
EnviroMission Limited is a public listed Australian company on the ASX (Australian Securities Exchange - ASX Code: EVM) and on the OTCQX foreign securities platform in the United States (OTCQX Code: EVOMY). EnviroMission is the global developer of the Australian Solar Tower renewable energy power station concept being commercialised in the United States. EnviroMission (USA) Inc, a 100% owned subsidiary of EnviroMission Limited, provides local management and representation for EnviroMission in the U.S. market. Solar Tower power station technology is large-scale installed capacity electricity generation technology, to deliver sustainable clean electricity to the wholesale electricity market. For additional information please visit
Terracon is an employee-owned engineering consulting firm with more than 2,700 employees providing geotechnical, environmental, construction materials and facilities services from more than 130 offices in 39 states nationwide. Terracon currently ranks 38th on Engineering News-Record’s List of Top 500 Design Firms. For additional information about Terracon, please visit
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Arizona Attorney General's Top Tips for Holiday Shopping
coming on “Black Friday,”
November 25, followed by “Cyber Monday” on November 28,
Attorney General Tom Horne
today offered his top tips for holiday shoppers.
Attorney General Tom Horne’s
Top Tips for Holiday Shopping
(1) Bring ads for sales and “special deals” with you to the store.
Advertising a set of sales or “deals” and refusing to honor the terms of the advertisement is deceptive advertising and illegal in Arizona. Consumers using holiday sales and coupons should be careful that the specials advertised match what is advertised in stores.
Consider bringing ads with you to the store to see if prices charged match advertised prices. Read all fine print or disclosures before making your purchase. When checking out, watch the cash register display to be sure the scanned price matches the advertised or posted price. Check your receipt for accuracy before leaving the store. If you have pricing questions, ask to see the store’s pricing error policy.
(2) Understand the new rules for gift cards.
Gift cards issued by merchants (single or group, i.e. chain stores) and those issued by financial institutions (many with Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discover brand logos) will have to follow new guidelines recently set up by Congress. Under the Credit Card Act of 2009, limitations have been placed on fees and expiration dates for gift cards. Service fees can no longer be charged until the card has been inactive for 12 months and only after that time can one fee be charged per month. Fee details and terms need to be disclosed clearly and conspicuously prior to purchase. Also, gift cards now carry an expiration date of at least 5 years from the date of purchase or the date the card was last reloaded with funds. Make sure you understand any terms or details disclosed about any fee or expiration date prior to purchasing your gift card.
(3) Do online shopping at secure Web sites.
Using secure Web sites will help ensure that personal information, such as your name, address and credit card number, is transmitted to the merchant safely, without being intercepted by a third party. You can identify secure Web sites by looking for Web addresses that begin with “https” and check for a small padlock icon at the bottom of the page. Also look for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates which allow for safe browsing and purchasing (“VeriSign” is a commonly used SSL). Credit cards are still preferred over debit cards for online shopping security.
(4) Watch out for restocking fees.
Certain stores will charge you a percentage of the price for “restocking” an item that you return for refund or credit. These fees most often apply to larger purchases such as furniture, electronic equipment or appliances. If a business charges a restocking fee, it should disclose the fee in print advertising and promotional materials as well as post a clearly visible notice disclosing the fee and how consumers can obtain the full restocking fee policy. Before making a purchase, ask if the store charges a restocking fee. If so, make sure you understand the full cost and restocking policy.
(5) Save all receipts, warranties and service agreements.
Keeping printed copies of receipts, warranties and service agreements helps you negotiate any refunds or exchanges should you have a problem or decide to return the product.
During the time of purchase, request warranties and service contracts in writing and save receipts from all of your purchases. Bring them with you if you need a refund, exchange or repair.
(6) Be cautious of toys bought for children.
Make sure you read all labels and fine print on packages of toys purchased for children. Many toys are meant for children of certain ages and may contain small pieces hazardous to very young children. Also, to verify that the toy you have bought is safe, you can check the Consumer Product Safety Commission, for more information.
(7) Travel safe this holiday season.
As you are booking your travel to see family this holiday season, take caution when booking through agents and online Web sites. Make sure you are working with a legitimate travel agent and remember, if the deal sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. It never hurts to take extra time researching a company or business online before using their service. Major airlines and travel companies often offer coupons and discounts while traveling over the holidays – be mindful of the small print and details regarding when purchase needs to be made and when travel dates are valid.
(8) Seasonal Employment Opportunities.
Many consumers seek seasonal employment to earn more cash during the holiday season. Be mindful of the employer you seek work from and make sure you are familiar with the company and its seasonal employment policies. Use caution when seeking employment from online job boards. Online employment boards may display employment opportunities that do not exist only as a means to obtain information from potential candidates. Use caution when providing identifying information over the internet and research companies that may not be familiar to you. Most job boards, such as Craigslist, allow users to report advertisements that are bogus are fraudulent.
If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, please contact the Attorney General's Office in Phoenix at 602.542.5763; in Tucson at 520.628.6504; or outside the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas at 1.800.352.8431. To file a complaint in person, the Attorney General’s Office has satellite offices throughout the state with volunteers available to help. Locations and hours of operation are posted on the Attorney General’s Web site, Consumers can also file complaints online by visiting
Occupy Small Business Saturday Quartzsite!
PHOENIX, Ariz.,—The facts are indisputable, the opportunity right before us—right now, said Farrell Quinlan, Arizona state director for National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a group for the true engine of the American economy.
“There is only one way out of this recession, and that’s when small businesses – not big corporations – start ringing up sales. Period!” said Quinlan, who is calling on Arizonans to reserve the day after Black Friday for a trip to their nearest small business to make a purchase or two.
Indeed, all the evidence bears Quinlan out. In its latest Small Business Profiles for States and Territories, the U.S. Small Business Administration pegs small-business employers as constituting 97 percent of all of Arizona’s employers, providing almost half of all private-sector jobs.
But Quinlan’s group, the National Federation of Independent Business, which has been The Voice of Small Business since 1943, has been doing its own research on issues particular to small businesses for seven decades. In its latest NFIB Small-Business Optimism Index, a key bellwether economic measurement used by Federal Reserve chairmen and Congress, it found the No. 1 problem facing small businesses continuing to be “poor sales,” followed by government regulations and taxes.
“Small Business Saturday is about Main Street, not Wall Street,” writes Dan Danner, president and CEO of NFIB. “It’s about entrepreneurs and families selling things that the chains and e-commerce companies aren’t. Only small businesses can offer truly unique gifts and the most genuinely friendly customer service. Small Business Saturday is also about supporting the local economy. The chain stores are owned by bigger companies that are probably based somewhere other than your hometown, but small businesses are usually owned by your neighbors. When you shop at a small business, you’re supporting your local economy and your local job base.”
Small Business Saturday is a concept started by American Express last year. NFIB is helping encourage its adaptation into a longer-term theme. Quinlan, however, qualified his piggybacking on an unrelated hot topic, “I just want people to occupy a small business on Saturday long enough to make a purchase so others may occupy that small business.”
Monday, November 21, 2011
Extreme Couponing in Quartzsite for youth
The Youth Group of Quartzsite Alliance Church (QAC), with the generosity of many Quartzsite merchants and vendors, has put together a "Coupon Card" that will be available by mid Dec. The card will cost $10 and there will only be 1000 of them printed, so watch for the Youth Group at participating businesses, and buy a few!! These discount cards will make a great gift for friends and neighbors. If you're a merchant who couldn't participate with a discount at this time, perhaps you'd like to buy a few cards for special customers as a "little something" gift. The cards are good until May, and each discount is a "multi-use", not just a one-time use....What A Deal!!
A huge thanks goes to the following businesses for their participation. They are: Lifestyles RV, Burger King, Q-Town Cafe, Quartzsite Beauty Salon, Hwy 95 Jerky/Deli Store, La Casa Del Rancho Cafe, Herb's Hardware, Palo Verde Cafe, The Main St. Eatery, K & B Tools, & Gran'ma's Apple Pie.
The funds from this fund raiser will be used to take Quartzsite youth to a Christian Rally at Disney Land, with an afternoon at Disney Land., but also, some great basic Bible teaching.
If you have any questions or would like to reserve your cards now, please call our
Youth Pastor, Jeremiah Holcomb at 928-916-9571 or
call Jeannie Helms at 916-833-7232.
Thanks again Quartzsite for your help and support of our youth!
Jeannie Helms-QAC
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Quartzsite Solar Energy tower public meeting, Dec. 14
BLM Offers Public the Chance to Comment
on Solar Power Project in Western Arizona
Quartzsite, Ariz. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Western Area Power Administration today released the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Quartzsite Solar Energy Project.
The release of the draft EIS begins a 90-day period in which the public can comment on the proposed project and the proposed amendment to the BLM Yuma Field Office Resource Management Plan. The comment period ends Feb. 10, 2012.
Public meetings on the project are scheduled:
Dec. 14 ~ 12-2 p.m. at the QIA
Quartzsite Improvement Association (QIA) Building
235 East Ironwood Street
Quartzsite, AZ 85346
Quartzsite Solar Energy, LLC, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, LLC, proposes to construct a 100-megawatt solar-powered electrical generation facility in La Paz County, Arizona. The project is proposed on 1,675 acres on BLM-administered land 10 miles north of Quartzsite and adjacent to Arizona State Route 95.
The proposed project would use concentrating solar “power tower” technology to capture the sun’s heat to make steam, which would power traditional steam turbine generators.
The public may also submit their comments by mail or by e-mail. Written comments can be sent to: Liana Reilly, NEPA Document Manager, Western Area Power Administration, P.O. Box 281213, Lakewood, CO 80228-8213. Emails may be sent to
For a great story on this project visit:
Monday, November 14, 2011
Special meeting County Supervisors Tues. Nov. 22, 1pm, Quartzsite animal control services
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the La Paz County Board of Supervisors, and to the general public, that the La Paz County Board of Supervisors will hold a Worksession, open to the public, on Tuesday, November 22, 2011, at 1:00 p.m., at the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, located at 1108 Joshua Avenue, Parker, Arizona.
Purpose of the Worksession:
Discussion regarding Animal Control Services in the
Town of Quartzsite
This notice/agenda was posted at the La Paz County Board of Supervisors Office located at 1108 Joshua Avenue, Parker, Arizona, on Monday, November 14, 2011, on or before the hour of 5:00 p.m.
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the La Paz County Board of Supervisors, and to the general public, that the La Paz County Board of Supervisors will hold a Worksession, open to the public, on Tuesday, November 22, 2011, at 1:00 p.m., at the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, located at 1108 Joshua Avenue, Parker, Arizona.
Purpose of the Worksession:
Discussion regarding Animal Control Services in the
Town of Quartzsite
This notice/agenda was posted at the La Paz County Board of Supervisors Office located at 1108 Joshua Avenue, Parker, Arizona, on Monday, November 14, 2011, on or before the hour of 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Public hearing on redistricting of Quartzsite, Mon. Nov. 14 1pm
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the
La Paz County Board of Supervisors, and to the general public, that the La Paz County Board
of Supervisors will hold a Public Meeting/Hearing, open to the public, on
Monday, November 14, 2011, 1:00 p.m.,
at the Quartzsite Senior Center, 40 Moon Mountain Road,
Quartzsite, Arizona.
Purpose of the Public Meeting/Hearing:
Discussion of proposed re-districting of the La Paz County Board of Supervisor Districts and Community College District
There is a public hearing planned for Salome on
Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 9:00 a.m.,
at the Centennial Community Center,
located at 69725 Centennial Park Road,
Salome, Arizona.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Rockin' in Quartzsite - A Celebration of the Arts Sat. Nov. 5, 5-8pm

The 3rd Annual "Rockin' in Quartzsite-A Celebration of the Arts" is a free event
Pictured here is one of the new Rock Art Pieces! Just amazing work! Don't miss out seeing them all together Sat. night! Refreshments will be served.
Attendees will once again vote for their favorite Rock Art. The 2010-11 People’s Choice winner was “Water in the Desert” painted by Jo Stoltz.
The Rock Art will be displayed throughout the winter season followed by the Rock Auction on March 3rd. Funds raised support local organizations. Check out the fun this Saturday 5-8pm at the Rock Motel!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Memorial for Quartzsite town employee, Gary Lynn Howell
Gary Lynn Howell passed away at home from heart failure on October 31, 2011. He is survived by his loving wife, Tona and his children, Shon, Millie, Gary Jr., Robert, Amanda, and Angie. He also has 11 grandchildren. He is also survived by his siblings, Marvin, Danny and Trudy.
A Memorial Service will be held at 10am on Monday, November 7th
at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, located at
455 S. Riggles Rd., Quartzsite.
Gary was a loving and devoted husband and father. He served more than 26 years in the Army and Army Reserve. He loved his home and country. At the time of his death, he was working for the Town of Quartzsite as Code Enforcement. He loved living in Quartzsite. He loved people and people loved him back.
There will be a Summerland Farewell for friends and family at Gary’s home (645 Spring Lane) at 6pm for a final sendoff. Parker Funeral Home Dignity Memorial has taken care of details. 928-669-2156
Gary Howell,
Quartzsite AZ,
Town of Quartzsite
Blowing dust advisory for Friday near Quartzsite, southern AZ
PHOENIX — With the National Weather Service issuing a wind advisory for Friday (Nov. 4), motorists in southern Arizona could have their travel affected on two major interstates.
A cold front with strong sustained southwest winds from 25 to 35 mph, including wind gusts up to 50 mph, is expected to impact most of the state. Widespread blowing dust is expected along stretches of I-10 between Tucson and Phoenix, and from Phoenix to Quartzsite. In addition, dust is possible on I-8 between Casa Grande and Yuma.
In northern Arizona, an unseasonably strong low pressure system and cold front will bring winter weather conditions this weekend, and could result in the first significant snowfall of the season, according to the NWS.
The Arizona Department of Transportation urges drivers to take extra precaution as strong winds over desert areas can result in sudden periods of limited or zero visibility. Motorists play in important role in safety when operating their vehicles during a dust storm. ADOT and the Arizona Department of Public Safety recommend the following driving tips when encountering a dust storm.
▪ Check traffic immediately around your vehicle (front, back and to the side) and begin slowing down.
▪ Do not stop in the travel lane unless the vehicle traffic in front of you has come to a stop
▪ Look for a safe place to pull completely off the paved portion of the roadway.
▪ Stop the vehicle in a position ensuring it is a safe distance from the main roadway and not near where any vehicles may travel.
▪ Turn off all vehicle lights.
▪ Set your emergency brake and take the foot off the brake.
▪ Stay in the vehicle and keep your seat belts on.
▪ Wait for the storm to pass over and away from the area before re-entering the roadway.
ADOT, along with DPS, will continue to work as a public safety team to support Arizona’s highways and drivers and will closely monitor conditions on the highways while maintaining driver safety.
Drivers planning trips tomorrow are urged to monitor travel conditions by calling 5-1-1 within Arizona, 1.888.411.ROAD outside the state, or via the Web at Because weather conditions can quickly evolve, drivers are encouraged to regularly check in with ADOT’s Traveler Information Service. Motorists should delay or detour travel plans if necessary.
A cold front with strong sustained southwest winds from 25 to 35 mph, including wind gusts up to 50 mph, is expected to impact most of the state. Widespread blowing dust is expected along stretches of I-10 between Tucson and Phoenix, and from Phoenix to Quartzsite. In addition, dust is possible on I-8 between Casa Grande and Yuma.
In northern Arizona, an unseasonably strong low pressure system and cold front will bring winter weather conditions this weekend, and could result in the first significant snowfall of the season, according to the NWS.
The Arizona Department of Transportation urges drivers to take extra precaution as strong winds over desert areas can result in sudden periods of limited or zero visibility. Motorists play in important role in safety when operating their vehicles during a dust storm. ADOT and the Arizona Department of Public Safety recommend the following driving tips when encountering a dust storm.
▪ Check traffic immediately around your vehicle (front, back and to the side) and begin slowing down.
▪ Do not stop in the travel lane unless the vehicle traffic in front of you has come to a stop
▪ Look for a safe place to pull completely off the paved portion of the roadway.
▪ Stop the vehicle in a position ensuring it is a safe distance from the main roadway and not near where any vehicles may travel.
▪ Turn off all vehicle lights.
▪ Set your emergency brake and take the foot off the brake.
▪ Stay in the vehicle and keep your seat belts on.
▪ Wait for the storm to pass over and away from the area before re-entering the roadway.
ADOT, along with DPS, will continue to work as a public safety team to support Arizona’s highways and drivers and will closely monitor conditions on the highways while maintaining driver safety.
Drivers planning trips tomorrow are urged to monitor travel conditions by calling 5-1-1 within Arizona, 1.888.411.ROAD outside the state, or via the Web at Because weather conditions can quickly evolve, drivers are encouraged to regularly check in with ADOT’s Traveler Information Service. Motorists should delay or detour travel plans if necessary.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
FEMA & FCC Nationwide EAS test planned for Wed. Nov. 9th noon Arizona time
FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will conduct the first nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Wed. November 9 at noon Arizona time. All radio, television, cable, wireless cable, satellite audio and radio service providers will participate in the national test, which will last for approximately three minutes.
FEMA Press Release:
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The nationwide test will occur on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. eastern standard time and may last up to three and a half minutes.
The EAS is a national alert and warning system established to enable the President of the United States to address the American public during emergencies. NOAA's National Weather Service, governors and state and local emergency authorities also use parts of the system to issue more localized emergency alerts.
Similar to local EAS tests that are already conducted frequently, the nationwide test will involve broadcast radio and television stations, cable television, satellite radio and television services and wireline video service providers across all states and the territories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
On November 9, the public will hear a message indicating that "This is a test." The audio message will be the same for both radio and television. Under the FCC's rules, radio and television broadcasters, cable operators, satellite digital audio radio service providers, direct broadcast satellite service providers and wireline video service providers are required to receive and transmit presidential EAS messages to the public. A national test will help the federal partners and EAS participants determine the reliability of the system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential dangers nationally and regionally.
"A national test of our Emergency Alert System, with the vital communications support and involvement of participants, is a step towards ensuring that the alert and warning community is prepared to deliver critical information that can help save lives and protect property," said Damon Penn, FEMA's Assistant Administrator of National Continuity Programs. "Because there has never been an activation of the Emergency Alert System on a national level, FEMA views this test as an excellent opportunity to assess the readiness and effectiveness of the current system. It is important to remember that this is not a pass or fail test, but a chance to establish a baseline for making incremental improvements to the Emergency Alert System with ongoing and future testing. It is also important to remember that the Emergency Alert System is one of many tools in our communications toolbox, and we will continue to work on additional channels that can be a lifeline of information for people during an emergency."
"The upcoming national test is critical to ensuring that the EAS works as designed," said Jamie Barnett, Chief of the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. "As recent disasters here at home and in Japan have reminded us, a reliable and effective emergency alert and warning system is key to ensuring the public's safety during times of emergency. We look forward to working with FEMA in preparation for this important test."
Over the past two years and as part of ongoing national preparedness planning efforts, FEMA, the FCC and other federal partners, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, Emergency Alert System participants and other stakeholders have been working toward making this test a reality.
As the federal, state, tribal, territorial and local governments prepare for and test their capabilities, this event serves as a reminder that everyone should establish an emergency preparedness kit and emergency plan for themselves, their families, communities, and businesses. Anyone can visit for more information about how to prepare for and stay informed about what to do in the event of an actual emergency.
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
For more information visit
FEMA Press Release:
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The nationwide test will occur on Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. eastern standard time and may last up to three and a half minutes.
The EAS is a national alert and warning system established to enable the President of the United States to address the American public during emergencies. NOAA's National Weather Service, governors and state and local emergency authorities also use parts of the system to issue more localized emergency alerts.
Similar to local EAS tests that are already conducted frequently, the nationwide test will involve broadcast radio and television stations, cable television, satellite radio and television services and wireline video service providers across all states and the territories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
On November 9, the public will hear a message indicating that "This is a test." The audio message will be the same for both radio and television. Under the FCC's rules, radio and television broadcasters, cable operators, satellite digital audio radio service providers, direct broadcast satellite service providers and wireline video service providers are required to receive and transmit presidential EAS messages to the public. A national test will help the federal partners and EAS participants determine the reliability of the system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential dangers nationally and regionally.
"A national test of our Emergency Alert System, with the vital communications support and involvement of participants, is a step towards ensuring that the alert and warning community is prepared to deliver critical information that can help save lives and protect property," said Damon Penn, FEMA's Assistant Administrator of National Continuity Programs. "Because there has never been an activation of the Emergency Alert System on a national level, FEMA views this test as an excellent opportunity to assess the readiness and effectiveness of the current system. It is important to remember that this is not a pass or fail test, but a chance to establish a baseline for making incremental improvements to the Emergency Alert System with ongoing and future testing. It is also important to remember that the Emergency Alert System is one of many tools in our communications toolbox, and we will continue to work on additional channels that can be a lifeline of information for people during an emergency."
"The upcoming national test is critical to ensuring that the EAS works as designed," said Jamie Barnett, Chief of the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. "As recent disasters here at home and in Japan have reminded us, a reliable and effective emergency alert and warning system is key to ensuring the public's safety during times of emergency. We look forward to working with FEMA in preparation for this important test."
Over the past two years and as part of ongoing national preparedness planning efforts, FEMA, the FCC and other federal partners, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, Emergency Alert System participants and other stakeholders have been working toward making this test a reality.
As the federal, state, tribal, territorial and local governments prepare for and test their capabilities, this event serves as a reminder that everyone should establish an emergency preparedness kit and emergency plan for themselves, their families, communities, and businesses. Anyone can visit for more information about how to prepare for and stay informed about what to do in the event of an actual emergency.
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
For more information visit
Friday, October 28, 2011
Special Meeting of Quartzsite Town Council- Mon. Oct. 31, 1pm
A Special Town Council meeting is planned for Monday, October 31st at 1pm. The agenda is online at:
Alex Taft,
Quartzsite Town Council,
Terry Frausto
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Motorists traveling between Phoenix and Quartzsite should expect minor delays
Eastbound I-10 travel limited to one lane east of Quartzsite through the weekend
The Arizona Department of Transportation is in the process of repaving an 11-mile stretch of Interstate 10 east of Quartzsite to create a smoother ride for drivers. This ongoing project will require a lane closure through the upcoming weekend (Oct. 28- Oct. 30). Construction work will resume on Monday (Oct. 31).
What to expect during the weekend:
•Eastbound I-10 passing lane closed for approximately half a mile east of Quartzsite.
•The speed limit will be reduced to 55 mph in the construction zone.
•Law enforcement will be on-site to monitor speeds.
•Message boards will advise drivers of lane restrictions.
ADOT advises drivers to proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.
ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but there is a possibility that unscheduled closures or restrictions may occur. Weather can also affect a project schedule. To stay up-to-date with the latest highway conditions around the state, visit the ADOT Traveler Information Center at or call 5-1-1.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is in the process of repaving an 11-mile stretch of Interstate 10 east of Quartzsite to create a smoother ride for drivers. This ongoing project will require a lane closure through the upcoming weekend (Oct. 28- Oct. 30). Construction work will resume on Monday (Oct. 31).
What to expect during the weekend:
•Eastbound I-10 passing lane closed for approximately half a mile east of Quartzsite.
•The speed limit will be reduced to 55 mph in the construction zone.
•Law enforcement will be on-site to monitor speeds.
•Message boards will advise drivers of lane restrictions.
ADOT advises drivers to proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.
ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but there is a possibility that unscheduled closures or restrictions may occur. Weather can also affect a project schedule. To stay up-to-date with the latest highway conditions around the state, visit the ADOT Traveler Information Center at or call 5-1-1.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Quartzsite Town Council agenda for Tues. Oct. 25th
There will be a council meeting on Tuesday, October 25th at 9am. The agenda information can be found online the town website at :
Alex Taft,
Quartzsite AZ,
Quartzsite Town Council
Friday, October 21, 2011
Quartzsite Library closed Fri. Oct. 28 for Haunted House
The famous Quartzsite Halloween Caravan will take place on Friday, October 28th. In preparation, staff and volunteers will be decorating and transforming the whole library in a Haunted House. The Library will be closed all day and reopen on Monday, October 31st.
Submitted By Joanne Winer
The annual Halloween Caravan for the kids of Quartzsite will be coming up on the 28th, starting at 2 p.m. The buses will be picking up the children and chaperones at the Town Hall by 1:45 at the latest, and permission slips must be filled out before anyone boards the buses. The children who are in school must have a permission slip filled out to get dropped off at Town Hall, and another permission slip to be able to board the bus at Town Hall (no exceptions). Permission slips are available at the Children's Library, Quartzsite Community Thrift Store, and at Town Hall. There is also a permission slip you can cut out on Page 23 in this issue of the Desert Messenger.
The caravan will leave promptly at 2 p.m. from Town Hall, so be sure to get there early and have your permission slips ready to show as soon as you can get there. Children can put their costumes on at Town Hall if necessary, if they get there early enough. Anyone wishing to set up a table to give out candy to the kids can do so at JRs RV Park--just call Anita Carlson and she will reserve a table for you--you must be there before 2 p.m. The buses will then take the kids all around the town to RV parks who have recreation halls, and to some businesses also who wanted to be included. The buses will return to Town Hall for the haunted house at the library.
This caravan has been going on for 20 years, and is a wonderful way for the kids to visit the people who wish to give out candy and be as safe as possible. Escorted by the Police and Fire Departments and other chaperones, it is the best way to get the kids their candy without having them running around the RV parks and streets. Judging by the number of people who set up tables, and the places on the route who have people waiting to see the kids, this popular event has so many who want to get involved every year that it is hard to fit them all in!! For more information about the caravan, please call Anita at 927-4292.
[Mayor Jose Lizarraga discussed the Caravan at Town Hall meeting on Wednesday. He said since the Caravan began, there has not been one child injured going trick-or-treating.]
Submitted By Joanne Winer
The annual Halloween Caravan for the kids of Quartzsite will be coming up on the 28th, starting at 2 p.m. The buses will be picking up the children and chaperones at the Town Hall by 1:45 at the latest, and permission slips must be filled out before anyone boards the buses. The children who are in school must have a permission slip filled out to get dropped off at Town Hall, and another permission slip to be able to board the bus at Town Hall (no exceptions). Permission slips are available at the Children's Library, Quartzsite Community Thrift Store, and at Town Hall. There is also a permission slip you can cut out on Page 23 in this issue of the Desert Messenger.
The caravan will leave promptly at 2 p.m. from Town Hall, so be sure to get there early and have your permission slips ready to show as soon as you can get there. Children can put their costumes on at Town Hall if necessary, if they get there early enough. Anyone wishing to set up a table to give out candy to the kids can do so at JRs RV Park--just call Anita Carlson and she will reserve a table for you--you must be there before 2 p.m. The buses will then take the kids all around the town to RV parks who have recreation halls, and to some businesses also who wanted to be included. The buses will return to Town Hall for the haunted house at the library.
This caravan has been going on for 20 years, and is a wonderful way for the kids to visit the people who wish to give out candy and be as safe as possible. Escorted by the Police and Fire Departments and other chaperones, it is the best way to get the kids their candy without having them running around the RV parks and streets. Judging by the number of people who set up tables, and the places on the route who have people waiting to see the kids, this popular event has so many who want to get involved every year that it is hard to fit them all in!! For more information about the caravan, please call Anita at 927-4292.
[Mayor Jose Lizarraga discussed the Caravan at Town Hall meeting on Wednesday. He said since the Caravan began, there has not been one child injured going trick-or-treating.]
Monday, October 17, 2011
Special Meeting of Quartzsite Town Council- Tues. Oct. 18, 2011 @ 9am
There is a special Quartzsite Town Council meeting planned for tomorrow at 9am. There are three items on the agenda which can be found at
An addendum was added to the agenda:
An addendum was added to the agenda:
Quartzsite Police receives two grants
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Grant Award
The Quartzsite Police Department was awarded two grants from the Arizona Governors’ Office of Highway Safety. The Police Department was awarded a total of $8,000.00 dollars of overtime funds. The funds will be used to enforce driving under the influence, seatbelt, child restraint laws, speed and aggressive driving laws.
"We will be conducting high visibility details to keep impaired drivers, speeders, and aggressive drivers off the road, and enforce seatbelt and child restraint laws to keep the roads safe for the public," said Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert in a press release issued today.
The penalties for DUI can include loss of your drivers license, expensive fines, jail time, increased insurance rates, possible loss of life or injury and having your name published in the local paper.
Gilbert said, "We ask that if you drink, please be responsible. Don’t drink and drive, make sure to have a designated driver and wear your seatbelt at all times.
"If you are in need of a child restraint seat, please come by the Quartzsite Police Department. The Governors Office of Highway Safety has provided us with free child restraint seats."
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Former Quartzsite mayor Ed Foster out on bail
On October 7, 2011 former Quartzsite mayor Ed Foster turned himself in after acting Quartzsite Magistrate Karen Slaughter issued a warrant for his arrest. According to a press release issued yesterday by Quartzsite Police Chief Jeff Gilbert, Foster didn't show up to court to face charges of nonfeasance in public office. Foster was booked into the La Paz County Jail by the Parker Police Department on a $1,500.00 secured appearance bond.
Foster, who was ousted from the office of Mayor of Quartzsite following a recall election on August 30, 2011, was evidently sent a summons by the court, but it was returned unclaimed by the Post Office.
According to Quartzsite Police, Foster had personally obtained copies of the file, including the summons, from the magistrate court prior to the hearing at which he failed to appear. Foster allegedly admitted to the Court staff that he did have a copy of the summons.
Foster alleges that he complained to the State Bar of Arizona that Town Attorney Martin Brannan had acted in violation of the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct by bringing the charge of nonfeasance in public office against him. In spite of this apparent knowledge, Foster allegedly denied that he had notice of the summons to a clerk of the Quartzsite Magistrate Court. Additional charges of violating a court order and failing to appear as required are under consideration.
According to various reports, Foster was visiting family out of state at the time of the hearing.
Foster, who was ousted from the office of Mayor of Quartzsite following a recall election on August 30, 2011, was evidently sent a summons by the court, but it was returned unclaimed by the Post Office.
According to Quartzsite Police, Foster had personally obtained copies of the file, including the summons, from the magistrate court prior to the hearing at which he failed to appear. Foster allegedly admitted to the Court staff that he did have a copy of the summons.
Foster alleges that he complained to the State Bar of Arizona that Town Attorney Martin Brannan had acted in violation of the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct by bringing the charge of nonfeasance in public office against him. In spite of this apparent knowledge, Foster allegedly denied that he had notice of the summons to a clerk of the Quartzsite Magistrate Court. Additional charges of violating a court order and failing to appear as required are under consideration.
According to various reports, Foster was visiting family out of state at the time of the hearing.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Quartzsite Town Council agenda for Tues. Oct. 11th
The agenda for tomorrow's meeting is now online at:
Sewer expansion is on the agenda.
Sewer expansion is on the agenda.
Friday, October 7, 2011
New Oxide Gold found near Quartzsite, AZ
Riverside Resources and Partner Choice Gold Corp. Intersect 9.91 Metres of 1.76 g/t Gold in
Newly Discovered Oxide Zone At the Sugarloaf Peak
Gold Project in Arizona, USA
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA- - Riverside Resources Inc. is pleased to announce with its partner, Choice Gold Corp. ("Choice") the discovery of a new oxide gold zone at the Sugarloaf Peak Project ("Sugarloaf"), near Quartzsite, Arizona. Diamond drill hole SLG-11-04 returned a 9.91 metre intercept of 1.76 g/t gold between a depth of 5.3 and 15.24 metres. The discovery hole is located approximately 1 kilometer northeast from the core of the historically known mineralized zone.
"The shallow oxide portion at Sugarloaf Peak has identified favourable near surface mineralization and has expanded the potential for the Project moving forward," stated John-Mark Staude, President and CEO of Riverside Resources Inc. "The results from Sugarloaf are the first reported from four partner funded drill programs that were undertaken during the summer, and shareholders can now expect a steady flow of drill results throughout the fall," added Staude.
Riverside currently holds 8.6M shares of Choice Gold and stand to receive an additional 5M shares over the course of the option agreement pursuant to the deal terms. For more information on Riverside's projects or its partnership network please visit
Gold in drill hole SGL-11-04 occurs in a strongly oxidized interval of faulting and tectonic brecciation. Iron oxides are dominated by hematite and jarosite; no sulphides are observed. Some scattered quartz crystals observed along the interval suggest that the host rock could be a strongly altered felsic volcanic rock, the dominant lithology present on the property. Drill holes SGL-11-01 and SGL-11-02 returned anomalous gold values in the top 200 meters with grades averaging 125 ppb hosted by a series of sericitized felsic volcanic units. These values show the strength of the mineralizing system. Sporadic gold values reach 0.78 g/t in hole SGL-11-01 and 0.53 g/t in hole SGL-11-02. The discovery of gold associated with hematite alteration, not previously described on the property, creates a new type of exploration target and will influence the next phase of proposed drilling.
Assaying and Qualified Person:
The scientific and technical data contained in this news release were prepared under the supervision of Locke Goldsmith, P. Eng., P. Geo.,an independent qualified person to Riverside Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided in this news release is accurate and acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. All the samples were analyzed for Au using fire assay (FA-Pb30) by American Assays Labs, an independent laboratory based in Reno, NV. All the results were checked by a strict QAQC protocol using, blanks, standards and duplicates. Results for the other drilled holes are pending.
About Riverside Resources Inc.:
Riverside is a well-funded prospect generation team of focused, proactive gold discoverers with the breadth of knowledge to dig much deeper. The Company currently has approximately $10,000,000 in the treasury and fewer than 35,000,000 shares issued. Riverside`s model of growth through partnerships and exploration looks to use the prospect generation business approach to own resources, while partners share in de-risking projects on route to discovery. Additional property information on the Company's projects can be found on the Riverside Resources Inc. website at
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Quartzsite's Chalk the Police group
A small group gathered at La Paz County Justice Court today to express their freedom of speech rights. Under a dozen people showed up for the National Chalk the Police Day in Quartzsite. Quartzsite Police Department officers were waiting for them at Town Hall. As Contributing Photographer, Starr, and I arrived on the scene, this was the welcome gesture of free speech given.
(People in the photo were not chalking on the ground, but rather on black poster boards). Chalking was performed, as shown on Internet videos, by Michael Roth and Dana Stadler, who were also arrested last week.
The group was organized on Facebook by Kelly James, who stated, "I want to observe National Chalking Day in Qtown at the Police Department / Town Hall in protest of terminations of the Qtown 8"
(People in the photo were not chalking on the ground, but rather on black poster boards). Chalking was performed, as shown on Internet videos, by Michael Roth and Dana Stadler, who were also arrested last week.
The group was organized on Facebook by Kelly James, who stated, "I want to observe National Chalking Day in Qtown at the Police Department / Town Hall in protest of terminations of the Qtown 8"
Friday, September 30, 2011
Jose Lizarraga still Quartzsite Mayor
Quartzsite, AZ- PRESS RELEASE from Town of Quartzsite, Sept. 30, 2011
"The La Paz County Superior Court affirmed yesterday that Jose Lizarraga is the mayor of Quartzsite. The ruling came after failed mayoral candidate Jennifer Harris Jones filed a contest of the election challenging Lizarraga’s qualifications to be mayor.
case no. CV201100117
Jennifer Jones, former mayoral and council candidate, challenged the eligibility of Jose Lizarraga who won the mayoral recall election of Aug. 30th.
A hearing was held Sept. 22, 2011 in La Paz Superior Court. Lizarraga did not file an answer. Town of Quartzsite Attorney Martin Brannan filed an Application to Intervene on the issue of whether the relief requested by Jones could be granted. The relief requested by Jones was to reinstate Ed Foster as Mayor if Lizarraga did not qualify.
Jones first asked that a default be enetered against Lizarraga because he did not file an answer. The court denied the request, citing A.R.S. 16-675 (A) which requires that if the answer is not timely filed, the court shall proceed with the hearing of contest ex parte.
The court found that the Town as an interested party, but only on the issue of whether Foster could be reinstated as Mayor, and allowed the application to intervene on that issue only.
In her Statement of Contest, Jones challenged Lizarraga violated open meeting laws; that Lizarraga thwarted Mayor Fosters' investigation into wrong-doing by him and the council; that the town council, including Lizarraga, unlawfully changed the law to thwart Foster's investigation into conduct by the town council and Lizarraga; that the town council and Lizarraga engaged in various acts in violation of the law intended to impede investigation into Lizarraga's misconduct; that town council and Lizarraga participated in unlawful revocation of town businesses and vending permits; that Lizarraga was unlawfully sworn in as mayor at a special meeting on Sept. 6, 2011; that Lizarraga did not post the required bond prior to him assuming office.
In his ruling, Judge Burke explained Section 2-1-7 of the Town Code covering the posting of a bond by council members appears to all the town to "proceed under A.R.S. 9-302 (B) which allows an incorporated city or town to obtain and deliver to the city or town clerk a blanket bond conditioned on faithful performance of all such city's or town's officers."
Jones argued that if Lizarraga is not qualified to be mayor, then Foster should be reinstated as he received the second largest number of votes. The Court found that A.R.S 19-216 could not allow Foster to be reinstated as mayor, because is is not possible for an incumbent to be recalled and at the same time be retained in the office.
Quartzsite town Attorney, Marin Brannan, filed a memorandum on September 28th, citing various statutes and sections from the Quartzsite Town Code and Arizona Revised Statutes, presenting arguments on the issue of Mr. Lizarraga's qualifications as well as to the relief requested by Jennifer Jones. "The court finds that the pleading is improper given that the Town Attorney did not appear at the hearing to argue the Town's position, and waited until the day before this Court had to file its finding and judgment before filing it, thus not giving Ms. Jones the opportunity for rebuttal argument. Accordingly, this Court will not consider any of arguments presented in the memorandum and will not consider the proposed form of decision order."
In the case of Jennifer Jones vs. Jose Lizarraga, Judge Michael J. Burke ruled Sept. 29, 2011,
"... it is the judgment of the Court that Contestee Jose Lizarraga is qualified to hold the office of Mayor of the Town of Quartzsite if either he posted the required bond or if the town has a blanket bond that covers all its officers. If the required bond is not posted, then he is not qualified to hold the office of Mayor of the town of Quartzsite and the vacancy should be filled pursuant to A.R.S. 9-235 and 9-236" According to Town Manager, Alex Taft, "the blanket bond covers all elected officials, including Jose Lizarraga. "
"... it is the judgment of the Court that Contestee Jose Lizarraga is qualified to hold the office of Mayor of the Town of Quartzsite if either he posted the required bond or if the town has a blanket bond that covers all its officers.
If the required bond is not posted, then he is not qualified to hold the office of Mayor of the town of Quartzsite and the vacancy should be filled pursuant to A.R.S. 9-235 and 9-236"
According to Town Manager, Alex Taft, "we have a blanket bond that covers all elected officials, including Jose Lizarraga."
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
CRIT Native American Days and Pow Wow Sept. 26 - Oct. 2
Parker, Arizona; The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) is sponsoring the Native American Days Fair Expo, September 26th through October 2nd
with the theme, “Community, United by Choice.”
A Pow Wow is part of the event, held
September 30th to October 2nd.
Hand Drum Contest Sponsored by Jones/Humeumptewa Families
Host Northern Drum: Midnight Express
Host Southern Drum: Cozad
MC: Terry Fiddler
Arena Director: Darrell Goodwill
Host Gourd Dance Society: Comanche Little Ponies
Sept. 29Jr. Miss CRIT and Miss CRIT pageants, 8 p.m., Manataba Park stage.
Sept. 30
Livestock entries, at livestock arena.
Fun Run/Walk, 7 a.m., Four Corners
Opening Ceremonies, 12 noon, $3 admission
Native Visions Film Festival, Blue Water Cinemas, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Makaav Band, 2 p.m.
Community Barbecue, Irataba Hall, 4 p.m.
Traditional Baby/Tot/Pee-Wee contest, Irataba Hall stage, 4 p.m.
Tribal Dance Groups & Open Bird Dancing, powwow arena, 4 to 6:45 p.m.
Powwow Grand Entry, 7 p.m., Tiny Tots & Drum Contests at 11 p.m.
5th annual Cecelia Mariscal Softball Tourney, call Tim 928-916-1725
Oct. 1
Admission $3
10-Mile Run, 6 a.m., Mohave Village
Parade, 10 a.m., California Avenue
Shinny Tourney, 1 p.m., Little League field
5th annual Cecelia Mariscal Softball Tourney
Miss Outstanding Teen, 12 noon, stage
Horseshoe Tourney, 12 noon Memorial Park
Miss Jr. Western Pageant, 2:30 p.m., Manataba Park stage
Little Miss Dudette & Little Mr. Dude Contest, 2:30 p.m., Manataba Park stage
Miss Parker Pageants (4 categories) 3:30 p.m., Manataba Park stage
Gourd Dancing, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., powwow arena
Bird Dance Contest 4 to 7 p.m., powwow arena
Powwow Grand Entry, 7 p.m.
Peon Handgames, 9 p.m., at shed
Oct. 2
Pow Wow Grand Entry, 12 noon to 5:30 p.m.
There are four age categories and the top four winners will receive cash prizes:
Juniors, ages 6 to 12; Teens, ages 13 to 17; Adult, 18 to 54; and Golden Age, 55 and older.
Host Northern Drum is Midnight Express; and Host Southern Drum is Cozad. Arena Director is Darrell Goodman; and Host Gourd Dance Society is Comanche Little Ponies.
Colorado River Indian Tribes,
Parker az,
Pow wow
2 arrested for Chalking/tagging/criminal damage at Quartzsite Town Hall

Quartzsite Police Department issued a press release today about the "tagging" or "chalking" incident at Town Hall. The following is information from QPD:
"On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at approximately 7:30 a.m., employees of the Town of Quarzsite discovered that the Town Hall building had been “tagged” with hate-filled messages sometime during the night.
The tagging was discovered on the steps leading onto the surface of the courtyard entry into Town Hall, on seating benches outside Town Hall and the door to the Town library. Tagging was also discovered along the roadways in other areas of the Town of Quartzsite.
Tagging included messages such as “Death to the Council”, “Hang Gilbert”, “Hang Them All”, and featured the attempted drawing of a “Swastika,” a symbol of Nazi Germany embraced by white supremacy and other hate groups.
Video surveillance recordings at Town Hall showed two persons, Michael A. Roth, age 46, and Dana J. Stadler, age 58, both of Quartzsite, engaged in the tagging. Both individuals were later arrested the same day and each faces twelve counts of criminal damage, one count of criminal trespass, and one count of conspiracy. Both were booked into the La Paz County jail. Both men are reputed to be anti-Quartzsite government “activists” and have been outspoken about their ant-government views in the past.
The Quartzsite Police Department reminds residents that “tagging,” even done with chalk, violates Arizona’s criminal damage statute whether the tagging occurs on public or private property."
This appears to be an early "Chalk the Police" protest in Quartzsite. Ademo Freeman, of is planning a nationwide "Chalk the Police" this Saturday, Oct. 1st.
According to the website, "Chalk the Police is a nation wide campaign to raise public awareness about policing issues. Folks from all over the country will be heading out to their local police station(s) or parks (anywhere that’s public property) to advocate, in solidarity, police accountability. Activists are encouraged to carry signs, pass out informational fliers and write sidewalk messages to voice their messages of protest. Local and independent Media is encouraged to cover these peaceful events."
The Arizona Revised Statute ARS 13-1602 Section A 5) states:
"Drawing or inscribing a message, slogan, sign or symbol that is made on any public or private building, structure or surface, except the ground, and that is made without permission of the owner."
Depending on the amount of damage to property, Criminal damage is punishable as Misdemeanor Class 1, or 2 or as a Felony Class 4, 5 or 6.
There are thirteen photos from QPD on this incident. I'm just showing some here.
The photo below (the only one out of the 13 not at Town Hall) is on W. Main St.,
directly in front of La Casa del Sol RV Park, where Jennifer Jones works as a dog groomer.
Ruth Castillo, of KSWT in Yuma wrote a story on the incident at:
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