Quartzsite Town Council has 15 New business items to discuss Tuesday, Nov. 13th beginning at 9am, including a four-item Executive Session. On the agenda includes:
111312 — 01. Executive Session:
• An Executive Session for discussion or consultation for legal advice with special counsel
for the Town regarding the terms of an employment contract with Alexandra Taft as
Town Manager and liability issues pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3),
• An Executive Session for discussion or consultation with special counsel for the Town in
order to consider its position and instruct special counsel regarding the Town's position
regarding an employment contract with Alexandra Taft as Town Manager that is the
subject of contemplated litigation or settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid
litigation pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(4).
• An Executive Session for discussion or consideration of employment, assignment,
appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of Alex
Taft as Town Manager pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(AX I).
• Discussion regarding the Town Manager position.
111312 — 02, At the discretion of the Council, motion to terminate employment of Town
Manager Alexandra Taft pursuant to Town Code Section 3-2-113.
(not open for public discussion) Laura Bruno. Interim Town Manager
111312 — 03. Update on the waste water treatment plant expansion.
(not open for public discussion) Kevin Murphy, Atkins engineering
111312 — 04. Discussion and approval to collect monies owed to the Town by multiple parties by directing the Town Manager to take all actions necessary to collect monies owed to the Town, including commencing any necessary legal action, (not open for public discussion) Mark Orgeron, Council Member
111312 — 05. Discussion with Acting Town Attorney to provide Council with Clear
understanding of the Mayor's duties, responsibilities and role, and limits of his powers.
(not open for public Discussion) Norma Crooks, Council Member
111312-06. To adopt resolution 12-19 which resolves that the Council shall nominate and vote to select two council members to be identified to serve as primary-contact council representatives with the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool (AMRRP), and provides that the same two council members selected thereby a vote of the Council shall also serve as the primary contact council-representatives to the Director of the League of Arizona Cities and Towns (LEAGUE), and provides that one of the council persons thereby selected must also be specifically nominated in, by, and though the same motion to be further designated by the council to serve in the additional capacity as a council representative charged with the authority ad duty of seeking insurance/loss coverage quotes from alternative risk coverage providers and/or bonding providers as need be, and that the Common Council directs that the individual who serves in the day-to-day capacity as town manager shall provide ready access to any and all administrative Town resources, any or all Town information, and any and all aforementioned quotes, all of the foregoing being resolved pursuant to the policies and directives as set forth in the aforementioned Resolution. (not open for public discussion) Pat Workman, Council Member
111312-07 To adopt Resolution 12-29 which resolves to reinstate Town Manager Alexandra Taft to full Town Manager duties as of the start of the business day of Wednesday, November 14, 2012 whereby she shall serve at the pleasure of the Common Council of Quartzsite Arizona; and to terminate "without cause" the contract between the Town of Quartzsite and Interim Town Manager Laura Bruno in that Ms. Bruno's Services will be no longer needed after the end of this business day by the Town and/or Council and that Ms. Bruno shall be provided with immediate Thirty (30) day written notice of her termination, forthwith, to be signed by the Mayor and to contain notice that Ms. Bruno shall perform no further duties for or on behalf of the town after 5pm today to the Mayor Or his designee, which shall be a council member of the Town, (not open for public discussion) Pat Workman. Council Member
111312-08. The Council shall by a majority vale rescind the July 10, 2011 emergency suspension of the Call to Public on the council Agendas; and as the Council finds there is no longer any emergency basis for the suspension of Call to the Public, Call to the Public shall be restored under the present Council Procedure rule of the Council which allows for public comment under Council Procedure Policy Section V(1). (not open for public discussion) Put Workman, Council Member
111312-09. Discussion and possible action to direct the acting Town Attorney to draft: Modify Town Code 2-4-1 " Regular Meeting to read : "regular meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday at 7 pm."
(not open for public discussion) Ed Foster, Mayor
111312-10. Discussion and possible action to direct the acting Town Attorney to draft: Modify Town Code 2-4-6 order of business to insert "Call to the Public" after Reports and Announcements and before Consent Agenda. (not open for public discussion) Ed Foster, Mayor
111312-11. Discussion and possible action to direct the Acting Town Attorney to draft: Modify Town Code 34-8, Bidding for professional services, "shall not" with "shall".
(not open for public discussion) Ed Foster, Mayor
111312-12. Discussion and possible action to direct the Acting Town attorney to Draft: Repeal Ordnance I I-08 referring to Town Code 3-2-5 Town Attorney duties, and restore that section of the Code to its previous form.
(not open for public discussion) Ed Foster, Mayor
111312-13. Discussion and possible action regarding the Town Manager position.
(not open for public discussion) Ed Foster, Mayor
1113-14. Discussion and possible action the approval on change of ownership of license 407150013. Ownership is changing from La Vonne Edna Olson to her daughter, Barbara Helen Oys.
(open for public discussion) Beth Praast, Community Development
1113-15. Discussion and possible action the approval for Liquor License for Shay Oil, Company, lee. This is a new local location of the Chevron Convenience Store located at 41 North Riggles Road.
(open far public discussion) Beth Praast, Community Development
(copy and pasting may have caused some typographical errors above)