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Quartzsite, Arizona

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Bouse Pastor / Former Quartzsite Teacher arrested in sex sting

A Baptist Pastor from Bouse, Arizona was among several others arrested in a sex sting operation in Arizona, according to the Mesa Police Department.

Mesa Police detectives completed another operation targeting sexual predators trying to engage in sex acts with underage juveniles. Operation Home Schooled utilized undercover detectives posing as 13- and 14-year-old juveniles and traffickers chatting on commonly used internet sites where suspects seek out illegal sex acts. The suspects solicited and/or brokered deals for various sex acts with the minor and were arrested when they responded to the location where they were supposed to meet the minor for sex.
The suspects in the latest operation ranged in age from 23 to 66 years old, including Finkbeiner, age 66. Finkbeiner faces charges of Attempted Sexual Conduct with a Minor, a Class 3 Felony. Finkbeiner retired from Quartzsite Elementary School last year after teaching 7th & 8 graders in Quartzsite. He is also a minister of Bouse Baptist Church. 

UPDATE: Statement from Theodore Finkbeiner received Thursday afternoon: 

"As a point of clarification, this report does not report that the allegation was not substantiated, and no charge has been filed. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to report the full story, which is that the allegation has not been substantiated." Upon further questioning he responded, "I am innocent of the allegation. On adice [sic ] of counsel, I will add nothing to this statement."

Each year the Mesa Police Department conducts operations of this type in a continuous effort to remove these predators from our community. Suspects willing to solicit sex acts with children are some of the most dangerous criminals in our society. 

Theodore Finkbeiner, 66
Bouse, Arizona
Attempted Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Class 3 Felony

James M Lanta, 54
Gilbert, Arizona
Sex Trafficking, Class 2 Felony
Child Prostitution, Class 2 Felony

Kelly T Davis, 52
Mesa, Arizona
Attempted Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Class 3 Felony
Furnishing Harmful Items to a Minor, Class 4 Felony

Jason M Garcia, 50
Mesa, Arizona
Sex Trafficking, Class 2 Felony
Child Prostitution, Class 2 Felony

Anthony Kueneman, 41
Gilbert, Arizona
Sex Trafficking, Class 2 Felony
Child Prostitution, Class 2 Felony
Failure to Have Sex Offender ID, Class 6 Felony

Faisal El Samaryi, 41
Mesa, Rziona
Sex Trafficking, Class 2 Felony
Child Prostitution, Class 2 Felony

Cam R. Chambers, 39
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sex Trafficking, Class 2 Felony
Child Prostitution, Class 2 Felony

Kyle J. Pierce, 26
Mesa, Arizona
Attempted Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Class 3 Felony
Luring a Minor for Sex, Class 3 Felony

Logan Duran, 23
Gilbert, Arizona
Attempted Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Class 3 Felony
Furnishing Harmful Items to a Minor, Class 4 Felony

Timothy W. Eastman, 45
Avondale, Arizona
Child Prostitution, Class 2 Felony
Attempted Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Class 3 Felony

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Unofficial Results from Nov. 8th election Quartzsite, AZ

Unofficial Results for La Paz County election November 8, 2016
Results do not include Provisional Ballots or Late Earlies
Quartzsite Mayor: Norm Simpson leads Dr. Christina Anastasia 63.60% to 36.40%.
Quartzsite Fire Board:  With 3 seats open the winners are Dave Bear Collier with 533 votes-29.93%; Dennis Dole with 480 votes- 26.95%; Johnny Delpino with 449 votes-25.21%. Hall Davidson had 309 votes-17.35%
La Paz County: 
District 1 Supervisor: DL Wilson leads Missi Gilbert 54%-46%.
District 2 Supervisor: Duce Minor leads Luke Marler 68%-32%.
District 3 Supervisor: Holly Irwin leads Gary Zak 65%-35%.
County Sheriff: Bill Risen leads Frank Vidrine 64%-35%.
County Attorney: Tony Rogers leads Kathy Field 53%-47%.
School Superintendent: Jacque Price leads Armando Heredia 58%-43%.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Unofficial Primary election results Aug. 30, 2016

Unofficial Results of tonight's election are in! 

Quartzsite, AZ The results do not include an estimated 600 Provisional Ballots and Late Early Ballots which will take a few days to count. Tomorrow may show an update to these numbers and the final results should be completed Thursday.

In the Quartzsite mayoral race, former Vice Mayor Norm Simpson is in the lead with 144 votes, followed by Dr. Christina Anastasia with 70 votes. Robert "Gunny" St. Germain has 68 votes, with incumbent Mayor Ed Foster bringing up the rear with 67 votes. The top 2 will go forward to the November General Election.

In the Quartzsite Town Council race, Starr BearCat is in the lead with 157 votes, followed by Jerald Kinkade with 150 votes. Deanna Sheehan has 136 votes, followed by Monica Timberlake with 125 votes. We'll know more on Thursday if candidates move on to General Election in November.

At the county level:

SUPERVISOR District 2 which includes Quartzsite north: 
Republican race: Duce Minor taking the lead with 299 votes, followed by George Nault with 173 votes. Charlie Philpot has 166 votes, Danny Dickinson has 64 votes and Jay Clagg has 41 votes.

Republican race for SHERIFF:
Bill Risen with 769 votes over incumbent John Drum with 618. William Smith has 132 votes.

Republican race for COUNTY ASSESSOR:
Challenger Anna Camacho has a lead with 803 votes. Incumbent Sharon Schuler has 684. With no Democrat running in November an a huge lead, it appears Camacho will be the winner.

For other races, see below.... 

Monday, August 15, 2016

AZ Candidate Jennifer Jones loses final federal civil rights case

On August 3rd, 2016  the Honorable Diane J. Humetewa of United States District for the District of Arizona, dismissed with prejudice in regards to Mrs. Jennifer Jones' civil rights lawsuit against the Town of Quartzsite. Judge Humetewa dismissed without prejudice the case brought by Mr. John L. Jones. 

Jones is a candidate for Arizona House of Representatives Legislative District 5, covering La Paz & Mohave Counties. This was the final (Jones III) of 5 cases filed by Jones since 2012. All previous cases have been dismissed.
Jones v. Quartzsite, CV-12-01383-PHX-JAT (“Jones I”);
Jones v. Quartzsite, CV-12-02629-PHX-LOA (“Jones II”);
Jones v. Quartzsite, CV-13-01770-PHX-DJH (“Jones III”);
Jones v. Quartzsite, CV-13-02170-PHX-DJH (“Jones IV”); and
Jones v. Parker, CV-14-01907-PHX-SPL (“Jones V”).

No. CV-13-01770-PHX-DJH.

The court ruled in the 27-page "unpublished" (In the context of federal appellate opinions, the term “unpublished” is synonymous with “non-precedential") document:

"Ms. Jones is no stranger to federal court litigation, as this Court has previously observed. Invoking 42 U.S.C. § 1983, this is one of five federal lawsuits Ms. Jones has filed against the Town and various of its officials since 2012 alone. This is the only lawsuit in which Mr. Jones also is named as a Plaintiff,2 and it is also the only one which is still pending in this District. Each of her other cases has been dismissed with prejudice."

Jennifer Jones on her "Campaign Scooter" Copyright Desert Messenger 2014 All rights reserved.
On October 24, 2013, while Jones II was still pending, Mr. Rhodes, on Plaintiff’s
behalf, commenced the present action. This complaint, too, is a cut and paste version of
the Jones I and Jones II complaints. This is an unusual twist in that it appears that attorney Rhodes was cutting and pasting from complaints which were signed and supposedly drafted by a pro se plaintiff.

The Honorable Neil V. Wake, to whom Jones IV was previously assigned, issued a similar order discharging Mr. Rhodes from representing Ms. Jones and notifying “the Montana State Bar Association regarding Mr. Rhodes’ failure to respond to court orders.” 

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED GRANTING Defendants’ Renewed Motion to Dismiss (Doc. 37) with prejudice as to Plaintiff Jennifer Marie Jones.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED GRANTING Defendants’ Renewed Motion to Dismiss (Doc. 37) without prejudice as to Plaintiff John Lavern Jones.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Imperial Fire update 7-31-16

Imperial Fire Information For Release: July 31, 2016
Contact: Nate Caswell, Refuge Manager – 928-783-3371

FIRE NAME: Imperial Fire 

LOCATION: The fire is located on the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge on the California side of the river between Ferguson Lake and the old gauging station across from the Eureka Mine area.

TIME REPORTED: July 30, 2016 at 8 a.m.

ACRES BURNED: The total perimeter of the fire is currently under 100 acres.

RESOURCES: There are currently six engines, one Type II hand crew and one Type I hand crew, three fire boats, one law enforcement boat, one helicopter, and overhead personnel totaling approximately 100 people.

AGENCIES: Agencies involved with suppression of the fire include U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Yuma Wildland Fire crew, and several state and local agencies

LAND STATUS: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

VEGETATION: Primarily salt cedar and phragmites

WEATHER: High temperature today is expected to be between 101 and 105 degrees with humidity between 26 to 31%. Winds are from the South at about 8 to 17 mph and are expected to calm this evening and remain from the south. Winds could become gusty in the afternoon if thunderstorms form.

RESOURCES AND STRUCTURES THREATENED: There are no structures threatened. Fire engines have been placed at strategic locations on the Arizona side of the river in case of any spot fires in locations reachable by road.

CONTAINMENT: Currently at 5% CAUSE: This fire was caused by lightning.


CURRENT STATUS: The Imperial Fire is slowly burning downstream on the California side of the Colorado River and is only accessible by boat. The western side of the fire is desert upland habitat.
Firefighters conducted a burnout operation and stopped the fire’s upriver movement on Saturday. There was one small spot fire on the Arizona side of the river Saturday that was extinguished. Smoke and flame will continue as vegetation continues to burn toward the south. Fire boats are on the river.
A fire line has been prepared at a narrow area near Ferguson Lake.

The Meers Point Recreation Area is closed to public use to accommodate firefighting equipment. The river remains open but river users are asked to use extreme caution in the area.

Firefighter and public safety continues to be the top priority.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Seeking Comments for/against Wenden School Dist. override


La Paz County School Superintendent, Jacquline Price, hereby makes a public notice of the opportunity to submit supporting or opposing arguments that may be included in the Wenden Elementary School District Information Pamphlet for the November 8, 2016 special election.

Wenden Elementary School District No. 19 of La Paz County, Arizona (the "District"), will hold a
special 15% maintenance and operation budget override election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The total 15% budget override amount for the first year of the proposed override is estimated to be $98,998 and would be funded in that year by an estimated $0.68 tax rate per $100 of net assessed valuation used for secondary property tax purposes. The La Paz County School Superintendent will prepare an informational pamphlet that will be mailed to households containing one or more registered electors within the District. Any persons wishing to submit an argument "for" or "against" the proposed 15% budget override (not to exceed 200 words) may do so by mail or hand delivery of the argument to the La Paz County School Superintendent's office, 1112 Joshua Avenue, Suite 205, Parker, AZ 85344; telephone: (928) 669-6183.

To be included in the informational pamphlet, such argument must be received in the office of the La Paz County School Superintendent on or before 5:00 p.m., August 8, 2016. 

Such argument must be signed and include the name of the District, the author's name, the name of any person or entity submitting an argument, address and telephone number. The person or entity and author's name will be printed in the informational pamphlet. The last day to register to vote in order to be eligible to vote in this election is Monday, October 10, 2016. 

For more information concerning the election, please contact the 
Wenden Elementary School District No. 19, 
71001 Santa Fe Avenue, Wenden, AZ 85357, 
Telephone: (928) 859-3806. 

Gloria Dean, District Superintendent 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quartzsite Shows and Calendar of Events 2017

Come join the fun as Quartzsite celebrates its 150th! Check out the list of Shows, events, swap meets, craft fairs, ATV rallies, Off Road Swap meet, Entertainment and more! It's going to be Rockin' in Quartzsite for 2017! We look forward to seeing you soon!


October 1, 2016 -March 31, 2017 
Tyson Wells Market Center Swap Meet

October 31, 2016 - March 1, 2017
Quartzsite Market Place Street Fair

November 1, 2016 - April 1, 2017
Rice Ranch “Yawl Come” Show

November 2016 - April, 2017
Grease Wood Swap Meet

December thru Mid-March, 2017
Prospectors Panorama

1st Sunday Deember thru March
Off-Road Swap Meet - QIA 9 am - 1 pm

January 1 - February 28, 2017
Desert Gardens Int’l Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show

January 6 - January 15, 2017
Tyson Wells Rock & Gem Show

January 18 - 22, 2017
51st Annual QIA Pow Wow Gem & Mineral Show

January 20 - 29, 2017
Tyson Wells Sell-A-Rama

January 21 - 29, 2017
Quartzsite Sports, Vacation & RV Show (The Big Tent)

Febrary 3 - 12, 2017
Tyson Wells Art & Craft Show

February 10 - 12, 2017
Gold, Treasure & Craft Show - QIA 9 am - 5 pm

Quartzsite Annual EVENTS

October 31, 2016
Annual Halloween Party, Haunted House - Community Center

Wednesdays, December - March 2016
Farmer’s Market Desert Gardens Swap Meet 8 am - 1 pm

November 11, 2016
Veterans Day Ceremony VFW

November 11, 2016
Gunny’s Museum Annual Veteran’s Day BBQ

November 15, 2016
Spaghetti Fundraiser for Celia’s Rainbow Gardens - QIA 5 pm

November 20, 2017
Chili & Cornbread Fundraiser - Friends of the Quartzsite Food Bank
Tyson Wells Showground Building

November 26, 2016
Shop Small Saturday - Quartzsite Chamber & Tourism 1240 W. Main

November 26 - 27, 2016
Santa’s Workshop Arts & Crafts Show - 9 am - 5 pm
Tyson Wells Showgrounds

December 3, 2016
VFW Fraser Chik Nik Fundraiser & Rally 10 am - 4pm 

December 10, 2016
Operation Hero Comfort Silent Auction - 1 pm - 4 pm - QIA
Soup & Chowder Festival - 3 pm - 5 pm - QIA
Christmas Light Parade - Main St. 7 pm

January thru February 2017
Author’s Fair Readers Oasis

January 13 - 14, 2017
Quartzsite Art Guild Art Show - Senior Center 9 am - 5 pm

January 14, 2017
Annual Hi Jolly Daze Parade - Town Park

January 14, 2017
New Christy Minstrels - QIA 2 pm & 7 pm

January 15, 2017
Paul Winer Show - Senior Center 2 pm & 7pm

February 2, 2017
Paul Winer Show - QIA- 2 pm & 7pm

January 22 - 28, 2017
QuartzFest Amateur Ham Radio Convention

February 3 - 4, 2017
Quartzsite Quilt Show 9 am - 4 pm

February 4, 2014
VFW Ground Hog Rally

February 10, 2017
Desert Flyers RC Fun Fly - Town Park

February 10 - 12, 2017
Gold, Treasure & Craft Show - QIA 9 am - 5 pm

February 18, 2017
Quartzsite Masters Tough Golf Tournament VFW

February 24 - 25, 2017
Southwestern Art Show Roundup

March 3 - 4, 2017
The GRAND Gathering - QIA

CRAFT FAIRS - November thru March

1st Saturday at QIA 9 am - 1 pm
3rd Friday at Senior Center 9 am - 1 pm

For the latest updates visit

Quartzsite Calendar of Events:

Quartzsite Events Calendar
 March 2025
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jennifer Jones' Signatures challenged in LD5 race

Jennifer Jones' campaign scooter,
Quartzsite, AZ  - Copyright Desert Messenger 2014

Quartzsite, AZ 

UPDATE: Jennifer Jones posted on her Facebook page: 

June 21, 2016 "Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Randall Warner found in favor of Legislative District 5 Republican candidate for the Arizona House of Representatives Jennifer Jones. The nominating petition signature challenge was filed by a rival candidate and political newcomer Paul Mosley. Both parties represented themselves in court.
"Mosley had asked the Court to disqualify numerous signatures on Jones' nominating petitions for a variety of reasons, attempting to render her ineligible. After the signatures in question were checked by the Recorders Offices in La Paz and Mohave Counties, the official certified reports had determined that Jones had 43 signatures more than the minimum required.
"Mosley refused to accept the finding of fact and declined the judges offer to drop the case, which then proceeded immediately to trial. He argued that signatures should be disqualified for technical deficiencies such as using a zip code instead of writing the city, or using a post office box address. Jones countered with the applicable election statute and a 2004 Arizona Supreme Court ruling which held that purely technical departures from the form of the nominating petitions will not outweigh the voter's right to select a nominee. After a short recess Judge Warner ruled that Jones had submitted more than enough valid signatures to be on the August 30th primary election ballot and dismissed Mosley's claim.
"On her way out of the courtroom, Jones told Mosley, “I don't know if your mother ever spanked you Paul, but I just did.”


On June 15, 2016, Stephen Paul Mosley of Lake Havasu City filed formal legal action against Mrs. Jennifer Jones, a Republican candidate for Arizona Legislative District 5 (LD5). Mosley contends that Jones, of Quartzsite, failed to meet candidacy requirements. LD5 covers all of La Paz County and most of Mohave County. 
In order for a signature to count, a person who signs a petition must be a qualified elector, live in the district of the office the candidate is running for and must belong to the same political party as the candidate. Since there are only two seats open for LD5, a person is allowed to sign only two petitions.
Jones' notified her supporters on her campaign Facebook page today with the following statement:
Mosley's 22 page complaint can be read in its entirety at:

According to Mosley's complaint, "Jones submitted 64 petition sheets with 599 signatures. However all of the signatures on petitions 4 and 47 are invalid because Jones failed to complete the affidavits on the backs of the petitions as required by statute."

Mosley alleges in his complaint; "Furthermore, out of the 599 signatures that Jones submitted, 204 are invalid because the signer was not legally eligible to sign the petition sheet, the signer's name is illegible, or the signer failed to provide the information required by statute. 483 signatures are required to be submitted for an individual to have his or her name printed on the primary election ballot on August 30."

Mosley alleges that after removing alleged invalid signatures, Jones only has 395 valid signatures, short of the 483 required to have one's name printed on the ballot.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Randall H. Warner has scheduled the complaint for expedited hearing at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday,  June 21. 

"Apparently my opponents do not believe they can beat me in a fair election. The Mormon stock trader from Lake Havasu City, Paul Mosley, has filed a court challenge to my nominating signatures. The county recorders from Mohave and La Paz will be preparing a report on the signatures he challenged but over a hundred will have to be invalidated to remove me from the ballot. Unfortunately for my opponents, I am a seasoned pro se litigant so Mosley will need to hire an attorney but I will not."

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Quartzsite Desert Messenger political advertising policies

It's political season again in Quartzsite. As a courtesy to political candidates, Desert Messenger is posting the requirements for advertising published by Arizona Newspaper Association and Arizona Revised Statutes regulating advertising for candidates.   It is the candidate's responsibility to know the law. 

Political advertising, advertising on public policy questions and controversial issues will be prepaid. These ads must contain “Paid for by...” the name and contact of person(s) or organization(s) responsible for the advertisement.

Any advertisement by a candidate or political committee that advocates the election or defeat of any candidate or solicits contributions to a political committee shall state that it was paid for by the candidate or the candidate’s campaign committee, if that statement is accurate, or shall state the name of the political committee that paid for the advertisement, identify the chairman of the political committee and provide a telephone number for that individual.

If the literature or advertisement is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s campaign, the advertisement shall so state. If the advertisement is an independent expenditure (i.e., an expenditure by a person or political committee, other than a candidate’s campaign committee, that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, that is made without cooperation or consultation or at the request or suggestion of any candidate or committee or agent of the candidate) by a political committee, the advertisement shall also state the names and telephone numbers of the three political committees making the largest contributions to the political committee that paid for the advertisement. If an acronym is used to identify any political committee, the name of any sponsoring organization of the political committee must also be identified.

The required disclosures must be printed clearly and legibly in a conspicuous manner in the advertisement. In printed advertisements, the disclosure must appear in a font that is at least 3/32 inches tall in a dark type on a light background surrounded by a dark box.

§ 16-901(14), (19). Definitions
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

14. “Independent expenditure” means an expenditure by a person or political committee, other than a candidate’s campaign committee, that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, that is made without cooperation or consultation with any candidate or committee or agent of the candidate and that is not made in concert with or at the request or suggestion of a candidate, or any committee or agent of the candidate. Independent expenditure includes an expenditure that is subject to the requirements of section 16-917 which requires a copy of campaign literature or advertisement to be sent to a candidate named or otherwise referred to in the literature or advertisement. An expenditure is not an independent expenditure if any of the following applies:
   (a) Any officer, member, employee or agent of the political committee making the expenditure is also an officer, member, employee or agent of the committee of the candidate whose election or whose opponent’s defeat is being advocated by the expenditure or an agent of the candidate whose election or whose opponent’s defeat is being advocated by the expenditure.
   (b) There is any arrangement, coordination or direction with respect to the expenditure between the candidate or the candidate’s agent and the person making the expenditure, including any officer, director, employee or agent of that person.
   (c) In the same election the person making the expenditure, including any officer, director, employee or agent of that person, is or has been:
          (i) Authorized to raise or expend monies on behalf of the candidate or the candidate’s authorized committees.
          (ii) Receiving any form of compensation or reimbursement from the candidate, the candidate’s committees or the candidate’s agent.
   (d) The expenditure is based on information about the candidate’s plans, projects or needs, or those of his campaign committee, provided to the expending person by the candidate or by the candidate’s agents or any officer, member or employee of the candidate’s campaign committee with a view toward having the expenditure made.

19. “Political committee” means a candidate or any association or combination of persons that is organized, conducted or combined for the purpose of influencing the result of any election or to determine whether an individual will become a candidate for election in this state or in any county, city, town, district or precinct in this state, that engages in political activity in behalf of or against a candidate for election or retention or in support of or opposition to an initiative, referendum or recall or any other measure or proposition and that applies for a serial number and circulates petitions and,
in the case of a candidate for public office except those exempt pursuant to section 16-903, that receives contributions or makes expenditures in connection therewith, notwithstanding that the association or combination of persons may be part of a larger association, combination of persons or sponsoring organization not primarily organized, conducted or combined for the purpose of influencing the result of any election in this state or in any county, city, town or precinct in this state.

§ 16-912(A)-(E). Candidates and independent expenditures; campaign literature and
advertisement sponsors; identification; civil penalty

A. A political committee that makes an expenditure for campaign literature or advertisements that expressly advocate the election or defeat of any candidate or that make any solicitation of contributions to any political committee shall be registered pursuant to this chapter at the time of distribution, placement or solicitation and shall include on the literature or advertisement the words “paid for by” followed by the name of the committee that appears on its statement of organization or five hundred dollar exemption statement.

B. If the expenditure for the campaign literature or advertisements by a political committee is an independent expenditure, the political committee, in addition to the disclosures required by subsection A of this section, shall include on the literature or advertisement the names and telephone numbers of the three political committees making the largest contributions to the political committee making the independent expenditure. If an acronym is used to name any political committee outlined in this section, the name of any sponsoring organization of the political committee shall also be printed or spoken. For purposes of determining the three contributors to be disclosed, the contributions of each political committee making the independent expenditure during the one year period before the election being affected are aggregated.

C. Subsection A of this section does not apply to bumper stickers, pins, buttons, pens and similar small items on which the statements required in subsection A of this section cannot be conveniently printed or to signs paid for by a candidate with campaign monies or by a candidate’s campaign committee or to a solicitation of contributions by a separate segregated fund from those persons it may solicit pursuant to §§ 16-920 and 16-921.

D. The disclosures required pursuant to this section shall be printed clearly and legibly in a conspicuous manner or, if the advertisement is broadcast on a telecommunications system, the disclosure shall be spoken. For printed material that is delivered or provided by hand or by mail, the disclosure shall be printed in a font that is at least 3/32 inches tall in dark type on light background surrounded by a dark box. For communications that are broadcast on a telecommunications system or other medium that can provide a viewable disclosure and a spoken disclosure, the disclosure may be made in printed format only and a spoken disclosure is not required.

E. A person who violates this section is subject to a civil penalty of up to three times the cost of producing and distributing the literature or advertisement. This civil penalty shall be imposed as prescribed in § 16-924.

For all your Quartzsite Advertising needs, contact 
Shanana "Rain" BearCat, Publisher of Desert Messenger, 
Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper 
at 928-916-4235. 


Rate Card is available at

Friday, June 3, 2016

Supervisors seek comments re: proposed 114 mile transmission line near Quartzsite


114 Mile Transmission Line near Vicksburg/Quartzsite/Ehrenberg

The La Paz County Board of Supervisors requests immediate input from the public, local environmental organizations, tourism/recreation focused businesses and other stakeholders to comment on ways that La Paz County can better benefit from the multitude of federal actions that continue to deteriorate the County’s limited tax base. Projects under federal ownership have a history of contributing little towards the County’s financial vitality yet they still require services paid for by taxpayers including fire, police and other social services. The Board of Supervisors seeks local support in demanding additional revenue streams from all governmental or commercial entities benefiting financially from the County’s finite resources to ensure that such projects are fairly contributing to a sustainable environmental or economic future for La Paz County.

The Board of Supervisors seek constituent written or emailed comments prior to the BLM hosted community meeting on June 14 in Quartzsite to discuss social and economic impacts specifically related to the Ten West Link, a large transmission line that has been proposed by a California regulatory entity to bisect one hundred miles through the center of La Paz County to connect a substation in Maricopa County with one outside of Blythe CA.  The $300 million proposed transmission line comes shortly after the BLM proposed a Solar Entitlement Zone (SEZ) that designates thousands of federal acres east of Brenda to host a solar project for the federal governments’ benefit --- property identified to support future residential growth.  In addition, the US military has requested several hundred acres be added to the Yuma Proving Grounds. And without any communication with local stakeholders, the Bill Williams River area was recently removed by the federal government from the tax base with current efforts to isolate the area from recreational use.

La Paz County Board of Supervisors is requesting cooperation from the State of Arizona’s congressional delegation as well as State legislators to assist the County in enacting legislation whereby BLM would deed some of the 70% plus land owned by the Federal Government for local ownership to support economic development.  In return, La Paz County could lease some of the property and participate in the revenue generated from renewable energy projects instead of receiving little to nothing for the resulting negative impacts created.  A location where this approach has worked has been in the City of Boulder in Nevada that expects to receive more than $600 million in local revenues from over several solar projects’ expected lifetimes for leases on property deeded to them by the BLM.

Proponents of proposed renewable energy projects within La Paz County tout jobs and multiplier effects from services purchased locally. But research has shown that most of the construction jobs with these projects are temporary with unionized workers being bused in from California.  Full time jobs are few. Cheap energy is delivered to California but not available locally.  Taxes are collected on expensive services and equipment but typically at California Ports outside of our jurisdiction.  While only minimal amounts of goods and services are purchased locally in the form of hotels or products. The negative impacts from these massive projects will forever change our desert aesthetics with impacts potentially including noise, safety concerns, possible health impacts and changes to allowed recreational use which may lead to the removal of land for residential, commercial or industrial development.

It is time for the federal government to recognize the incremental negative impacts to our financial sustainability and instill fairness in dealing with La Paz County’s ample natural resources and geographic placement.  Please email your Supervisor or mail your comments about Ten West Link to:
District 1         Supervisor D. L. Wilson -
District 2         King E. Clapperton -
District 3         Holly Irwin -

La Paz County Board of Supervisors
1108 Joshua Street
Parker, AZ 85344


Plan to attend the meeting in 

Quartzsite on June 14 at 12:30-5:00 at Senior Center 

 40 S. Moon Mountain Ave., Quartzsite

RSVP to: Joe Incardine, at (801) 560-7135 or

If you are unable to attend, please send comments to:
Ten West Link Project, c/o Joe Incardine,
BLM Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue Ste. 800
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Jennifer Jones Loses Appeal & is NOT Affiliated w/Desert Messenger
This blog has been inactive recently, but I've noticed there's been hundreds of views over the past few weeks. (...not sure why, but it could be the political season..see below) I just want to remind folks you can get updates on Quartzsite news, events, and entertainment on our Facebook page:

Recently, I've been receiving multiple calls asking if Jennifer "Jade" Jones works with, or for, me. And then just today,  a stranger told me, "Jade really does a great job with the Messenger." After introducing myself, he seemed a bit confused saying, "Well, she said she submitted articles or something." I explained that she publishes her own paper-- sometimes. He still seemed confused saying, "But she helped sign me up to get the Messenger on my phone." My response was simply, "That's nice." 

I want to make it perfectly clear, AGAIN, that 
Mrs. Jennifer Jones is NOT affiliated with Desert Messenger.  

Jones is a candidate for Arizona House of Representatives Legislative District 5, covering La Paz & Mohave Counties. In the past Jones identified herself as an experienced dog groomer, but now she simply identifies herself as a publisher of the Desert Freedom Press. Jones published only 3 editions of her tabloid in all of 2015 and just one edition in 2016 to date. 

In 2014, Jones filed a civil rights lawsuit against me (and Towns of Parker & Quartzsite) in U.S. District Court for Arizona Under Section 1983 for posting an official government Press Release focusing on her alleged actions. To prevail in a claim under section 1983, the plaintiff must prove two critical points: a person subjected the plaintiff to conduct that occurred under color of state law, and this conduct deprived the plaintiff of rights, privileges, or immunities guaranteed under federal law or the U.S. Constitution.

The case was DISMISSED in the 
United States District Court of Arizona-Phoenix 
but Jones filed an appeal in 
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. 

On April 4, 2016, the US Court of Appeals AFFIRMED the District Court's judgement.

 The short ruling reads:

"A review of the record and the responses to the court’s November 17, 2015 order to show cause indicates that the questions raised in this appeal are so insubstantial as not to require further argument. See United States v. Hooton, 693 F.2d 857, 858 (9th Cir. 1982) (per curiam) (stating standard).
Accordingly, we summarily affirm the district court’s judgment. AFFIRMED"
The appeal went before Circuit Judges CANBY, LEAVY, and IKUTA.
(Affirmed – In the practice of the court of appeals, it means that the court of appeals has concluded that the lower court decision is correct and will stand as rendered by the lower court.)

Original Case: D.C. No. 2:14-CV-01907-SPL

U.S. District Court for Arizona, Phoenix
On May 29, 2015 Honorable Steven P. Logan, United States District Judge 
dismissed the case in its entirety with prejudice.

Here are some excerpts from Judge Logan's judgement: 
"3. Defendant Shanana Rain Golden-Bear
Lastly, Plaintiff names Golden-Bear as a defendant, the publisher of a free newspaper, “Desert Messenger,” a rival to Plaintiff’s free newspaper, “The Desert Freedom Press.” (Docs. 1 at 9; 35 at 1.) Plaintiff alleges that Golden-Bear violated her civil rights when she printed a press release issued by the Town of Quartzsite, which Plaintiff describes as “libelous and defamatory.” (Doc. 1 at 9.) This claim equally fails.

"Plaintiff does not bring a cause of action for libel or defamation; she brings a §1983 action. To survive a motion to dismiss under §1983, Plaintiff must show that: (1) a constitutional violation occurred; and (2) that deprivation was committed by a person acting under color of state law.” West v. Atkins, 487 U.S. 42, 48 (1988) (citation omitted).

"A person acts under color of state law when the person has “exercised power possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of state law.” Id. at 49 (citation omitted).

"Here, Plaintiff does not allege that Golden-Bear is employed by the Town of Quartzsite, [however in her appeal she indeed did falsely claim that I was an employee of the Town] nor does she allege that Golden-Bear is an elected official for Quartzsite. Furthermore, even if assumed true, the publishing of a press release is not “made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of state law.” Id. Golden-Bear did not publish the press release under the color of state law and is not liable under a §1983 claim."

"DISMISSED in its entirety with prejudice."

Jones' only option now is to appeal to the United States Supreme Court. 

I've posted the court documents so readers can see for themselves her claims made to the Federal Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals. The PDF's are located at

I really appreciate all of your support during this long process! 

Shanana Rain BearCat (AKA Golden-Bear)
Desert Messenger - Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper - Now in our 12th Year!
PO Box 1385, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 


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