As we enter the new year, and the old year fades behind us, I encourage everyone to embrace the peace of the season. This past year has brought many shades of sadness and challenges, but together we can move forward in the hopes of a better future for our community and beyond.

It's natural for us to look back upon the previous year, along with all our successes and learning experiences. When I reflect upon our community, I see that our volunteers are the heart of Quartzsite. Without Volunteers, our community would not be the beautiful place I call home. For a small town, the incredible amount of participation from volunteers is totally amazing! No where else can you see the level of volunteerism as in Quartzsite, Arizona!
Some of the places you'll find Volunteers in Quartzsite are:

Volunteers do their work quietly, because they love serving their community. Of course, in every community there are those who love to complain, but do not participate in the joy of giving. Volunteers experience incredible gifts when they share freely of themselves.
I've heard it said, "there's just something special about Quartzsite..." Well, it's obviously the people. That's what makes Quartzsite so special. Our hundreds of volunteers who share their wisdom, strengths, and knowledge with others, encouraging each other along the way.
So as we welcome in a new year, let us remember to be kind to each other and thank the volunteers for their service to Quartzsite. Those of us who live full time in Quartzsite experience the blessings of our volunteers. Those visiting Quartzsite may marvel at how the heck can this little town handle the influx of millions of visitors. It's the volunteers... our amazing people!
I am so grateful to be living in a community where people smile at one another walking down the street, and strangers wave as I'm driving by. It's the simple things that make a difference!
I am so grateful for all of you!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year full of gratitude!
Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear
Publisher/Editor Desert Messenger