For current Quartzsite events and updates be sure to visit
Desert Messenger Facebook Page.
Desert Messenger Facebook Page.
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Comments are welcome on Facebook.
CLICK HERE to visit Desert Messenger Facebook Page
Be sure to play nice and follow the guidelines listed under "Info"
on the Desert Messenger Page.
NO swearing, name calling, intimidation, etc.
Cyberbullying and Harrassment will not be tolerated.
Exercise your free speech, however, those with hidden Facebook IDs are not allowed to post.
If you want to speak, please take ownership of your words,
as in the days of the founders of the U.S. Constitution,
when people actually spoke face to face.
I encourage you to be an example for our children
who are learning the
who are learning the
Six Pillars of Character:
"Before you start pointing fingers...make sure your hands are clean" - Bob Marley