September marks the beginning of the year for the Desert Messenger. The snowbirds are already returning and the BLM Long Term Visitor Areas will be opening Sept. 15th. Vendors will soon be returning also, along with local seasonal businesses.
Look for changes at Janet's Kitchen, which has been closed after Janet retired. Plans on reopening in sometime in October. La Casa del Rancho plans to open on Oct. 11th. Mountain Quail Cafe, Best Mexican, Taco Mio, & Grubsteak have been open all summer. Hi Jolly Internet Cafe has been serving up customers all summer, too, along with fast food restaurants.
There's lots of change happening at the west end of town on W. Main Street. Daniel's Jerky is moving across the street and the remodelling of the building is moving along fast. The southwest adobe style exterior will be a beautiful addition to Quartzsite. Gem World is moving just west of American Custom Tire and will have lots more space for his selection of beads and exotic gifts. Addicted to Deals' Dollar Store will move into the Gem World's previous location where there will be more room for dollar deals!
October 2nd is the Quartzsite Country Bash featuring Harry Luge and his band. This family event will be full of lots to do for children and parents. Get your tickets soon online at
Rockin' in Quartzsite returns with bigger and better plans for the public art event. Artists wanted! Sponsors wanted! Watch for details in the upcoming issue of the Desert Messenger.
It's going to be a great season for Quartzsite, The Rock Capital of the World!